Show loral lopal and miscellaneous to in music hen of II 11 and nd pence peace kingings singings sing ings put d be aby point ruy cypin 1 u ing when crimes dumb dauib hula are row round d thee ring M S C staples IT S laa I 1 i master i arrived in tho the city fit saturday evening WR wn rece received ivett no lop aches jesters esterd ka on a amount of heavy storms on tho the line batt CA M mr lives has sold cold his lonett t in this ibis popular eating hoial to lo his bis partner pirt ner trank frank smith who trill continue the buJo ess ut the aba same panic place placa 11 omnibus ni daily trips 0 to o and from the IV airm arrn springs and camp douglas his superior stylo of hind handling ling tho thil reins reins ind and invariable politeness pol itene ten ren acis aleal it a fn an fiorile ft i etli ill theio who frequent the rigi and camp the salt blakc 1 ako hoire is is his point give his ft i trial BUILDING main street vill ill bo be gret ly i improved ini flits if builders would uso brick or stone instead of miserable acobes adobes ailo beg which aich do not car cari more noro than two to or three ear cars they would not only benefit them selea eg but gratify peron sona who ho m kiy ty occupy the buildings one not not ilke a section of aall aiming 1 dow doa a on oil his hia goods it does doca not nol pay ACADEMY or in music the walter altar bray g ave vo one ona of their leir best beat performance for mance t a largo large audience saturday night we tarul that on oil account of the condition of ofilio the roads north the lic will give g alro a fow few more performances in ill this city this th n evening A flao pro gramme will bo be presented concluding with nith tho the loan of a 1 t V r bep tV Val alter eltray ray appearing in tho character of peter and mm miss flora bray as ai gertrude POLICE under this heading beading we ire find io in the 1 71 I cle graph of sunday morning the following items tn smith for assi tilting J G smith the policeman at the be academy acied doiy of mu mil ale ic WAS wai yesterday fined 1 1 1 00 and for resisting the hie officer at of lia his ar rest leat a one fine of 1500 mr M Wo ston lontor for interfering with the in arresting dr smith was wag filled cued 1000 both of tho the gave cave notice of al an appeal wo we have not made a practice of re jetting tle the proceedings of that bratic of the tha church tithing shop generally known as a alderman cliftons Clin tons court but of abo tb abote cases B wo we have baro a few words to say io in our issue of saturday turdy Sa morning we left the tha abai boie e mentioned pirtie partie a released on aa bail to appear at two r it friday at t which timo time they wera on hand together with ft a denso crowd of litt rosted and that thai entirely entire ay element in a mormon court room the entire gentile legal frater fraler bilty of the city and some oine trans low who came cama t to ashish us in the trying ordeal the court opened with tho the usual cerebi onlee considerable swearing was done extended legal arguments meats was brought up the dignified Al Ald dermant ernna rell relieved eved him bim self eif of several beveral elaborate and e tended extended opinions opinion la in which he be told us its to be good boys and that it was naughty to carry pistols ri atol atter after which the court adjourned until morning a decision caeto was to be given vi iba parties interested were promptly on hand the aforesaid Al alderman dotman gave us ua tome more good advice said he be wanted to do everybody gcoy 11 we were very affected felt bad and lighted a fresh afresh cigar at last a decision was wag tendered rendered as stated in the paragraph pira graph at the commencement men wen cement ozment or of this article wo told him ole lie condition of our financial affairs would not admit of our contributing an XII X to the treasury of the lord our hall had nothing to lend us its for the fair purpose oso and our companion in vas wag in the same situation wo we told ill the le man inan of law i M 0 would appeal lie ile said we ire could nL but tho the kindhearted kind hearted gentleman granted us ona ono hour before going to jell we felt very bad we lve went up we called our small circle of friends about us its and drank a parting glass of leino lemonade nade not at th church saloon thoy dont malo male good lenio lemonade nade there c e told them to bo be virtuous and they N mould be happy wo ivo went to goffa bought a bunch of cheroots cherooty che roots and distributed it among them ve TO ordered to strike off sev ira aral dozen of our photos photo for forth tho same osame par pose wo we cut up stairs wrote a farewell epistle to our sweetheart on the thoro of tho the blue michigan combed our hir hiir and wandered out abstractedly on tho the balcony bI cony the ton toft n clock told us its our hour v N as up tip we lye turned for the last time tima to gae on the holy city with its ita beautiful streams or of running water ll 11 its bravo brave men and fair women wo we aw fifty the walls of tho the lion house 12 fairro rounding fiur anding inding its dundr hundred ed happy lemale female hearts and then our eye fl fell 11 upon the irrepressibly funny want man walter waller aroy again wo 0 o felt bad and mentally repeat ed edthe abi lines of tha immortal gi atay ay for wha it tn dumb a prey this care being 1 l MC ere re rc arned taft the n r rm of the tha cheerful lay nor canone t 11 linger lingering lug look bo boliand hinl policeman conic come ue to feel better 0 no o adv idono one of our numer mcgil d advisers approaching ho tol the jsn of law had ho ou wy we fe felt t appy ml r RAM RAIN wn yo havo MILRY many fino 1100 a knoers 11 aers since inco the let of maky mountain lind niia valley alley aro are decked with kith beautiful green GET hawley tho newly elected gw co arnor of connecticut is a natii natsu e of north carolei Caroll nt A would not be tho light very fine lod lodgings gingi but a nt nevada vad loafer to r centhy slept in one every night for six attel el C cheap tint thit TITE THE yo boik tribune entered its tont year on tuesday gre ercill di en and unproved improved mr gincley en ell a lie ho continuo continue to arite for its columns its as long as aa ho he can call write for anything I 1 ir r ii n observed by the press mid and tunes times that in ill till alio It evolutionary war connecticut to kill ft rood good many nall y of the kinza Enslid li and now he bag killed the denti E anglish Ln D gh glish sit tur excavation of the lake tunnel at chicago has halt boon been pushed to a of feet flout shore end and about cl feet from the crib gning it a total of fret feet and leaving leavin fi 1113 3 et ct to bo be run tur TUB Ilich richmond mond III liz quotes I 1 h b a 0 Wor lili remark about the iho illegitimacy and is 13 an inactive hut but not an uninterested spec titor it to us its thero there is a smell of sulphur I 1 in n the n nir I 1 r wiro roca IT olk OB saturday wo we met a little girl looking along ibo be walk for poole thing iho abo had baa lost and weeping bitterly asking ashing tho the cause of her grief wo getrued that having ben been sent ent with her little brother tip town she had givon him the parac to crry carry hr her moth or er had bad entrusted to her and the careless cir ctr eless little fellow too small to know inow its value had bad dropped it by the ha way hence bence her great lefor to her bar it wag was great and bitter tears the finder may learn the tha owners namo name by inquiring inquiring at the office and ill have hav havethe othe the opportunity port unity by reitor re storine iniz it to make g glad ia opi the heart of a ditl liello child |