Show A ghost story an incident oi nature occurred in alio city on last halloween which haa siren rio to considerable and surble le alio facts ns obtained from one of tho participants bv ft representative of atio bricely staled arc to the that seven young ladies all of montreal at n halloween gathering ten cara ago agreed to meet again on the same carn ang ten acara the stipulation was dead or alive 1 alio young indy who made uc u c of eliat expression reminding alio other six of alio agreement 11 limo after by sending klicin anch nn invitation for october 31 this lady was evidently abo originator of tho reunion ami laughingly promised to bo were at nil so abdai t four years ago this young lady died tafry suddenly sho n described as having been of a quiet religious disposition and very lall the remainder of the ten years rolled by anil lio time fur lie reunion came accordingly on all ere alio sic met at the house of two of their number alio were sisters for tea but nc bordins to tho original a chair was left vacant for alio ain sin one thi clifair was draped m black while in front of it on the table were goniu bowers path cred from the grave of the deceased othia occurred darins tho n past savo that the lady next to alic empty chair saoko of a nervous sensation but this was not thought of at the time after ci they started toa move to alio pailor athly adjoining the youn lady list mentioned tho way and carrying in glicr he bunch of nowara alic parlor was quite dark saving the light which streamed in from the dining room when shu opened tho door at that moment abc cried look cooki and pointed to alic parlor where three or four of saw distinctly a tall white figuro standing at alio llio door from the parlor to the liall abo alio had birst seen it retreated quickly and avas juil leaving the dining room by tho side door from that room liall when she again saw alic figuro and her brought of alic others to alic door nud all saw it glide quickly along tho liall from alio parlor door to alic door leading to the street which icem cd to open of itself and close after tho figure had passed through only one of the six failed to sec the figure at fall she having in both cases been too late very dubious and believed in be merely some kind of a practical joke and nt once wont and inspected alio llio ivar ili kant hlll k k waa found to be still secure so the trick theory was apparently out of the question ai solution of tho mystery our informant saw alio llio eguro twice and describe it being right houghl thiu is to say very tall nud wholly draped in white no hands nor feet were to be seen and tho isicc was concealed it seemed to glide rather inn walk and very quickly it did not touch tho door nt nil and did not appear to pas through it but iho buor seemed to open of itself and close behind alic figure tho sensation produced by alie figure was as if it acro chuckling to itself on having kept tho promise to bo present and laughing nt alio acaru produced at least our young jadv informant states such been glicr sensation in so fir as alio had any from alio dominant of fear lucli Is alic story and wo give it for what it is worth without attempting to olter cither explanation or comment montreal gun casette Ga sette |