Show NEW GOODS WE would respectfully announce announced to the citizens of salt lane laile city and valley V iley that hat now new receiving anti and opening nett net door north of gilbert Gs gerrish irish and ana at camp floyd our r large ito took k ot of lias has be been selected tu e a with great girat care expressly tor for this market and h w we e are determined to fell ell as low as a any house in the cov t i 0 we O would say y to ta the ladles ladies that we lave have a large stock or dress goods suitable to t their he v ants fits and delell which we would be pleased to be have the them in call all slid anil examine 40 tr DYER DY 1 R eno BRO CO 1 inn 00 COOK STOVES far fo sale by 40 tt tr DYER BRO bao CO ann LBS SHEET ironer sale vj J JJ by 40 tt t DYER BRO CO WE E have yoke of CATTLE to tell or exchange he 9 lor for country auntry dulace pu luce lace 40 tl tf BRO a CO ho 1 for america Ar I 1 I 1 WEEKLY PASSENGER LI LINE NE I 1 fare reduced I 1 I 1 IMPROVED accommodations I 1 poaches HES leave salt lake city for far the v states every eiery friday morning maming lor jor st jseph mo rul leab lea b K passengers rasse taken laken at tile reduced price of 0 mem me M 1 b d HI at the dif ferat at ARLE ABLE KATES no mo rp anrod 1 for jor for pg apply to hlll RU R U C co salt i late lake cl 1 y 3 tf t new grocery store more opened one Door doorn NortA orah of axons I 1 the citizens of utah call aal TO one door above see eee at the new grocery store nil alous store it ile DICKSON are aie not sell ng ever thing tl ing la in the grocery line cheaper achta than the cheape est we have now 0 p e aie 1 l ud t a d y fo r s a IL hulor or one 1 of 11 t li b let et t st searf 1 e c te il stock bt 0 c k staple maple grocer ever brought to in this market lu ei in part rt of 0 the folling follow in artiel sugar ans cubi cubio o ise ta rice dried ed apples soap sep tu candles ladle auld nil last s es 0 elarch arab pip pepper pr ce alum i lud er li ullo d pow der end ad shot caps cap vanilla rope pei ginger glinger gl ilger TOUS mug lard rd 1 c of every kind kl 1 I r randy all d y fruits fruit 11 flavor ng matches of every clad kaid nuts ants of all kah in Is bora bor resin cotton and hen tw ne pipes and e i kig nd chig ch ig tb clu and lo 10 oves pl pickles kles tt len on bla ng en and bs brushes I 1 prees pre es of every iradj at many oth e ll 11 inge too to mention we will sell all of the abo articles at as low rege as any ally house in salt bait late lake cl 3 1 and every thing alike not one high and another low we also have a lot of amis am s ce celebrated lb rated sugar ago cured 4 iiams u me put cutup up prelly expressly tor for this market come ith the abd see a our oar goods and nd we know kaow sou on will purchase w wo also v iba to pur purchase chabe a few hundred rood good 0 osen 40 t tf nord HORD DICKSO DICh SON WHOLE sal SILE LE mir DICT GOODS ebous BY THE PIECE OR PACKAGE LIMP FE 1111 IMPORTERS PORTERS and JOBBERS OP OF D DRY R Y GO GOODS giosie HOSIERY R Y 4 sc S C corner of frost front and sacramento streets SAN FRANCISCO CAL WE respectfully invite the attention of the merchants ol of salt lake utah territory and CS carson valley aclei to our large and varied stork stock of 0 fancy staple dry goods having superior facilities for the purchase ot of goods in the cities ot of new york boston philadelphia and a nd baltimore BI and a long experience in the salt T lake ake trade d W we are re en enabled abbed to supply any article of staple or fir far I 1 ancy dry roods goods at prices as low as they can be purchased at st lo 10 leonls 16 the increasing facilities fur from rom san francisco francis over those ot of the route irom from st win louis u ind induces it vs us to offer goods at such prices as win e ventrally ventu ally draw the entire dry goods trade of 0 utah territory I 1 to 0 athla port thi having