Show I 1 GREAT SALT fealt LAKE CITY december 1858 ED VALLEY TAN i w SIR with your permission I 1 would call your readers attention to a statement in in the y church organ of the lot hinst headed beaded row dyiss again ll 11 the writer of the paragraph in fuestion nu estion states that in the house known as the empire east temple street a num her ber of men were heard bawling and cursing arid and threatening the poli poliy police Y this statement is simply a lie hai haung in m no other foundation than existed in the romantic brain of citizen who seems to have a peculiar aptitude for coining falsehoods when when by so doing he can cast a al slur alar ar upon the gentile portion of our community comm mity the fact is of were quietly engaged a party gentlemen in discussing a few bottles of cha champaign in P 3 ipe n occasionally singing a song by way of vary ary ing the entertain entertainment merit while thus engage eng aged the spy police were frequently ob seivel peering into the window notwithstanding this n no 0 notice was taken of them when the party broke up and emerged into the street several shots were fired by one of the party who iho was slightly intoxicated A again gain what could b be their object in thus disturbing the public peace we ar are e unable to say save it were to incite a row with the police through which to frame a pretext w whereby hereby they ellit be justified in in an endeavor to kill th them e for the information of 11 citizen 1 we will state what could be their object some of the 0 pirty a r ty wore were intending to depart for C california al g nia the next morning and a few friends had assembled forthe tor the purpose of enjoying themselves before they separated perhaps forever irethe in the states it is is no crime cpr friends to meet and enjoy themselves according to the bent benl of their inclination findle fin and dve we can sei see no 0 0 d 11 reason why they should be de barred fr rom that privilege lege in in on ion lie he also says the bollom following ing morning ser sc 1 e ral of the rowdies de camped that they t elude the grasp of ef the authorities As to this state statement we have only to say that two of the party departed tor for california but net for the purpose of eluding haj grasp of the am hontie Z i A ft |