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Show - it If you vnni 'I ho Iteiluw your (lino piipcr- to tin jour Job work, all Alpine Pub. Co., Phone S3. Mr. and Mrs. Niels Poulson were Proo visitors early In tho week. Cnrl Danks left for Hober today to tench school tho coming winter. Mr. nnd Mrs. JamcB II, Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ash of Salt Lako City, wero guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Houllcr Sunday. Tho stork called at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Itoy Olson Sunday, leaving leav-ing a baby girl. Miss Verveno Hayes returned to Salt Lako Tuesday, after spending sovcral weeks hero with relatives. Why those Coats tor girls and children chil-dren at Chlpman's Bargain Dnsement ore simply the best bargains going. Last week Mrs. Win. Limb, Jr., presented pre-sented her husbnnd with a flue bnby girl. Mrs. Olo Chrlstlanson and Mrs. C. H. Miller were American Fork visitors visit-ors Sunday. Mrs. Charles Miller is spending u fow days with her sister, Mrs. Olo Chrlstlanson. Mrs. Alex Bills nnd Mrs. John lllchlns lllch-lns returned Inst week from n month's visit to friends In Idaho. Miss Anna Rosa and Miss Ruth Archer Ar-cher spent Bovernl days last week guests of Emma Larson lu Provo. -Mrs. A. D. nlkor Is making a threo week's visit with friends hi Drlgham City." . Gcorgo Hnndloy wns very sick early In tho week. Ho Is a llttlo Improved, though still a very sick man. Bert Smith nnd family aro moving to Manila this week, whore Mr. Smith will tench school tho coming winter. Children's Conts aro prominent features fea-tures In tho sample lino nt Chlpman's Hnrgnln Basement. 12-lt Lnwroncc Roblnnon Is nt the Thornton Thorn-ton Mercantile company's store this week., Arthur Anderson and lauthus 1111-'on 1111-'on lc'avo this week for Salt Lake llty, where thoy will attend tho Stato I'lilvcrslty tho coming winter, Mr.'Cyrnl Cluff or Provo, has been spondliig several days this week Mating Mat-ing frlendH lu Plcnsant Orovo and Lindon, j JB, FItzgorald of Mammoth, spoilt tho early part of this week vlBltlng .vlth his family here, returning to the nines Wednesday. Wm. Wooloy of Salt Lako City, :amo to Pleasant Grovo todny to Join '.ynn nohlnson on a canyon fishing rip tomorrow. Miss Lltha Winters, Ernest Olson, Miss Lnvlnn Olson nnd James White ipent tho early part of tho week In Ogdon. Miss Lnvlnn Olson has resigned from tho local telephone exchnngo, and Miss Margaret Smith has taken her plnco. Miss Ollvo Cobbloy'B unmq In tho popular Indies' contest being con-luctod con-luctod by tho Desert News Is among ho load ones. Throw her a fow votos f It 'comes your way. John Attwood and family aro moving mov-ing to Provo this week, to save the tecosslty of mnklng tho dally trip by tr. Attwood to his work In tho County Court House. Mrs. Laura RlchloMs spomllng ton days with her parents horo. Sho wns iccompanlcd by hor mother, Mrs. Saiit Wnlkcr, who returned from Salt .nice' City 'Wednesday. H. B. Smith nnd wire and children 3r Salt Lako City, returned to tholr lonio Sundny, urter spending n weok iBltlng with Mr. Sinitirn parents, Mr and Mrs. John B. Smith. Miss Clcono Bullock spent Labor Uny with friends In American Fork. Mlso Lenh Thornton wno visiting friends In American Fork Thursday. Miss Selena Pierce returned Friday Fri-day from a three week's visit with friends in Murray. Boys, Youths and Men's Fnll Suits at prices you nil can reach at Chlp-niiin's Chlp-niiin's Big Red Store. 12-lt F. S. Humphries and son spent pnrt of tho past week In Fairfield, painting paint-ing the school house there. Hyrum Clark's business has grown to an extent necessitating tho addition addi-tion of some rear rooms. MrB. J. W. Hnlllday, Sr., Is lu Salt Lako City visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Glen AdaniBon. Vivian West cnnio lu thin week from N'cvada, for u visit with Pleasant Grovo relatives. Tho sample lino or Coats Just In nt Chlpman's Hnrgnln Basement arc such thnt wo can all get suited. 