Show QUEER COURTSHIP alow ahn men of anpo woo win their alica courtship is by no means a necessary preliminary to marriage to begin it alio beginning when a young inin decides that lio will marry ho often birst builds a house sibil it is no trivial matter here most of alio llio lumber is sawn by hand in a pit A man may bo said tobo in earnest ho begina his suit with hard labor ami that too from a disinterested motive not having tho idea perhaps as to who will bo alio mistress of tho home wo saw a number of expectant buildings in all states and of many ages for some failing to pel a tenant stood without windows or doors the of a desolate and empty heart jolin ayoung man duly prepared to marry had set out the previous week with h is spokesman to get a wife iio had no particular preference for any one but they decided to go first to tho house of mary ono of alio brightest girls of alio parish whom ho had often noted but with whom ho biad never spoken when they entered alio house a hint ot their object WAS given to alary anil she retired from the sitting room the spokesman then delivered liis in which lie praised alic personal bics tics tho fortune alic social position of his friend and asked alio h and of alary for him As alio llio father had no objection to alio offer lie at consented to leavo alio matter to his daughter alio w us called in and alio spokesman conferred quietly aghilo glicr in n corner consented to alic marriage alio spokesman then led her out to alic middio 0 alio bloor and john camo from his corner and took her by alio liand thus alio contract was accepted under llie usual penally of forfeiting twenty dollars in caso alio engagement was broken alic was spent in dancing but if any of alic deacons hid biad wind of alic allier alli ir il is that they would havo conic and tho festivity into a prayer meeting tho young man engaged alio llio priest to publish the binns for alic first and last time on tho following sabbath biad glicr own plans in all this alio know aliat alio llio nn air would reach alio cars of sandy alio had a strong preference T aad the upshot of il wo 1 tint ho and his father went lato on saturday Satu iday night roused tho priest and biad sandys namo substituted in alio banns for that of applicant number one this now of alio cards was common enough so that it caused but a passing among tho of alio parties most ted isitt a certain young man alio heard alio banns went homo in such eliat he asked his father for ten dollars when questioned ho explained that tho girl whom lio biad always intended to marry was to bacomo tho brido ol 01 sandy and lie was going away to alic states well and eliy dont vc carry her kofl and marry glicr malcolm ill civo yc alio upper farm this go get brother alio girl and bring her homo here well keep her safe now it happened thai malcolm was tho richest of tho three applicants besides boing I 1 will suppose for sake a good fellow it to say that they brought alio girl homo lug and baggage by stealth steil th eliat sunday night and mounted a guard eliat alio success of any on either glicr part or tho part of others and they were married on tho following tuesday these persons acro by no means ol 01 alio llio lower ranks tho girl wa was s described to mo by an old fisherman as a noble minded lookin girl sir a ano specimen of tho highland craft A man is all tho more highly esteemed for such a foal tho rejected fellow docs not loso bicart ho generally keeps on with ills negotiations day after day bouso after house until ho linds a partner an intelligent woman admitting tho denoral predominance ot worldly interests in these matters and tho suddenness with which marriages waru very often raade said that py nevertheless rare among this people the domestic lifo of tho couple even to daiy diy in most of the homes will bo exceedingly primitito tho woman will do tho spinning weaving and knitting required by the family and the man will mako nearly avory tiling needed in the bouso and on alio farm A farm and family will require about two hundred dollars worth of iccil food and sundries and athla amount represents tho average production of tho firm 1 of capo together with tho fishing hut many do nt odd times in tho spring actual i felt by many until fishing mcginn and alio llio cows civo milk mure hut tho island 19 generally arco from haupers paupers pau pers C H farghum in harpers marazine May azine ono of alio on alio Kita lidin on her recent memorable trip was a massachusetts doctor alio biad mado a specialty of a remedy for so isick which ho hns very frequently to his frenid i and in tho of lie had tho most confidence alio masi doctor avs thail no moro As alio llio steamer went into blurts harbor ho cancu on deck and in a sorrowful tone of boici thus to one of tho a it I 1 overtake anny moro of that villainous stun I 1 liopo 1 may bo hung and quartered it aim sicker a courier it is aalde that electricity is now used in removing from alio llio ance AH this is the ago 0 is no telling how a plan will bo discovered to blow corm with |