Show THE ASTOR ESTATES alic mol art or ali tt kiar in bolm jacob astor left alio hulk of lux property to william in trust for liis two son williim and jolin jacob this being as extended an entail as our laws permit william was a very trustee but in addition lio accumulated a of his awn this ho bequeathed to his inns in trust for children thus re rechlin cilin hiis fathers plan on williams iho two sons mailo a fathers ct abc atc this being the nio t im portail act of partition eliat ever occurred in america the most in this is alio llio secrecy with which it was done it wi nil immense bisk to il iv alc such i vast ami nil estate into two equal parts but it vt in EI clial inest leavo been mutually satisfactory it is oil aliat alio wai carefully by alic darks ami then Mpa into to portions us as a s possible ami alio llio by lot ditc itc the astor A stor fell to john jacob alio is to llie bt alico alio aiwas amity anil alie lui look place alicy in twenty street john jacob soon afler eanls placcie nil hiis property in alio haals ot Wali lort who now ii the eat inan for hiis no in america on alio llio valuation may bo ivan as follows john jacob ellei eiten william died twenty seven years alio natate was nt least eliat anni anil its since llian mill make each of alie brothers may bo certainly cortA well to do in the worlie one reason why the astor laivo nil joining ia in alio of alio llio capi airl lucaci lc aci to alio can nol bo alico form a library in themselves ami arc very as shiow in bmw now york wis li nl out in alic time A still greater curiosity in four aln alt il waon is escil in alil books into the for reference it is maiac in ihu anil clie apost manner alic wheels being sawed out of a board bill it lias this purpose for isioro than half ft century and old john jacob loved his book bajon wajon moro than his coach this collection of mans and leases is of in real estate researches but only u favored few are permitted to examine thorn Y cor herald conr treaties china provide as follows subjects in allm united stales shall enjoy alic samo and in respect to travel or residence as may bo enjoyed by alio citizens or subjects of tho most nation IS chinese laborers or of nuy other class residing in tho territory turri tory 0 the united states meet with ill treat at tho hand of any other pure ons alic of alio united will exert all in its power to devise measures for GA cago journal |