Show THE OF WOMEN Is women work never couo women are content to diioro it so Fr ondes history of carlyles Carly los liftin london just published contains an in cresting laughable letter addressed to to from his wife anno welch carlyll Car lylo it Is styled a chastisement but to our mind it scorns much moro liko an for a hearing and for only reasonable assistance aiom tho boblo lord wo arc told no bno who visited tho could tell whether they acro poor or rich their exhibited neither extravagance nor poverty mrs carlyll Car lylo 0 person of ad bostc was always well dressed but tho letter referred tells a story of alio inside lifo and management familiar in all its details to most wives who anro housekeepers as well perhaps it is only honesty to admit thai men seldom bother themselves about alic domestic expenses of house and bablo nud iro uneca tenably given to crumbling nebout mat tars they could not manage themselves to any credit whatever it certainly becomes a thankless when by dint of worry and retrenchment and much personal cal ort tho difo succeeds in peeping household expenses within ju cunil fault sho can do ho belter and this galling experience must tako on an extra of as itt tho cao with sirs carlyll Carly lc half the income comes from her own her husband declares his to destroy tho letter the piece is so clover and it is not only clever but witty afler unsuccessful to convince hini that tho outgo for fam alv expenses is far exceeding tho income at this irritability whenever the subject is mantion cd sho semis letter with so clear and succinct i eating forth of and accounts ho haa to acknowledge not only their accuracy brt the hampered conditions under which sho lias labored to minister to the and comforts of tho little family doubtless many a wife who lies awald far night as did this good woman trying to plan how expenses can bo kept cocu and likely as not confronted as walso this prudent wito by tho impatience of a liusa ind to listen to lads in the case we say doubtless many a difo would be glad to avail herself of the ability to send her witty ind convincing a letter alluded to most wives earn their living bulc as truly as do their husbands never was a erncr couplet than tho old oft quoted one that work Is froin un to un but a work Is never ilono most women arc content to havo it so they dont disiro to havo their work done it would mean almost a suspension of all ability to perform willing tasks or worse stilt no ono to love nono to worlds wll it is truthfully said women aro adib highly prized and respected in our own land than in any other on the globe but can we not go further and help lighten hc toil by dealing more fahily and liberally in alio matter of pecuniary disbursement which is rightful huk |