Show S ot i to to Coal To The Xh state board or of land reports satisfactory conditions and consIstent care curn Ii In conserving tile tho lands ot of the tho state Special attention Is helo hero called to some somo Items lit In tilt the boards report Tile Tho artesIan wol attempted In Mi MI MIlard lard count county WIS was never completed The Tho Thelam 1111 lam whore It was being duiven has been sold for tor The Tho amount wi will yield tue tho appraised value or of the land wih with 11 all the tho money the tho experimental wel well wellOn On account ot of increased land laIR values the pros present lt board raised tito tho price ot of lands from to per pel acre ILd school Ut state tato hauls In proportion tion lands land that tha halo have beon 1111 tutu wi will It be sold following this increase II In price the tho of the tho stOle wi Ill be increased up upwards upwards wards ot halt I a milon by tea aon 1011 o If titi acton actIon In wih With authority grant oil by tile tho legislature reservoir fund tl in being used under Proper restrictions for fM tile Iho ton tion or of e or of reservoir been made pro surveys and other preparatory Work worl dOl done mono tO hots Is mode or of the tho work In this 10 to port IS as nisI also In that or of the state on cot you ate wih the tho recent attempts of ar the tho to ta regain or of lands land known U or to contain coal Tile Tho outcome of this wIll be awaited with Interest II Iti wi with this I would that na Ito lands belonging tu to lie tho state whIch to 0 je 0 ho 10 rite little land ln ur tf thu thle that wo ve havo should bo b hold held for Under such regulations la as YOU QU think wise File report or of l these matteis and contains of great value Excellent progress is IR being 1011 made b bIho by Iho Iii engIneers on the berr berry tiit first great reclamatIon project attempt attempted ed b by this department In Utah wi whit brIng under tinder Irrigation ton Hore soone acres ot of lan hanoI In Utah CoUnt and wil vili Inc mci beneficial to Snit Salt Lake County count We Vo lre are sa sate Co tn ill IUppo that thal upon tho completion or of this project other work ot of this wi wIll In be bedone done In Utah to the thu great gleat of tho state MIlD As 1 a direct result of ar the operation or of experimental arid farms ad and the tho sue suc case ceSK attending d farming lot In various portions of the state a strong move moe meat ment his has set itt In for the ement or of arid Thousands Of stock have been secured by and rival a and WI we mu may look for tor a great Increase In the wealth or of the state from froni this source Tim Tho 01 or organization Ct of the tf dry farming congress which holds its annual convention this month II in Den Denver vet ver wt will give still greater impetus to the tho movement Incidentally I would suggest that I a strong effort be bc made to secure to tile next meeting or of this congress for Utah There Is no mort more important subject af tooting our stab tuto than the of ar arid farms OP lUnGI S The Tho to in Is Its 1903 session on en enacted acted 0 a law fixing the salaries solari el or of Jus jUB Justices tices or of the tho court nt at pel per annum and or of judges or of the district courtl courts at per annum I It WIS was th the IntentIon of the legislature that the fix fixing ing or of these salaries 11 III the sums named iy by bytho should do away awny with the payment the tho state of the mileage or of the tho judges The law to expressly stateS that no mileage shall be raid paid to judges nut ut apparently through nn an oversight I there therefore therefore the old law was yas not repealed fore respect respectfully tuly suggest that you OU re repeal repeal peal section Statutes 1898 as amended b by chapter session laws al or of 1901 the tho lecton section under which mie mile ago was paid The president Of the State Slate Historical society advises mo me that the tho society Is without a building for Its headquarters Ind and for I the th care of af It Its I valuable ble Ills his historical He recommends that an appropriatIon bo be made to a suitable site and erect lt at least the wing or of 0 a this organization I favor such nn an appropriation i If I it seems with the financial con condition ot of th the state The Tho Historical BO 80 clet clety Is n a valuable organization under proper condl conditions Is its work wi will willbe bo be or of great to the state FOR INDIAN wAn WAH mUS The fund approprIated by the former rOl for the or of medals for the Indian war veterans has bas been exhausted and aunt I a number of af thins arc are now on me file wIth a strong tons probability that 0 a largo large number II yet como In The Tho previous fluId WI Was anti and apparently not halt or of th have been supplied I would suggest a an appropriatIon bo be made by you bod body for fOl tIlls this laud laudable able ablo purpose In view of the tho many c cases el or of gaIn hung tat that have hae developed or of late lu in which laboring men and others entirely tIllable to stand the tho lots of theIr money have hae been involved I hwe the honor to suggest that u a law be made do declaring gambling a felony Instead or of 1 a mis misdemeanor misdemeanor demeanor us at present and giving nu au authority to the chief of pollo police or the tho to confiscate ni all gambling IP ap herf Ild destroy them at the city hal lie or the tho sheriffs I believe that a as now the person conducting the game the tho one engaging tn in It and the party renting a house knowingly for tor the conduct or of gambling should be ile de elated equal equally guilty I It Is my conn confident dent belet belief that such 1 a statute strictly and impartially enforced vili tree free the tho various ot of the state from tilts thIs terrible 61 evil And I believe there la is no one the tha professional gano blots themselves who wi will have hae tho temerity to claim that gambling ts is a a evil necessary evi SPEED O OF AUTO AUTOMOBILES S The Tho number ot of automobiles In the state has Increased so rapidly dur durIng during Ing the past two yearS that it II seems scents opportune for tor a state law regulating their speed to bo be enacted This need i emphasized b ly tile tho tact act that In thu tho piat past a number of af fatal accidents accident wih have hae occurred the tho bellg being pedestrians t ant tut formed that stringent laws governIng thIs matter 10 are lot In force In some of ar tho states I believe the public safety demands simIlar restrictIons in Utah This matter Is respectfully referred to you for tor your consideratIon and acton actIon Is In m my possession the tho German IIII law on this subject which with soniC eliminations and amendments IU may be to conditIons tl in Utah |