Show Jit linn bagins A lively term of court in antici casca of unlawful aft foro alio llio grand jury alil neck sos iu tho citso of abc unit 1 v M L anro n for tomorrow to morrow dout forgot to call around and ce what you oo 00 us 0 o arc hu anin ai veil ns liu tho general Confer of alio iatter day sainta is expected to bo held in provo next A couple of families passed through this city thia their wy ta santaigo Santi igo djuth america fruit arc becoming nu hereabouts they are flocking in faoro ho north and south the volley in n ani co will locate furnaces on utah lake near prevo there arc DOW bevon prisoners in fie coulty cooler tecc of whom aro from on charges ol 01 lar it is said that mr H G lucy local editor of tho S L herald is oun mission to now zealand Zeala nJ blood food is tho suggestive namo ivan to lic causo of its blood enriching qualities abo contract for putting in shelves and count cra in mr P T farns store has beau let to mr W aholt nor coplai tho new methodist school teacher and for afa vcr arrived last saturday lie is staying it the house mr henry blackfor Blac knor of this city lias pin chased a machine frum mr richard benson of paro wan we arc glad to eco mr B branching out in various enterprises welcome ahi begies ou his fourth trial on monday next sympathy and go a ions way but wo hope to bo allo to justice peep between vie bars nino havo been cent five from silt like aal four from provo to it ick S riua to repair and rebuild tho houses bernol there at the outbreak against hiis starl oy was bryght tho Giand jury in the thid thi d dix she declined an questions propounded ly tatt body and ivas again for contempt W J carler of Miners villo was yesterday by ahal on another charro of receiving stolen properly ho wan brought to this city about midnight last night and lodged in jail try abern aiila and bo cured misery is n mild word to describe alio mischief to body and irinod by constipation tho regular uso of ayera cathartic Cat harlic pills in mild dobas will alio viscera to action the concentrating works at mil ford wore st up ou sunday lust some of the belting kinf found to be inadequate fo the work required and mr A G telegraphed to salt anke for more which had to lo 10 lifted alio wheela etc could le put into motion again A bottlo of samaritan one to defy asthma aiosa and debility alco at low A livoy epileptic ought to try samaritan at buco bayh hitov J T etter of now glarus aia asa failing remedy C B of mckord wae brought up from that place on monday abet to answer to a charo preferred against him of neglect of duty while acting as justice of the thero tho erand jury buado an investigation of tho case and avo indicted him upon tho imo himo H iio TO bouda anil returned homo juseph edwarda and family acro in greenville lut ma M a edward noticed liello child roa not to bo baut A wa majo for tho atud abbo UM found in tho well I 1 ins dallon ia during her play wi rescued liuo to avo ita alto kiil liil Liy team 0 o mr P T farnsworth Farus worth bilo being loaded in tho coop co op lumber danl gjok fright add nu anway at abod they took ecat lumber box and parts of alic wagon ou ill sifoa of the nd after veiling the of town with only the front wheels of the anyn were brought to a halt by man who h nl acon chasing them ou horseback soilo rc is now iu order we hue received a compilation of words purporting to be lectures pub libed ia book arm anil delivered by alo TIO buol baa ben published at tho in of hiis excellency aud others alio lectures aro aimed at tho ii ivinity of alio llio book it 13 needle s to s ay iy hey Bc arcely tho binding ti io lectures published or will do no harm as they are bit tho faint feeble of a lamb tho case of doc ia before the C urt ait alio present doo is charged wih having perjured himself buforo the rand jury during the lovi laist the defendants conn sol rather amused the laars and tho nii alora of alio bar be and cha for their in pol rainy etc the prosecute prose cuti n had taken this c it desired to all frim the ou boica that thov would not convict in a cao of this kind tho prosecution did not ob jcck to assistance at all au communication arora our regular correspondent correspond tnt of st too lato for full publication it staica however that the quarterly there has just closed ind has acon one of elders roberts and y two lelur ned acro the principal akore flies arc nebout ahe worst pest in thit bo is informed a deputy is located at leeds and silver ecca who goes by eliat sullied aarne of miller it is said he is a bittar enemy to the people and will n doubt leo tho pot boiling many farmers will not be able to get water un their crops ou account of the immense damage done to ditches and dams so that toiuo crops will lil cly not mature dr cilc a without doubt alo successful specialist iu the treatment of chronic and nervous disease his oa sojourn in europe him to that seldom falls to jio lot of ardi enry mortals this coupled with the fact that tho doc tor devotes his entire to only one class of ailments causes him to suc succeed ced where many others fail those daf icing to consult him can 30 so freo of charge by addressing him at no twelfth st washington D C |