Show ST dec although wo havo not hid much aftin binco iret writing tho nil baa been very damp and chilly A lii alo and kiil liil liefl fallen bill if has lain on alio llio 1 rm confident hint your colem abo is in error ahmow ay iy in regard to the two febi of enow atud til owing ini in this for tharo hai never ban even tv 0 o iuchs s of on iho ground hero abia winter nt acy one lime it waa no 0 typographical error ED asfar As far uni loarn hero is no foundation in fact about ilia big ahonso of U snow and inlo ail academy it is nawa to liero bionda it iw discontinued paying out his own goodlo on ordera from alio llio mountain co 03 thinks after ap several thousand dollars lo 10 leop alio llio bill rolling it is time B jno one also ut up and aid in au that is to win if it is properly managed and plenty of cip ilal the work going en vc lad tho roost quiet christmas this lime wo lavo L for years alo gatas acro enuch and alio boys behaved themselves in must parts of tofu A few cid za 6 acro in tho cast part of tho city by hoodlums who must havo been on a drauk aa windows vs cro slightly damaged abid diers diors much dented iu T W hunts as bi ai a mans fisl were hurl edit the hou soso tried to baiso h 11 and damnation to their own souls by their this gloomy weather will probably ban ou until about the or of 1883 then wi may look for nuo weather again till the last of tho month yours dec pro yiu since my last pan duitch valley bag had a mantlo of asniw say from ten to sixteen inches with from two to i dur feet at aud iu allo moun acius which has thawed to a con extent malting the highways south and west of ua almost impassable boino of tho mails were at much as thirty faix hours behind time tho g fc delayed and failed lo 10 reach us on time in one however the roada are becoming more passable and all is bo to assume regularity aadu work has commenced on our new meeting house with a vim car riding and sargent are tho cornice with iino expectations of com Il eting the roof in a short time if the weather will keep good lui jua ui aggio it was in a very clever manner A arca irca was arranged ia the aud val alic of mr st nii kuli wui and julin E A II 11 hiding schy annj lutfi c i as a 1111 b of alic rp was a linly no inucci otherwise U was a very some horaj raring tool place iu tho kiich linail fi nail aboud alark by a raco borso un ler ful one ol 01 arlin lui luilly liy neaily killing liin but locc l aej now J ochia it was a viry aed ilent rani too u ar iha track aiom arc a at uuro three alic lah alij one near at a for acal lilias li lils llado llapo alio llio cal thereof 13 near liari il lyciy S |