Show the unanimous W WD D sult suit druggist bippus ind testifies 1 I lean can recommend electric bitters bittera as the very best remedy every bottle sold bold has given giren relief in every case one man took six bottles and was clied of rheu matisin of 0 10 years tears standing abraham hare flare druggist belliville Bell Bel vUle iville ohio affirms the best selling m medicine e dicino I 1 have ever handled in m my y 20 ears experiences experience is ia electric bitters thousands of others have added testimony so that the verdict is that electric bitters do cure all dis anses of the Liver Kidney y or blood only a half dollar a bottle at ai any drui drug store Billon Billo nesi uness we haro tested its virtue r pa ally and know that for or dyspepsia Billious ness and throbbing headache it i is the best medicine the world ever saw we tried tony fortt other remedies before simmons liver iner regulator Ren lator but come bhae ol of them aites us more than temporary belief the regulator not only relieved but clied caled us H 11 JONES ed telegraph and Alegs messenger enger aa ga white swelling swell inc ur US Ilam linone of tile heid known im insurance inn urance a nce buu ill iti III north carolinn carolina WHICH arc from in winston RA m foll wit ev er aiace I 1 wn wan fiburn years of age I 1 have haab had what the doctors call hip disrud di dis wuie ru and which I 1 call white swelling my ity hip wax wan drawn out of place there win a swelling at the anile where them lg is it profuse running which him ham beon been there tor for years of 01 this has ha greatly depleted ray my aya te tein m together ber with surgical operation on tb thal bleg leg bone I 1 trita trind A every known blood purifier p ribier to build up ray lay system but none d did lit tile me good until I 1 took S S 9 I 1 we title it every spir spring tug it always alwayn builds vie me un up giving bg me appetite and digestion und and enables me to tand stand the long trying enervating hot summer gummer days to me there is no uh guch medicine for purifying the blood and building up the wasted aa 8 S S on jiin using it I 1 soon became stron of body and emy easy of mind my color changed from a pate pale worn look to a healthy robust complexion tit mr 0 y X frizzel Fri izel of atin writes write ii about august let ast 1865 ao an eruption appeared on my arms rm and logs legs which pained me much and seemed to affect my physical condition generally on the advice of a physician at this place 1 2 finally commenced using swift specific I 1 am glad to say that after using three large bottles bottle the sores lore have har all healed treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free reo tits co ca drawer 3 atlanta go 0 J FACTS YOU CAN SET BET ON OM that the olard anil and larg largest tf tobacco bictory hil A world is in ia jersey city N J that this factory makes the popular and world tamed famed climax aluz the acknowledged scand scald ard for first fint clan chewing tobacco bacco Co that this factory was u ci long loo IV as 1760 2760 that last year uit i made and sold old the eaon nona quantity of aaS ba abl or cr ourtcea abou und mad tons 0 of tobacco th that ebli was more than one ofte armath of 0 all the to lo bacco made in ia the united states state notwithstanding that there were 66 factories at work that in the last ai 21 years this thi atory fic tory has helped support the united states state government to the extent of over ever forty four million jevta hundred bundred thousand dollus doll irs paid into the U S treasury in ia lote Inter raal nill revenue taxes th that the payroll pay roll of this factory is i about per year or per that this factory employs about OPera dvM that this factory snakes makes such a worder wonderfully fully good food thew chew in ia climax rilla that many other factories lave