I 1 ing a resident partner 1 in new t ew york we are enabled to take advantage of the markets of the eastern cities both as regards price and style or ol goods good we W are lo 10 con tautly receiving by every clipper Clippe rj ship and ml steamer Steam erp a full assortment of brown sheeting merrimack Mer prints bleached do blue demins shir tings 11 drills brown do white cold billets hickory stripes canton flannels plaid linsey woolsey woolen do kentucky leans quilts comfor tables bed ticking Alp accas and merinos marinos delagnes De laines cashmeres cash meres spun yarn linen c ton ela sewing thread 11 n napkins curtain damasks damasis t table a alk le claths cloths Sa 4 cassi cas neros crash ig and Cotto nades and pant dollies stuffs ginghams and lawns carpets a and rid oil cloths claths white wh te linen bosom shirts apron checks colo colored red calico do heavy duck all grey flannel do widths re ked do ido do blued blue check blue do do ac ac ac our fancy ranc goods goob salesroom contains in part a full fall assortment of the newest patterns and style of dress goods embroideries silks A sc ac c such as bilk and fancy dress embroidered silks cullars sa sleeves plain all wool de laines window curtains fancy do edgings eddings and in in alexanders Alexander ls kid gloves sections ser sert tiona ions bay E state long shawls 11 linen stella and merino do plain linen cambric 11 delagnes De laines in dress pat hera stitched terns silk white cambric muslin 11 cravats and ties Jac konets suspenders swiss dress mull plaid jackonen Jac konet tousling plaid cashmere tor for children buck p joves gloves and guan tleta lace nuts mits and gloves dress lawns and barges plain colored silk ribbons bonnet do ao velvet do combs brushes and cutlery yankee notions ac ac ac OUR STOCK OF HOSIERY it 1 the ha largest and beat bast els assorted ted on this coast and comprises arises all 11 the he various femurs manufactures fer urs styles style and qualities imported Import rd from europa europ together with american manufactures orders promptly filled CO coil corner comer front aron t and ad S sacramento amento streets sl san fran ran else 0 cal an and ao 10 broadway new york agents tor the garner print works and the new england worsted companes Comp anys goods 41 ain 3 george cronyn co G purchased the well selected stock of 0 H 8 bid co consisting of DRY GOODS GROCERIES HARDWARE ac beg leans to say bay they have now low opened the goods gooda at georze beorse Cro avns OU old stand rear near bishop and oner olver them at retail hey bey assure the public they have put prices e a at a low re pap you are am invited to call and examine the stock consists in part ot of STAPLE DRY GOODS gracei Ms Hardt ard tare care oils turpentine alcohol glass hay anil and manure forks 1 shovels Sho velv spades scythes and Si cotton yarn dye ac terms callip or ready pay produce of arball zall kinds re rc bcd K tt NOTICE WE WE having haling taken the house formerly T occupied I 1 y gilbert geirse dyer at it C caann p F floyd ayd it win in future I 1 be e well ell 8 with a good ll d ss of goods good and oo one atthe t he wi will 11 be b here her all the time our friends ml will ale please call and see aie 39 tf r NOTICE arfe T rae heretofore exis L ting thishel arith the date amp FLOYD Is beret T by consent dver Der Bros aco at camb ilove clovi oro ro authorized to seten their burnce bul nce it IT 33 39 if GILBERT GILliL nT gerrish to the file traveling trai cling In lilic STAGE LIVERY AND EXPRESS NOTICE would respectfully L inform the lababIt auts of 0 this city and camp floyd floid that he has 11 now DOW in successful successful operation opt rallon a dally daily line him or of stages running from salt all lake city to lo camp falln Fil ln from camp floyd flo il to salt I 1 laic lily city leaving each act point punctually ily BI at 8 a lu