Show A PLOT FOR FOE A WIFE well what news asked freya delver of her lover as they paused in the scented shadow of the apple trees have you seen uio clio enemy 1 I have seen tile the eli enemy enly wasAl was albany bally Elliot ls reply and lie is not ours in ili fact he says I 1 shall never ila hae e you freya ns as bongas long as I 1 live im IDI sure you meet papa in the right way iles hes interested in nothing no thins but antiquities and I 1 am quite wro sure would dispose of 0 my liand hand to any one lio lie could give in exchange a rare coin or a roman inscription said the girl laug liing lightly if you want to please him turn collector and discover something ill do it said albany enthusiastically and ad it wont be my fault if I 1 dont discover a whole museum of 0 curiosities and then something happened that most lovers are familiar with avith and the young man exan went on liis his way rejoicing A few days afterward albany presented himself again lit the delver liou e and informed the doctor that lie ile hail had made a wonderful discovery in tha acha icha thanes nes field near by a roman tablet it did not take dr delver very long to follow the young man to the place where sure enough in ili a deep hole lay a stone with S E P S E V inscribed on oil it great was the good mans delig deli glit and he exclaimed air elliott I 1 dont know how I 1 can call thank you how bow I 1 can repay you for having given mo me this moment of ecstasy you can easily repay me sir said albany new when where said the almost bewildered antiquary allow mo me to make your daughter freya my iny wife answered the young L nan man 41 what erm erin abc ahem ml what freya carml an artist stammered the doctor well bell w ell ill consider it I 1 hem joicin like the idea but ahem one cannot bo be too careful these ia rys lys ahem well good mornin morning mr elal U 11 the old man shuffled shied oil off cuddling the tile and the stone so far so good muttered albany but by jovel it he should twig the trick I 1 copied the things right enough from the book but these old potter ers bic arc so awfully cute am just sorry bevo belvo let the old gaffer gader m again sir mr elliott said mrs irs chayne on dri liis its arrival at the farm why asked albany because hes a terrible loon for nd and bockin abbot replied mrs chayne IllIe ho cooms in hero here with his dirty boots imd liis roman rubbish an stuff an it allus tak takes es me and a good hour to lean call up after him then he be never so much as asks ask s leave for to dig aad turn n er a thank ye e mrs chayne or a by your leave mrs chayne 1 not he hes n cool look Is the gaffer after an theres nae doot ol 01 0 that well but mrs chayne said al bany im sure you wont mind when I 1 tell you why I 1 have done it I 1 I 1 mrs chayne liked elliott immensely its is did all the folks in the neighborhood from crom the parson down to johnnie armstrong the cobbler and general gossip ni monger and she treated him rather as a personal friend than as a guest so when albany told her the secret she laughed heartily and said ahl miss freya ashes a cannie lassie that she be and wo we al a call it a shame that ashes shut up with the old gafter gaffer train from Martin nias to Martin alas without never a chance om cotin with some bannic lad as would make her his wife but I 1 tell ye mr elliott the gaffer is a deep one he is and im th thinking thin inkin kiu ye must have done your work uncommonly well to deceive him old dick of alston once played him the like trick that was many years syne but nobody in ince has but well win miss freya for ye mr elliott liott that we will mrs charnes Ch Cb aynes prediction came true albany called at Haws dyke a day or two after and found the doctor raging ragine and raving like a madman when the old gentleman saw albany he rushed toward him with his hands stretched out and al an express expression iod of almost pathetic agony on his face mr E elliott I liott he cried ive been deceived robbed some villains been imposing on me by trying to pass off all this worthless rubbish Rs as genuine roman relics mind I 1 dont say it is ou on for tori I 1 dont believe you are capable of such a crime and a crime it is J list as much as it is for monks to palm palin off relics of saints on simple folk 1 I am very sorry sir said albany but but bat I 1 presume that my reward hold gcoy 11 luward almost yelled the antiquary reward dreward for vhal reward for having caused me the bitterest moment of my existence no sir I 1 said I 1 would take time to coll consider sider the matter and I 1 have considered it but sir F freya reyn that is miss delver 1 is s engaged to me said albany desperately 14 my daughter sir said the old gentleman in a dignified manner has no right to dispose ot of herself without my consent miss delver is under age sir 11 albany rushed f from rom the house a picture of angry despair ile he ate no dinner that day and contrary to his usual active babits lia bils sat in the farm house all the af afternoon ter putting puffing savagely at his pipe pipa and glaring into tho the fire mrs channo of course noticed the alio change in tho the young mans demeanor and said cheer achber up master elliott a know a took place the rubbish iw has been found out anil and the old 1 keiffer affer lies iles said nae abbot miss bliss freya INI biilna Ilia al a tell ye that a 11 would win will her tor for yc i yes of 0 course 3 you did bibi low the liow how can you angrily aepli albany ihde bide 11 wee gang out an all dinna dilla put yourself abbot yo 11 iwar huir something by tile morning morn inc alid tle the worthy wo woman nian when 11 hillis chayne says shell sheIl do doo aa a thing shell do dolt it the next nest x morning g albany was v as surprised to see freya standing itu on oil the footbridge ns as it if walting waiting lor him when she saw him slie she hurried toward ili him in and said oh albany my ma fathers fal hers in ili such a ive never been him so miserable in all my illy life lie ile s had a letter aletter from mrs Chayne saying that adall as all the roman dies he lias has that lie values ili have live been cound upon her property shell trouble chinito him to give them up ill sho hc will take no payment nothing but the relics and she says ys that unless ciless lie he toes does sho she will put lier her case in the hands of tile the law and lies asked me to flud you so conic come along p albiny albany elliott Kl liott took off his bonnet and hurled it into the air with a wild airrall ashes a brick that sirs Mrs chayne 11 said ho be when his enthusiasm sub subsided aided she said shed win will you for me she knows that the doctor would rather part with you than with his relies relics and why ashes done this t the doctor met them at the door oil oh mr elliott Elli olt he said ruin and misery stare me in the face TI that bat fiend of a mrs chayne wants me to give up tip my darling household gods and the worst of it is that she lias has the law on her side and I 1 must give the them m up lip unless unless I 1 well doctor 10 said albany she is a terrible woman I 1 know now for sticking to her word if she says a thing she means jt it and I 1 know she wants to get your you r relics but it if allow me ill offer my mediation and although im not san aine of success you may be sure that ill do my best will you will you cried tho the old man in ecstasy be my greatest benefactor if you succeed for parting with all these results of long years of labor and research would be like parting with my very eyesight you are willing Will illg to pay a high price doctor said the young man mail yes aes es anything up to 11 replied the antiquary 1 I dont mean in filthy lucre 11 said albany if I 1 succeed in getting mrs chayne to relent will you give me your freya freva yes I 1 will that I 1 will 11 said the old gentleman but be quick dont lose anytime any time every moment until you come back will be a year to me albany made a show of rushing off returning late that evening with the news that airs chayne had relented the old doctor almost went mad with joy kissed his darling relics kissed freya and even embraced albany in a few weeks time freya delver became mrs albany elliott ond and it may be taken tor for granted that the ii worthy orthy mrs chayne W tiou noc lack becom recompense for the part slie she h ii IQ played in in giving a practical exemplification of t theotime the time worp dictum that nils alls fair in ili love I 1 the doctor was never quite so neighborly to mrs channa afterward as a s he be h biad ad been and priva Loly expressed his opinion that the whole affair had been a plot to which she was a party but as albany elliott made him an excellent son sou in law in ili ev every ry sense of the tha phrase and is F aroya roya expressed herself perfectly happy and contented ho he never gave audible vent to his bis notions chicago journal |