Show HOW TO AVOID SCARS L how x llull cr will effrat scars arc always unsightly anil ara often painful or inconvenient on account of their propensity to contract u they become older dr of now york asserts that they may bo removed by manipulation which ho directs to be employed as follows place the ceils of two or three fingers on a scar if it be a email one and on alic margin if it bo large and vibrato tho surface on the tissues beneath the surface itself is not to bo subjected to any friction all the motion must be between alio integument and the deeper parts alio location of tho motion should bo changed every ten or fifteen seconds until the whole acar hiu been treated it it bo of moderate size if aliu scar bo alio result of a large scald or burn tho margin only should bo treated HI first the advances toward the center bo deferred until alio nutrition of the margins has been decidedly improved only ft little treatment should bo ap alicd to any one spot at lie same time ut the vibrations should be repeated HS many a twenty times a day but never frequency or severity to cause pain if the scar becomes irritable suspend treatment until it subsides in tho course or two or three weeks of faithful treatment the surface of alio scars of moderato mod crato eiza becomes more movable and will begin to orm wrinkles like new skin whoa pressed from side to ido all changes are duo to impie cd nutrition consequent on better blood circulation alio development of entirely now sots of blood in the tissue diw |