Show THE WYOMING MASSACRE alio dj in tho binl by to alio scone WY T september 7 was a comparatively quiet tiny at alock acu anoro been made making sixteen in nil warrants have been for a 0 other miners who havo fled to abo bills the charges against the prisoners anro serlona consisting 0 arson and robbery they have been bent to jail at green and will bo a preliminary hearing lo anro only a few elnera at work and since the arrival ot the troops the saloons have been reopened ko moro bodies hive discovered A arrived la green river last night ill an exhausted lie said ho bad not tasted water bor la two daya alli compin loni perished la iho hills and their were cancu by ho reported clial inacy other had died from wounds and ci haust lon while escaping out of the hills to abo railroad all 0 the employed at alray is havo been sent to evan loa protection 0 trompa it Is reported that abo evanston havo the that they mut leave that place of evanston bankers nud wholesale grocers aro tho who supplied iho miners at almy and hock with coolies they will not employ any more chinese labor and will it Is said send aboin out ol 01 this section ot tho country A kallan pun and 2000 rounds 0 ammunition waa sent to boiu in anticipation ol 01 trouble governor warren la now at evanston Evan stoa |