Show mr and mr gre Grce eley lc mr douglas doi glas was waa frequently charged during the last session of Congress by big political enemies with holding private and confidential interi interviews bews with members of the black republican party on the subject ot of the admission of kansas into the pie union under prider the lecompt Le compton on constitution and he was openly charged with coalescing with prominent members of that party on this and other questions among other charges was that hf he was on terms of intimate personal and political at fellowship with horace greeley and that the latter gentleman several times visited mr douglas at his big residence at washington for the purpose ot of holding t political interviews with him these charges against mr douglas were disproved to the satisfaction of every unprejudiced mandat bind at thol time they were first made in congress but they have lately been revived in in a debate in the house of representatives representative be between tween two members of opposite politics from the state of illinoise and to set the matter f finally 1 at rest mr greeley in an editorial ri a I 1 over his own signature in the N Y of dec ath thus refutes the charge of mr douglas ever having conferred with him p private on any question of party polities I 1 t senator douglas and I 1 chaie have been acquaintances quain ain tor for ten years eal or more do during which time lime each ka has S e given 1 I and d t taken ken hard blows but I 1 trust po foul ones I 1 am willing to call the account balanced it if lie he is once only in in our lives did we gree agree on a political question that of ofie ie I 1 the attempt to force an all abhorred constitution on the people of kansas during the struggle on that point I 1 was called to washington and wert went to his house where we had bad two conversations on 01 pending political topics there was at atlease least one witness in each instance ce and an d that witness is 13 now a Ur publican member ember m of the house aci nci never er before nor since have mr D and I 1 conversed on politics save as opponents and on oil that 1 occasion I 1 am glad to have a witness vil to confirm my in own wn lear clear c recollection re that mr douglas bougus I 1 reelection reelect iott to the senate or bis big future election to any post whatever vi aas as not even mentioned and andrev never did any letter message or word pass between us implying ng a desire on oil his part that I 1 should or a promise on mine that I 1 would support him at any time for ax r any office m whatever hat ever and w whoever oever has bag at a I 1 any time reported to you aught incon inco 1 with this must have haie drawn a I 1 on b bis imagination for his facts 0 or be laboring under the grossest misapprehension LW I 1 |