Show the caw ahmoi loep lives on the farm next toi n purs ono day in spring ho caught si young crow in tho licud lie took h lm ciomo and tamed him ho taught lum some funny tricks when the crow was full grown tho cat hail kittens biuk as alio llna 3 was called would take the tail of one i of the kitties iu his LUL and dray her around thu room the kitty nor its mother liked aliis and thoy cried with all their might slink used to steal thimbles spools of thread and other things and hide them in out of the wiy places if bosaw a handkerchief slicking otar any ones pocket ho antic out ono timo mr LOD felt a tapping at his back and found that mink was filling his coat pocket with red tho nicu aro milking mi nac will s eliop alons and peck alic cows noses mink will not let any one tako him up or pet him but if any person holds out r a stick no matter how short it is ho will perch up onit on this stick ho will let himself bo carried about alio house our ones i |