Show the plis of peace w AI i the following passage will vill bo be read with interest at the present time when 11 hen tc whole civilized bild is is exulting over ner the greatest scientific victory of ti the e age it is is extracted from a of that eminent and far cecin statesman join john C calhoun la in the senate of the united states march lath 1846 on the lill bill for terminating the joint bacu of oregon territory after using ing many v eighty wrighty objections to an appeal to arms for the settlement of the question qu esdon mr calhoun drew a vivid picture of the marvelous man elous progress of the arts of peace which hichi would be arrested ty lavai anvar but I 1 have hai e still lusher higher 1 reasons lam I 1 am opposed to war ar as a friend of human im j m Plover law ement nent to human civili civilization n to hu roan mark bogress proy ess and advance advancement rne n t nev j e er la in the history of the world has there i occurred a peri period ao remarkable remar Lible as the peace fence AN aich followed the battle of wat wai naw for the great advances made in in the condition ondi tion of human society the chemi i tal cat and mechanical pott powers ers have been investigated and applied to increase the ae com comforts forts of human life in in a degree far beyond be y ond what was as ever knowl i or hoped before civilization has baen treading prea ding its influence far and wide and the general progress gress of human socie society y as outstripped all that has been oti asly ly witnessed the invention un antion of man has seized upon and subjugated two I 1 great eat agencies of tho the natural world thich were never before made in ade the ser tants of man I 1 refer refe r to steam and electricity under wh aich i eh of course coarse I 1 in delude I 1 ude magnetism in in all its phenomena steam has been controlled and avail ti ea of for all the purposes of human in m ler course and by its resistless energies lias as brought nations na eions together whom hom tur e seemed se emed to se by b y nt i abl able e barriers it has shortened the pa pase taga across the atlantic more than one half while vi hile ih the rapidity 0 of tr ra avelin ahng 9 on land his has been 6 three times greater than was a ever eer known before within the a amo n time man inan has chained the i very ery fah lightning aning of heaven and brought it do down a and nd inide it administer to the transmission of human thought inso inso much that it may with ith truth be saia that our ideas are not only transmitted vieb avith he rapidity of light lightning nina but by I 1 lightning itself magic avire s are aie stretching themselves in in all all directions over the earth and hen their mystic meshes shall at length have ha e been pett perfected acied our globe itself will H ill be 0 endow n dowed ed with I 1 a sen which will ill render it impossible to touch it on a any n one point and the touch not be felt from one end of the world to the other and this norl is is as 5 3 ot et but bal commenced it is is but the breaking of the dawn of the wo worlds ids jubilee it promises a day of more refinement more intellectual brightness more more moral elevation and consequently of more human felicity than the i orld has ever seen from its creation |