Show 1 must we have aan an burt U Kc L 11 I 1 gate I 1 t is a cur iolj fa act t that i I 1 n A a 11 w wise se pro cioll ons 5 of the con cony I 1 lla the united states sta tes ther ais 11 u alun 10 provide for the punishment bm le ev antof if on foot armed i 0 rl 3 aline state for tile tho ill or 0 11 p purpose ofa another nor has Conre 11 blied 1 e d I 1 ne I 1 ter sil 5 euril eu ril i lily i have a V e be been e 1 eriante eria ete dail dailia lall an 6 ii foot armed iq eatn 1 4 I 1 i n s I 1 countries w lift V 0 a 1 W 9 overtime nt as ii ar r peace I 1 I 1 ut u I 1 0 prevent tile the citi citizens zells rg of hiir ethis union entering enteria i slad wl m louvada avade another pl y achet to i an d 0 i arici armed ed force f or fr tat purpose g jv it seems aalf as 1116 idea ift at raeto as ti r to the foun founders dOrl of the e that they shrunk fran ru ratna n r or orsue il I 1 I 1 resting estin g s such u cl al Crl crime rrie the they ti I 1 I 1 9 fo for r grunted that it itneyer if never ce could uld fl a 9 that no parricides could ivr e W wouldga ld gam in any c con oll olllie idt li I 1 able abla support up pt of such an III impious e ler prise they concluded I 1 M I 1 that it was time time enough to lo 10 male ake P prof r the vision ision against t the fe enormity vl atiel 1111 e the occasion arose and I 1 gross N would have the power ift in is own hands bands to apply the re intili sufficient unto the day is is the i e thereof unfortunately the lime me has COB coq for the action of congress pan 1 codes have appeared and a tid some them have paid the forfeit of theia crimes some have yet to liquidato liquid ati the ll debt bt due to justice and solli son have escaped berlo herlong ncr arm and li ali to io foreign lands but the evil d A not sto stop here the southern sia i are dangerously alarmed and exal excl at the facility wish which they L be invaded by b northern hoiden despe desperadoes and servile ie organized and carr carn ed into As the law lav no stands there li is no ing inar to prevent a successor to 10 J JD brown setting on foot in in any sun non ern state another armed against aga dinst virginia or any of her aw states on dijion and Dix sons lint N ai NV as prevention 1 ib I 1 always b TW ahma aHM LC ds d S the cure it tr lines be aioo a I 1 diute necessity for it ii law hw of co cg gress to 10 fr frelent event ent such conspiracies a those ill in hiah which john browa eu ta state slate laws cannot be on for the local i r i z i e s ti so tainted by treason t i h 1 i so strongly sympathize with avith the irai rait org ors that they co could u id not hot carry out ouli tl daivs lav s if indeed ii it were poi ihle blell I 1 have the re cesary acts parsed i I 1 every eiery state slate a general ivy la therefore is is needed nee dedas as would rea all men inen in every state e eve en umi U it states stales senators and governors gove states arid and that law w should baiek its ats banc sanction I 1 tion nathi nothing less t thai il death penalty and not hot even t thear r aident should havethe power potter to lop p don the criminal or commute his i a I 1 tence I 1 there now seems no doubt of i necessity of such a law but bill i I 1 question is will a congress Con giess in ial the black republican element is all I 1 large a an element w chiei syrilla sim pail mild 1 es with john broad and endara elldora I 1 helpers treasonable book beli be like to adopt this strong measure so wi its operatively ively called for by the times J I 1 out of mx vo cs s for Sil Speak calier eril V lie A 1 house of representatives I 1 oil OD fridae an fn mr sherman She whose name dante ha fc teen been signed tu to the circular endorsing 1 r the ae received 11 crisis votes or W wilhm f ix of chaw ia e ill fact it ii cessare to elect lum him w well ell known that he ha really required but two and if these two five could only oi be e brought ayere lib the ri would toy 1 low ow it seems reems therefore a 9 taw hope P e to ask ak such ai a of if bat betit it to this thi slaw all sema senta tives to pass pasi A ought nevertha never nevertheless thi less to be arg urged e d lef refusing ill ill the e onus ones I 1 thrown ill upon if of to provide for the safety of the south bouty and ahe better belter security of the ern states against taid af met inelli I 1 I 1 00 a W juh john n brawn lu in this way either elther ells a republican pirty party would be colp compe 1 1 to S show its hand band nore more distinctly d fully developed dev elope its treasonable treason which aole cannot w if signs or I 1 conse consent nt to a law A I 1 na injuriously injurious a affect I 1 illy any goodma 4 any anan loyal to the cot I 1 such a bill would havethe tiba drawing the line li ne of detri ark aall between traitors traitor s aad loyalists 4 the wil wid have bare nodi nici y i country who wholly 11 th abse se which side to place placa dare to 10 apo pose I 1 a I 1 meas measure de which the pei I 1 necessary for r appears so N and safe safety ta of the va union 1 1 herald 11 u jl I 1 L 11 I 1 f iam 1 M aj diw I 1 4 w S I 1 |