Show goods Ar arriving Ei business bel begins i ns to look up and in a short tb e may expect to see the ox and mule 1 a scene 0 of f animation ab sars gillert and gerrish received today to day fifteen i tapio loads of merchandize merchandise dize their first lital alaene ala ment ent and next week the balance of the train will be in these trains come fro from california ing about the middle of last week a large to from the same game place and belonging to to 1108 ismer mer loud co arrived and they will it shortly open two weeks ago the first of the season radford cabot co received a ise train from the same point when we tak we into ion consideration that all these trains came irom california started in midwinter and tome fine through without delay it might be 11 ill ll fr for our st t louis friends to watch this of ifor fatt ere the commercial capital of the tl dorado 0 holds it fast or at least competes r a big portion of it |