Show Bl lEATHE NOSE geol go C catlin the famous painter and anve investigator s of the habata and customs of indian ti acs lias has recently published a pamphlet entitled the breath of life in which lie he undertakes to demonstrate on that the common practice of breathing ID through the mouth is very detrimental to health he says that it is not a natural habit for when god created man mail he breathed the breath of life into mans nostrils and why should lie he not continue to live by breathing it in the same manner the mouth 0 was made for the reception and mastication ti of food for the stomach and other purposes but the nostrils with their delicate and fibrous lin linings ins in s for purifying and warming the air in its ita passages have been mysteriously constructed ted and designed 0 to stand pard guard Z over the lun luns lungs 0 s to measure the air air and equalize it its draft during the hours of repose tho the atmosphere is nowhere pure enough 0 for mans inana breathing until it has passed this mysterious refining pio plo cess and therefore the import importance anco and danger of admitting it in an unnatural way in double quantities upon upion the lungs and charged cli arged with the sur rounding 0 epidemic or contagious 0 infections of the moment the impara ties of the air which aie abc arrested by the intricate organization and mucus in the nose are tin thi own out again 0 from its interior barriens barri barr icis eis by the returning returning birath the air which enters the lungs lung 8 is as different from that which enters the nostrils Is as distilled water is different aiom the water in in an ordinary cis cay tein tei n or frog pond lie he argues that the habit of sleeping with open mouth is particularly hurtful points out a number of diseases which cliare are traceable to this cause and among the rest a scribes ascribes the caily decay of the alie teeth to it ric moravian |