Show RECENT PUBLICATIONS The February BohemIan has many bright special ar am ticks and clever verse As usual tM thu Issue Is freely Illustrated especially the tho full art theatrical an and literary circles beIng Worthy of Among the tho hort stories are several that lay claim by their merit to real Turpin the Second by George Allan England Is the tho kind of a etory that It is rare In fiction The Tho Greater Thing by Ph Phillips III his Is Isn isa n a delIcate prose pastOl that thal charms by Its poetia spIrit rho number contains In an Instalment of The Tite Magnet ll 1111 nb ab tale talo by dola Mailo allo mIll an Albert The Tho articles upon Tile Tho Dmm ot of America SlId Glimpses or of Home Somo Artists give Ivo entertaining sketches ot of some Kome unIque Americans Miles Cull of the 1111 has all this flavor of 01 lila his nr him tides on cooking at home and amId afield rho International Press Clipping Bu Bureau reau DeArborn Street Chicago The North American Revlon for January presents an Interesting table of at Murk Twain In the tho tenth In Instalment of his hili gIves a 11 tender hilt but nl amusing presenta tiomI of lila his erratic older brother Orion President A T 1 of Yale UnI II a striking article on tIlt th or of Corporate When 1 by Judge James n II Is IK I a III supported hy by data on he halt nt If tho 1110 Philip Typical Cycles ot of ito Hn by Bishop Mann Malin Is isSI SI the tho great romance cycles th limo mUlti One Gila Nights Is and amid tile tho Morte hoth ot of the fourteenth c century one uno X ami the other t em A In an nu au of reputation on commercial Kr tide Oil lIon lallee Protects Her Ifer Three CrItics of at SocialIsm Is a 11 presentation lit of tho ho recent utter R ot of J Ifill Judge Morgan J OBrien and o II the critic 1 ft of at Strauss The 11 ot of limo tho Yours I tue tho title ot of n Li us by Morgan Hill Hili rime of contains Crom raIn London and St fH the tho topics whit III lie tho l 1110 The Tue President ot of its tho Of Hight to 10 Natures Oil Younger or Old Older or er till rho of oC tIme Iho No iv N New w York |