Show the advice of a good afta i we ive were ITT in at thi thet city alfter not by hall 1111 on friday fritty briwn a police policeman miln bo it onder understood sto OJ but bu fly by ft doire do ire to seo see anti anil hc hear th tha cami lamination nation of certain cues cases that da laa fan trib before 0 tb ib worthy judge who ho presides P live oscr r the Alder aldermans mans court and 1 administers ri tillos as SOMO some justice in larce qu such eXcel excellent lut think but seasoned wit with advice in equally large quin its as mobiles makes ke the transgressors feel eel ot seriously eri their oil a of their opinion of the to t say not lilos bilig judar X anle have blia ere era now dow the sit 8 pleasure ot of reading tome ono or ibis personages nages chaste hermonot eer ermon burnever lut but never before the felicity of sitting under abo th droppings of the iviry a n od d hearing the sanc sanctified titled oracle in the temple of justice deliver those precepts 0 truth which wo we have learned to ex x hect trob from that sourie we bid our lawil of what the tha wor worthy thy aff ago should be how bow bo be mut must appear dia froni from his bis language which we lad read and nd the praise a of which lie be is the ba deserving desern nc subject on the lips lip C of r mat chiefly admiring gentiles gentil who bar ht been fortunate in hiving him to ward the value of their demerits merita de we lad had our oar ideal ot of the mn man and were not lie ile buet lee ke a good ma man n it i Is written la his face purity of thought ChRit ity of lire illuminate his bis benevolent ben countenance until both almost vi tible to the naked eye ile U is portly so 8 becomes the judge ol of on n aldermans Alder mans mn court that shows him possessed po ed or of a sound fund stomach and an u tay conscience his face is very florid to MI extent which would lead lad us to lo suspect him bla of bibulous indulgences indulgence did ld wl wo not know that he ha strong drink and it particularly down on them that deal therein the rubicund con countenance probably aria ca from the Decess necessity ity so go good a man must but feel of constant blushing at ill the e of those with whom lie ho often ka to deal lie ile has at first arst tight eight such ouch a truly air that one involuntarily payee pay a tribute to the of that character for having painted the sanctimonious hypocrite so to the lire life that we know the original at sight for ibis hi tur our ii not to blime bow bon ever BT erthe abe fault it Is with dickens as any one D way see e well this excellent man and mo mot mod d righteous judge gave gate some nome good advice adri ce en an the occasion to which wo we alluded at it the lh ot 0 this arr arrille icle it wa in relation lation rt to t the th very try bad habit babit many etopio hete ol of wearing I 1 armi the tood good man waxed eloquent on this thi s point and dwelt with linc lincious tous deverity ev erity upon the tha evil eril practice lie ile confessed thit he be lot lost respect for a min ban who persisted th therein even in a place to me peaceful and vau rau of danger as tills we inhibit and that fact mione ought to have great weight in the tha minds of those misguided people who carry pistols for to lose the respect respects 0 f such a good man laa is serious lots though wo we may not nat pr per mire it ono one may see ee at it glance tow bow excel contle ant Is this advice adrice now really what Is the use me of carrying weapons here I 1 int crery thing quiet if people simply attend to their legitimate busia business bu ess i who molests them true people now and ad then get sent to holl boll across lota jo i asif ass the amiably and eloquent Is lan n guage of frigham aben they thi think abe they y a ara re doing nothing unlawful but then they have hare abut that sort ort of thing reduced to science hero here among the saints saint you are shot in the back after dark like poor Brat Bield and of what use were a pistol under uch such circumstances you dont get a chance chanca to use it yo you u ae f abo benevolent benc judge was perhaps thinking of this possibly he be als also 0 thought hat bat even eren buck and ball might not always prove fatal aud then it if the intended victim carried a good six ix shooter there would be instant ve vengeance n andie and the church of jesus jeans ch christ hilt of 41 latter lateer day saints would be less one of its in most exemplary members the friend malhab of f our worth worthy 7 audze ja N no 00 ye y people boodt goo bad or r tl the advice of a dis interested later man a 4 ri righteous 9 judge do ont it C carry 4 rf V they ire danger rous they might go off besides lose the judges respect terrible catastrophe and it if it should some afele haplea that you interrupt one of til friends in the be pleasant pleasa ot of obed your blood to save gave your soul and very likely kill the amiable creature why break this fight fiut juo judges cebirt heart therefore don t wry pistols jon don t |