in p and arrivi iii g at 2 p in lla lie it hai now low tour four changes ot of ima im a on oil the road ad also good anti and careful hereford he can cart ry passengers t b rough in si sti hours hour LIVERY NOTICE ite ile will be ready to receive horses hores on tiber may lottia bv the day week or montt atlhia new liew stable in SH salt lake city oil tile the most reasonable urnis horse lorsia and uil carriages Carr lagis tx let at all louis ciglio or day ESPECIAL NOTICE ne he will run an express in ID connection ithai alth Ith hl hi a stage 1 line no between camp and salt lake city no ifo letters will be reci led or carried by him except tile the 1 post oat age Is prepaid pre paid on each letter 25 cents all weighing over 40 pounds will be charged at the rate rale of 6 cents per lourid all pack weighing under 10 pounds will be taken faa fur 60 0 canti each all 11 oce over r ao 10 pau pounds ads will be taken at the rate of 6 5 cents beats per pound the undersigned undersigner under signed will not be responsible for any trunk pil package ra ei or any an other species of lim properly perly v hat ever except receipted tor for ty his agents at each end or of the route A liberal share of 0 public patronage Is earnestly solicited oil office in 1 salt lake I 1 ake city next door to the post office A JACKMAN 39 tf proprietor LAST BEST GOODS I 1 ROGERS ROSS wa W ISH to call attention to their large as r sort ment of bercla nylise nn lise now offered ered for sale at the store house recen recently tir occupied by C 11 II BASSETT the people ot of this city and the public Erene izene rally are ass assured ired that OUR OUE STOCK OF GOODS C CAN AIN NOT be surpassed in in this market either f for a r av OR on CHEAPNESS we have the best variety and the LARGEST of oe FR FIM N U 1 II 11 F S S GOODS ever opened in in this city SPLENDID DRESS SILKS CASHMERES MERINOS MERINO A ALPACAS LAWNS GINGHAMS AND SWISS CHALIS RIBBONS VELVETS AND AUS ot OF TRIMMINGS SHAWLS CLOAKS MANTILLAS PARASOLS and every variety of LADIES GOODS CLOTHS CASS IM ERES TWEEDS CORDUROYS CORD BOOTS AND SHOES AND CAPS AND READYMADE READY MADE CLOTHING GROCERIES AND DYE STUFFS A full list of yankee notion ss don dont borret goon GOOD and cheap ROGERS ROSS bross 26 tf CO GOODS da COSTI COST athe PHE HE undersigned undersigner under signed beg leave to inform J the public that they will bIci bs la receipt pt of fifty one M v agon loads of goods good s on or about the I 1 dinst art an extensive a assortment or dry goods boots t shoes groceries hats bats A sr caps clothing 4 sac c together ber with alth their ell selected stock now on hand they will sell at their store in this thin city by the p piece or of package at COST arid and TWENTY f fi I 1 eight the attention alteration of country dealers dealer and an d those dc desirous aron or of purchasing their family supplies is called to the I 1 inducements duc du cements c tints held out as we are determined to sell ell 0 on o tile the ts t forth above 49 tf it MILLER RUSSELL CO MILLER RUSSELL CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IN irs groceries liquors 5 ALSO outwitting outfitting OUT OUI FITTING GOODS GENERALLY GENE R all Y AT G SL city cita camp noyd floyd fort bridger fairfield field and millersville Millers ville the attention of the public is invited to their stock on hand and to arrive 37 tt t WAGONS JUST ARRIVED FROSI THE STITES STATES WE HAVE HATE JUST RECEIVED STOCK OK of dry goods liquors liquor rats hats sf 4 caps boots sf 4 sloes awe clochi hard hardware ware outwitting outfitting Out fitting goo goods d harness saddles ar S bridles which it we will exchange tor for FLOUR and GRAIN in fact all al I 1 kinds or OC country produce our stock has been selected feinted with preat great care and Is 1 well adapted to the of the people of we would rait cult the attea attention tion of