Show A LITTLE I 1 MADE r had an awful time tho last week of you sec alic bays called ino mollycoddle molly coddle and girl boy and that feller can stand without being ailed riled andi just that id lick any one of them wanted to ry it and I 1 can tell YOU I 1 had to in right and left pretty lively for of courna they took alint alic samo as a s a stump and ail for standing up for my cousin letty mason id like 0 o know what kind of a loy id be not to stand up for roy own cousin visiting nt my bouic too you sec ned alien wis mail because I 1 said latty was as smart and w any six girls in town nut together and ills big brollier brolli cr goes a young lady eliat ned is just because alio treats him as if lie was grown up and asks liim questions about history and things and id like to know what alic lias to make him think lies the best scholar in school alien he gota alic worst of most anybody its deceitful I 1 besides alic any eyebrows to speak of and her teeth stick away out latty haslitt lc curly rings of black iligir all over her head aud her great black eyes shim like ducles boots after a polish and the pinki cst with iho cunning cst liello dimples whenever alto lint nil that RO if she so she won nil my auids playing marbles and I 1 tell you sho skips stones just bully if bhe is a girl lint I 1 was going to tell you about neds brollier brolli cr phil iio here nil the liine lies a lawyer aud this town half grand enough for master philips talents I 1 anything against phil though lies a nice feller only he does wear such clean shirts and is forever twirling his mustache well so it was the lost week of just after ned said that latty hold a canalo to phils young lady and we just had it liot and heavy and were both of us pretty well banged bunged up that phil homo a broken arm A horse had run away with two ladies and phil grabbed tho bridle and stopped it but ho wa down and trampled upon and got pretty will up beside liis arm but I 1 guess it paid for ho was about as much of a hero as general grant the sewing society talked about him a afternoon ned fell as set up as if lie had dona some great thing himself him solf and was always telling what my brollier brolli cr phil said and phil went loudd as grand as you please with liis anil iu a sling and said any alio courage of amonso would have dono alic same but of course that was all bosh ho knew as well 03 anny body and liked it too and all aliis time latty waa shut up in the house with a soro throat and she pretended to it anything great and see what all the fuss was about but alic was when mr alien gave a lawn party in lionor of phils being at home and let ned invite on his own account wed made up by that time lip promised to about phila oung lady and I 1 promised not to say anything about only I 1 think just tho same and her teeth did etick oui any now so nc eismin ini anti nira alien came over on purpose to ask latty to coico and get acquainted with lie in tho village and lot looked as scared as anything and said something about her throat I 1 guess mrs alien thought it polite for she looked surprised and said kinder simir 1 I hope miss masons throat difficulty is not serious and will disappear before then and at any rate I 1 shall expect joe me and sho smiled and patted ny head I 1 cant bear to havo folks pat laic on tho head generally it micca you feel FO small but neds mother aint that kind a bit its an awful thing to have your mother die when bouic a baba so after slin was gone aunt says Leti thi ahil possessed vou to be so crudu rudu to mrs alien leftus face was as red as lira and she burst out crying ami ran out of abo room so then she to me and taid josephus aunt dont approve of nicknames have you any idea tho with your cousin not the least maam gays L without her throats ando her throat says aunt stull and nonsense she takes after the always were a queer lot uld abe pan more than half crazy anil oll eha stalks up shaira aud alwa lucky sho did for I 1 going to sit there and hear my own cousin im fond of latty shed havo madu an alfid nice boy and aunt dont think so cither only sho was kind just then and I 1 was glad I 1 get a chance to say acy thing the next at breakfast letty aya 1 believe I 1 was rudo aulty aunty and if joo will carry it for luc I 1 will y rite mrs alien tho nicest noto I 1 can ami accept her invitation real pleased andio eliat was settled lint all lie bamo latty was aud worried about going I 1 could aco that and when of tho baity camo she just stayed boin anol all alic wo started about half past seven and I 1 tell you looked just stunning alic had a lot of pink rosebuds out of the garden that j angl mat clied glicr checks and sparkled like anything joo abc says wo wont stay very long it you dont mind it we go to bed early you koy wo can got up and go before breakfast all right says I 1 any timo after the ice cream sirs alien seemed awful aglid to sec letty but aliat was only because she was 0 stranger and so took her round and introduced her to everybody as if alio had been the queen alic looked festive with chinese lanterns strung up between tho trees and cropiot acl and scabs scats chips young ady was tharo and she yell and lie jait thought she overtopped over topped every ono else she gliadon a kind of a faded blue thing belty sava it was baby blue and anyhow sho did look 1 nice only her teeth it seems to nia I should know enough not to smile so much if I 1 was that kind well and so 1 went off with alie boys and by and by wo biad ice cream and cake and in tho cutest liitle tumblers audi seen anything of luttio for a long time and I 1 was beginning to think wo go fishing if wo go homo pretty quick when sir canies conies up to me and lie says toe says lie escort one of the little girls ini going homo with your cousin well thinks I 1 lints pretty cool but everybody was starting towards alio gate and I 1 was getting awful sleepy so I 1 says all right fetch along the girl phil laughed and says theres little miss go and ask her jt yon shall have the pleasure of walking home her c well I 1 just thought I 1 should like to bear myself getting on eliat rigmarole but anyway I 1 went up to glicr and basl all alic fellows arc going liza and I 1 guess mrs alien annta to clean up and go to bed some time tonight to night so we as well go along ami alic davs all liht joo wait till I 1 get iny hit I 1 sec latty again eliat night and wo go fishing the next for I 1 novar up till awful lato and I 1 then if aunt come and hollered in my car hut if bc cievo it the birst tiling I 1 saw when I 1 looked out was in the with a great bunch of roses eliod been picking and phil alien with her kut eliat all the not tiling I 1 knew ho just put his arm lally masons md kissed her and me looking out of lie window but of course they now eliat I 1 letca know though arct y quick I 1 just opened the window and out its lucky its nobody but me alien for I 1 shant tell but what would kour k our young lady say to that hey they bolli jumped and letty blushed sol could up phil laughed and says come down yon young rascal and my youn glady mil tell says aut tho most surprising part of all is aliis phil bad been on latty a long alino lie know her in boston and wanted glicr to marry him and alio was going to make up mind while alio was visiting aunt and who do you suppose acro in that carriage but aunt lelitia and latty and alic know he lived here at all and alic heard about alic oilier oung lady it ruido bior mad at least she says it but ril bet she thought it was queer and it turned out that the other youn lady was engaged to somebody alc onla nobody knew it and clial do you suppose and are going to be married this fall and is goin to have me instead of a bridesmaid she says pages are alie fashion now but alio would anyway wont it bo bluy itule |