Show AN ORIENTAL MONSTER ot tho flatt two horned Ill ought to america 1 A quadruped curiosity has arrived in this country from it is one of alic two horned species of rhinoceros a female with a young calf and froin the demeanor ol 01 alio interesting couple alio double barrelled barrel led strangers appear to havo taken kindly to our climate vivacity indeed 13 of bulky animals and both when hunting sportsmen and being hunted by them they hayo displayed such address in their tactics and ouch agility in getting over tho ground ns surprised their adversaries to look at they would seem but poor band at running but set off pace i said to bo perfectly astonishing their bodic 1 covered with weighty akin their heads and short legs nil donoto a creature eliat is tardy in movement and naturally sluggish bill faich is far from being tho citso for a toon aa the rhinoceros rhino ceron Is fairly con vinced that it lias a good nod reason for being active it beshirs bestirs to such purpose aa to mako it hard for a swift borso cither to escape its gumnit or to overtake it when in llight of the two contingencies tho latter so far M the sportsman is concerned is immeasurably the safer for tha giga olio bacnat has not only the speed and tin courage of a wild boar but has such irre strength that the elephant itself can not stand the shock of it onset in temper moreover is M short as its leg and very indeed suf fico in philosophy to constitute provocation to one out of ila sleep is quita enough even though no malice arc panso can bo proved thu tre to meet one face to face when it is browsing its way along the riverside Is moro than in cither bruteig charam ilia case tho spleenful stranger without hesitation and with positively terrific impetuosity cheru is no reservation about its conduct oo 00 opportunity given to the mistake as tn visitor for making any the an imir intent lont if bv to apologize to the provoked ho had better do so in writing lator on in abo meanwhile it li best to got out of ita way there i DO leisure given for explanation of tho intrusion tho beast comes down head first with a snort that says out you go M plainly as over snort taid anything this snort by tho way sounds uke the letting ott of a fully charal a kind of furious chuu nud which is singularly expressive ald prompt ejection inauen as wo w from the idge to which tho roost con live under favorable chicken can ant auy dirom basald to be alno years knows battat body who ever boarded wjk Wj 7 |