Show UT THE ODD JOBS DID it is tho lords will wife and wo can but submit said nathan II olloway s adiv 1 I have prayed long and earnestly that lie some way for us out of this great trouble but ilo knows best anil ilo will be with us even when wo hivo to leave the old homo I 1 liopo they wont come to notify us today to day tho first day of the mcw acar and yd I 1 suppose wo might as well look this in the faco first as lost 0 nathan said his wife as she fell on her knees by ilic sido of the chair to which tor months lie had been confined if you well and strong I 1 should not mind leaving iho dear old place so binch but I 1 know how hard it will bo for you ns you arc to ninke another place like home wife said her companion laying ids hand fondly on her head with you by luy bido any place will ecca liko home do I 1 not know how you leavo struggled and toiled so that we might lay hero even until today to day where should we have been now had you not PO 1 taken things into your own fiands I feel badly about walter for I 1 had hoped to civo him a good education but as god has seen lit to render it cannot bo now and wo must try to find something for the loy to do but wife we will not tell him of it today to day let us boako it a happy day for him so that when wo anro gono he may remember with elcas nrc alio at non day ho aror yc nathan ive there wife I 1 eco lawyer coming up tho lane you had better go now I 1 did hope they would let us feel that the alil place still belonged to us today to day but god knows bayt nathan I 1 wish you would let mo eany and alio llio lawyer you no wife I 1 can this better flonc lib companion rose her lips to his brow and left the room without a word happy new year said the lawyer as she met him at tho door happy yew year he repeated as he the room where the invalid was abail ing him awkward he muttered as though to himself it dont sound to wish a man that when youve come to turn him out of doors as you might EW during this speech lio had been fumbling over a bag of papers he had brought with him suppose you know what brings mo mr II olloway he added helping him elf to a scat yes was iho reply you havo come to notify me that the mortgage is to at once 1 I aco bouvo kept track of dates and Eo foith I 1 dont often attend to such matters on holidays but laid asido my rule for once and made a special cao of this I 1 understand you arc not prepared to pay no I 1 am not prepared to pay pity you havo not some friend to borrow the money from five hundred is a small sum to give up lucli a fine place for 1 I could not ask any one to lend mo money would bo DO prospect of my ever being able to pay back abo loan wise very wic but conr grandson might bo ablo bonio day to pay it for you walter Is but a lad was the reply and it would be long cru ho could do it bor would I 1 be willing to burden his young life with a heavy debt no the old place must go and yet said tho lawyer writing on one of the papers lie had with him 1 I am told it was for his father to pay ou of liis debts flint tho place was first mortgaged I 1 dont aco why when his conduct almost ruined you you look upon yourself iho support of his child that is all n thing of alio past bow you know that my son ii dead true the original mortgage was two thousand and you have paid up all but five hundred again ho busied hain t alf with his pen suppose you would have paid it all it you had not been disabled 1 I hoped to bo able to do so bat god in his all wise providence has seen fit lo 10 order things otherwise when do you propose to place farsalo for salo alio old mans voice was very aad it will not ho necessary to collur it publicly was alie lawyers low reply for I 1 havo privately found a future owner for the place a nd it is that which lias brought mo here now hen does hu wish to conic into possession P asked the old man thinking moro of that than of the arico that had boon 1 I think ho would liko to como into possession today to day said tho lawyer writing busily again 1 I have brought all tho papers with me A today to day today to day said tho old man yes many people you know like to start things with abo beginning of tho now year will you look over that papyri 1 nathan II olloway took the handed liim with for it was a shock 0 o him to think of passing over hint very day tho alil place to a stranger but though in acs diew iliin at fai at ho bravely steadied himself until ho could road tho words that would pierce his heal t like knives A frightened look passed our hia face A handed tho paperback saying sadly you have mado a mistake and given mo he wrong paper tho lawyer looked nt it ft moment and returning it said no if 3 it you will find it properly biado out and signed bill in s i release of lio and is of uso when I 1 have no money to pay it some one else lias paid it for you there is no one to do that on the contrary tharo is for it has been paid and the release was made out esterday et erday what does tin s mean asked tho older man excitedly it macins was alin reply that your grandson who is but a lad indeed has paid off the mortgage and ho now sends liis grandparents iho release as a new years oller iii walter walter how listen nathan two days ago your grandson ho tells me hc is but thirteen came into my ottice allu s n bright looking lad and I 1 once or twice sent libin on errands and pacu him agrillo for st iloco Ilo cn now that for aliv ho lias spent liis holidays and all ot his spare limo in running errands and doing odd jobs for which he lias received small sums of money all of which lie has carefully caie fully saved so that when 1 opened iho bag ho brought me I 1 found tacio small sums had mounted up until they made ono hundred and twenty live dollars and fifty cents ho had heard lie said that his grandfather must sell the farm unless lio could pay somo money ho owed by the first of the year lie asked it what hc had given me was enough to pay it and J told liim yes that the larm not bo sold now and eliat I 1 would come down myself and tell 3 on so today to day acau the old man in a faint voice and trembling again wait a moment I 1 haw more to say never mind where iho rest of tho money from it has nil been paid what I 1 have to say is this I 1 am generally considered a liard and crusty alil bachelor I 1 am circumstances may have conspired to mako mo seem so but I 1 have a avid recollection of my younger days I 1 know what it is to begin life with a do and a weight dragging mo down I 1 know what it is to light and Sit ruggle against adverse circumstances ohavo seen life in somo of its harshest phases and since I 1 havo been what the world calls wealthy I 1 have been called stingy and mean because I 1 have refused to endow colleges and universities to found hospitals and pay on church debts but I 1 had my own ideas about tho disposition of it or at least I 1 have wished to use a portion of it in saving others from lie struggles that beset so many in early life your grandson strikes me as one to whom I 1 could lend a helping hand feeling confident I 1 would not regret it in the future with your consent I 1 will undertake to co that ho is well educated will send him to calleo and rivo him a start in lifo As for ou and your wife you may livo hero as ion as you a homo on earth and atu shall want for nothing it was to tell you this that I 1 havo set asido my ordinary custom and have attended to business on new years day there 1 am afraid I 1 havo told you too budden ly adar all and he wont over to tho side of alio old man who was tram ill a manner alarmed liim no no was the reply call my wife call my wife 0 I 1 could bear without her but not this not this 0 nathan nathan cried tho wife when slie had been summoned what is it and once more aho fell on her knees by liis side it is joy wife boyi tell her picaso turning to tho lawyer 1 I cant it choirs inc again the story was told ot what a love had done and os o s he the lawyer saw alic tearful faco of the wife raided to that of her husban L as both licaus acro bowed lie stood reverently by for he know alint prayers of thanksgiving were ascending to the thione even when ho cla their hands in token of farewell there was no word spoken their hearts were too full for utterance it remained for tins brandson pr andson alio camo shyly in not lon afterward to bring them to a full realization of the change in their prospects was it a happy new years day ask any one of them bow that cn arro years have passed away and they will all reply alike that it was the hp in all their J whitney Whit ncy in S S tims |