12-lt Mr. W. B. Clark Is giving tho front of his Opera House a cont of cement plastor and will other wlso Improve Its nppcnroiicc. Adolphus Wurnlck leaves this week for Mantl to becomo n members or tho Mantl High School rnculty. Ho will teach agriculture. Doctors Grua and Vnnco nttciulcd tho meeting or tho Utah County Medical Medi-cal Association at American Fork Wednesday. J. E. Wndley, who lost n flno whllo pig two weeks ago, Is Inclined to think that It found Its way to tho butchers block In somo neighboring town. Tho Chipmnu Morcnntllo company hnvo purchased another largo as-sortmont as-sortmont of Ladles' nud Misses' Conts and Suits. Snmplo line, no two conts allko When ou buy one, you own It ns cheaply as our competitors can buy It. Let us show yon. 12-lt Don't bother your father or your husband by nuking for tho team, or buggy nnd horso, but Jump on ono of tho eight Intcrurbaii trains that bring you to our Btoro dally, and wo will 3nve double your fnro and then boiho. Chlpinnn Mercantile company, Amorlcnn Amorl-cnn Fork. 12-lt The Hrlghnm Young Unlvorslty, Provo, will begin Its 39th Acndomlc Year, Thursduy, October 8th. Thursday Thurs-day will bo devoted to registration of students. Class work will commence Fridny morning, October 9th. Cntu-logues Cntu-logues will bo furnished an application. applica-tion. 12-4t Mr. L. P. Lund and Mr. mid Mrs. M Almn Kirk were American Fork visit. j M oib Wednesday. ilH Mr, D. X. Adnmson is spending a iLih fow weeks In Snlt Lake with relatives H and friends, f, IH Tho Third Ward Mutual girls hold ' 11 tholr Bowing bee nt Rcnn Cooper's lpfl this week. t M Mr. and Mrs. Wallace West leave v H todny lor Tooele, whero Mr. West will 1 H teach lu tho High School. -H Miss Clcono Bullock will tako tho posltlou at Thornton's Lumber com- H puny oftlce, held until recently by ,H Sndlo Mills. 'WE , , I" M MIbh Bfilc Wnrnlck will leave for H Logan next week to accept A post- H tlou as member of tho faculty In tho j t Agricultural College. j lH Mrs. J, W. Thorno left Thursday f for Brlgham City, where her seven- H ycnr-old son, Will, will hnvo his ton- H hIIh and adenoids removed, 4H Jos. B. Thorno purchased tho homo '' I of Nettle Thorno the first of tho week. tj H Mrs. Thorno expects to mnko her i fj B home with her daughters. . I I Mrs. Nottlo Thorno and Mr. and j $ Mrs. Bert Giles of Charlston, were t II wero Pleasant Grove visitors Sunday J l nnd Monday. 1 l Why Not Go To if i School This Fall . 1 : ir you want an Ideal location, largo ; ft I campus, now buildings, outdoor ath- -"cMAe- Ictlcs, excellent teachers, dormitory Wpfi ' llfo, at moderate oxpenso, with oppor- ' , V'hBa tunltlcs for self hei), ' If you wnnt tho Classical, Scientific, ; $k Voice, Violin or Plnno Courses, for 'je Eighth Grade, High School or Collcga !$$ J Freshmen clnsses, write '?.&'& 11. V. llEHEltD, 1. , vl" v President ' 1 WESTMINISTER COLLEGE )$B' and i immi SALT LAKE COLLEGIATE ''-Wix INSTITUTE 3 if SALT LAKK CITY, UTAH. f 18-2m v ,? K stop m nt the TM ' Culmer Hotel ! Coolest Plnco lu the Cnmily CIcmh, , 3"!l . it Comfortable Hooms First CIiish . 'jA'm Sen lec Kltlier Itegulnr ' " ' rfjl i i Meals or Short Order : f , ' Pleasant Grove, Ut. , v L PLEASANT GROVERoTlERMILLS- 3$ $! .MnuufiirturerN of tho Finest Grades of Flour. I l. Our or tho right kinds or boosts ror your homo town is to nlwuys 'lc InslBt on having tho big (J brand. , A. E. COOPIOK, Prop. I ? I'LfJABAKT cnttVK. t t UTAH 1 H mmmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmPm .1 .-. m ssMsssssdiM |