Show BY PACIFIC TELEGRAPH sr SPECIAL EcIAL TO THE DAILY LITTLE lirrie ROCK ark am dates to alic irth the legislature met on tile and the senate organized thirteen representatives bad arrived the number of votes cast for the free state constitution was six thousand seven hundred and seventy seven 0 greater reater than inquired by tile the presidents proclamation NEW YORK april the total shipments of gold to ell rope today to day were one million eglit 0 hundred and seventy five thousand dollars washington april in the house washburne from tile committee col on commerce reported a bill which passed superseding the inspectors spec tors at new orleans memphis and portland oregon littly LITTLE ark april ad an expedition under tinder col clayton consisting of 1000 infantry three regiments of cavalry and six pieces of artillery reached pine pille bluff after a r raid lid to saline river they en eni i cOun countered tereda a force of rebels strod strong g the first encounter took place near branchville Bianch ville where the rebels were vere defeated after three hours fighting they retreated our forces following them up tip reaching mount E elba I 1 ba on oil the saline next day we occupied the place p I 1 a cc without resistance our forces here divided one detachment crossing the river the other on this side the enemy were found some distance from mount elba having baving been reinforced and advancing on our forces hasty preparations prepa rations for their reception were made by extemporizing ng fortifications of logs rails and cotton bales the enemy charged three times but were each time repulsed and finally retired after six hours vain jeffort effort to us our forces then charged on them scattering them in all directions in this and ahr hiir ga gagOn gement lent at branchville we vve killed led S ell 84 wounded a 50 and captured 50 50 T tile the meantime maritime the force tl which alich had bel be sent across the river were busy ara i r t returned in tile avenill ev evening enill having shaving burcl ed 50 miles dari during tile the t alip we cap aured a train of 50 f wagons filled led with supplies the thail was under tinder escot of rebels the entire tr train i ill was C captured and destroyed d estro three hun dred were taken prisoners and ivr ON er 1000 horses and mules fell into our hands these events tool place about march NEW YORK april aar ia Til lillieb lieb special says tile the louse house ju committee is ready to to report tile the senate bill abolishing abo lishin by bv constitutional amendment and will endeavor to get an caily vote but it is doubtful if tile the necessary two thuds will be found in favor of it it is bo be lieveld the missouri contested clec election tion blair against knox will he be refined back to the people the latest authentic states that the debels ate busily blosil y strengthening tile the fol of richmond an opinion prevails there that lee will fall back when gr grant 11 it ad vances and no consi consides consid dei ci able racist rc will be made along the line of tile the lip 1 ip idan NEW ORLEANS april 15 the loss of the ath division of tho ho army corps in the battles of red river is eleven hundred and gilfe killed d wounded and t the loss of the 3rd ard division of the same corps three bundled and finy fifty xo no one attaches any blame to eithel generals ransom or franklin for alie movement which resulted in disaster t being 0 contrary to the advice of oi both of these officers they lid did all that officers obeying bouters outers of superiors could do under tinder the circumstances on tile the logli the icah and 1 ath corps the division of tile chips whipped the rebels handsomely driving them thell seven miles walen they were lvere ordered to retreat our loss this day i deported is one thousand killed wounded and missing NEW YORK april 20 d special to the commercial cial says sa VS the people who were predicting immediate battles in virginia will doubtless be disappointed unless gen lee cither advances in foree or else nial makes Cs a de d towards pennsylvania reports are arc cicely circulated olt grant and stanton have quarrelled quarrel led cd the chronicle this tin s morning col ca bains an denial of the report ST louis apul 2111 edward benton for two years pas past a resi resident deriL of fort pillow was in ill the w fort during the recent attack tt cic and wap examined at rosecrans cad quarta today to day ile ho fully corroborates ates all 1 he previous pravio us reports of rebel acarl ina making 1 in an additional stateny statement t t tbt blood hounds bounds were used to dis cIle vl the hiding 0 pl places 1 ces of AV who 0 C oscap the alie massacre if |