have tried to irate it in ia vain and aall in despair now aw try to attract custom by offering larger pieces of inferior goods for the same price that this factory nevertheless continues to inches in cres its business biness every year that this factory belongs to and Is operated by yours very truly trdy P F LORILLARD CO MOORS y 11 CENTS tho follow tot books are ar published to la datt pimp lilet fonn printed from rood readable type TP on rv asper find many of them d T they or tro am iti sout exception the cheapest boll ax k ever rub labed d la in any land lead or lan cullia aud nish to the th masses or tho po people an to tho irb bc e or 11 m u 6 ct r ills ay iy ai t wo mott expense in any ny other arlen abone works coar Ts u tamm mom the price at they aare here each one is complete comy lela lu Y of the A 0 ft K C coo ca a lalue description alad ud illustration of the th mool won wonderful larrat wor k sot calure and or of wall very nery inte and nd wonder or efio ca A of h motif fui RII I 1 b beau f ra 1 I SUO b bottom ol 01 1 th clr ix ath altti F 1 A ii loua derfl a and other fatme iry 17 joacin all 9 NY cirit A til or 1 y f I 1 bk tb by it iho nt n t lo 10 writer I or tho the A aunt alt helah by cam th oj CJ shugg 16 al A most y 6 look 64 4 in wy to id bet chwa tien ar cye nicka contin a b of ll 11 chrlotia Chrlot ma stories war r written iti b y ill inma at A lanik I 1 I 1 lor th clift little iian 1 haldi und hil adrams drams lie anil nd ta tat bt d tnora put men alen of air 0 o I 1 of lb 11 f V franklin kal I 1 to th quotation c l lac the oct and author f fly I duct I 1 1494 od W alon A vl olallo allo 11 w work wk k of f W am low lair alf airn in IM york attl A showing the th lurk daric side IJ or of ufa iva in ill tr the anat city JU 1 ad the irbe rond to wealth ant so n dertl ln ci me hot ch caly V 11 1 work pain plaintive tive out 0 way ty which 11 II mcf y arko k mony HT od h fitly one annd hundred d Pl popular pular pone add d comic t lod ing pt P t of lf th clr IH I H V trw laid old 14 sir lr baers holm A N A W atme A 11 cema lifo life A N or 1 jay 7 11 1011 FIAL an old maua Baor Bacri tOco fim A novel dir by un ann AS IT dallys Tal lys r T ca 0 franf ani an i r T will P iii all letter frea r on in lac mailer and cialino for hore hor e lost in tile orvlle rilia lion Is enclosed 0 oa grimn T fO VO Box Dox 23 salt LAKI the AC A lwft 1 ey V T atoo theold chel AN 1 4 C j sa 11 1 tio 10 ie lcarl J ot g the e ocean A evl N 1 by C CLARA CA A M U w ah UM A 1 I by jue ld I 1 II 11 TO fro II t A novel sy rm V ander the L T ua A 01 1 1 ol 4 ly IY I Y ibe of dor ahr Tb iro I the D diamond am d bracelet A kofl ersy kr ur jl lr WOOD I 1 AN ANI I K tbt abe b lq cx oe D or J jiju lill d mr mi ny A xe X e i dv K L U A ab 01 ol 4 doiy Dla moud A ul ur to letl cen T two sloe pla J NI N I by the iyabor or of dorta thalis Tl irnia 73 tho e nina of f flear Il tart tm A N nort 1 pr V L ble b le F til A fintel by ft W A I 1 low A bial N ti al 1 hy by mr mi bui ba i illig tho IU el A evl I 1 th all alli ahava I hy A N novel NI I ill mm WOOD T J k ch 9 the th rett A ioel by ur al A baughier baughter A zali ali jjr att I 1 full lint but dulai A noi by the author or of dorl do ral ja 0 en cubin A na 1 ry I 1 ur bloc d 0 A ats alt A the tk all ce A KOTI ny B dr j a aboa ald the tbt CUro mils cabin A NOTI tr by L X T CALDO liap kaw W will lend any cybur four of ft the above hot books by alp upon n la s antl ally mrtin f fr xa e m ils e bla n y tu om ff al e or s 0 c 0 n for is coats tile dejur b lint bound lo in tamira i with c cloth 10 e k 0 0 T bi n 1 greatest barral brad a la in books frd 4 stamps aken B for fractions frac tiona of I 1 dollar A thour W rotor raft to 0 o any ar Bp belr lr orp r 84 la 10 lawyor new york like will to the th Comor nl Age all bordere fial ed e d b bm baba 81 44 A |