country M and large lomire dealers ABUTS generally Rene rally to thi th above us as we will 0 of fer ani m as the ikena to mate ke satisfactory ALSO 75 light chicago WAGONS large laree AMERICAN MULES 1150 film A MERICAN WORK CATTLE one li JACK STALLION ars frs asby P 35 taj tt C A PERRY CO Ili irr WHOLESALE AM A I 1 MERCHANTS a isaie opened m in their f y NEW STORE it KO ON STREET jl 1 large asso tin liml 0 31 E it C it it IN ID I 1 Z I 1 venally selected for this market feMi liberal beral discounts made to on C oun 11 ll merchants try ap DRUGS I 1 CHEMICALS 1 it 1 fl l spring fl oi A LEX ALEX LEITCH MARBLE CORNER OF FOURTH U AIN AM r STREET lr KEhr olier 1111 S ST T L LOUIS a U 1 MO 0 g TAKES all AKES pleasure ii in in vitia atte alonto cl his afke AND SUSI lilEa AND allt DRUGS CHEMICALS asi PURL PURE REAGENTS RL RE AGENTS and f pharmaceutical t ARAnos I 1 of 1 which he lias has a viii arry lull Ii and varied as Borin Q 1 f tile b bist and pu 1 ur at quality ll 11 oum ahsu i of ic the 1110 aiss lu 1 hla bla stuck ot of K SURGICAL bURG ICAL instruments I 1 I 1 select luct d with cre care and ami maile made by the lb nu i eim I 1 anil walh b all the ia t t lie he would commend com nd to the notice of labose ia fiatti h TOILETTE ARTICLES 1 including e ey every y viuf 3 mil and i gremli to hi his ii p lr ELEGANT EXTRACTs POMADES AND WAN ile ho has rep replenished 1 his with i supply 1 abo blello BRANDJES BRANDIES WINES AND GIN arid and Is 11 also prepared to fill all all 1 I orders lor for congress and other fineral law of hi lalit sole agai t tvr st luuis hl 11 II broili ot of CHESTS and SUN 0 BA BAGS GS to 19 large aud and has been belec selected ted with r frice f rice to the PIKES PIKE PEAK TRADE AND JER PLAINS w if L A carrl CARPL L I 1 ill LESAIN tl booksellers S T 0 AND A AI rl BLAME HOOK ito ON MAil TAt T ISO acci w ST LOUIS MO KEEP KL P constantly constantly on hand all tin i ag lj iks ka arr dr ctr tl read edg 1 g bh b bo h 1 isk lit daw als ac cde now lu in mr r ail III alli low LO ear J R their stock ot FOREIGN AND AMI DOMESTIC stationery BLANK BOOKS BOO PRINTING AND WRITING PAVER has beca selected walh 11 ith the tha galett caroy carer bind ami L 1 ri i to agnf in the west hay hav UK ng an BIN bandey DEy attached Attach fd to their eita they are I 1 all kind of ill blank books to anler rill le shortest 14 U or ARD B ALLEN AILEN alil en B liliu IRON WORK hS second acair als st L loiis ft GERARD B AL ALLEN N S ib ca manufacture high and L 0 pressure amr steam steal engines hollers 11 artal f work wi rk saw and gristmill od 1 1 8 screw an abram andiron and iron castings or of ec ederr d circular C saw min mills of the page and Child ritu t 30 bof if J YEU F FROM ROM the herd at the hot hoi spit 1 brewer BI 1 I 1 to BLACK MU EV eq br bradli bran ad li I 1 r ties near and it it 0 on 3 sapia Sapi ap pp A 1 have be ve gone one towards toward salt S illk lake city 20 reir tri 4 m pa paid id r lor or their delivery to the tha ab subscriber aber at 1 l the hta lirt ery 40 tf r ROBT S ATTORNEY ATI ORNEY JT AT LOV IV i wil in an all the courts ot the pill any ally in the V U S district C courts arts and supra C i ne he will gl BITO nt attention steu to all 11 cl mii mi I iegel als 0 one oae door dortho nor th of post OAR OB lw euk U L I 1 a ake k e C city I 1 t WM WAL A 4 x ATTORNEY Ss 4 COUNSELOR ST lip r will practice in all the courts IS in this U y S street opposite miller 11 ill ell co cos store r MAURICE SMITH AND coUN counsello SELIO ill I 1 AT LAW 11 i great salt lake CIU city utah territory J S M 1 ATTORNEY AND counsellor COUNS COUNSEL rL LOX d 7 ld TV I 1 domce council N ome st fit opposite mill miller store WORK CATTLE 1 00 aft YOKE 0 of f work cattle in in OT good working condition f ily abl 01 r 1 f GILD S RT WANTED fot AFEW A FEW good mules in in exchange L X good working cattle A P to if |