Show BIRD ab brought n in ft ango anil buciur ll 11 from my windowsill window sill abo was ull thu raire and maybe null I 1 know not I 1 BO lna hiiro awn amid tho and din when 1 WM ft ottlo child I 1 loved its wood noam hlll which lured rno many n kunny day through mople floreu tar away yoiiro though I 1 seldom heard 1 ho bird A day and then a weela hamd ty abo from tho aall saus not and nil why louil anil clear ahl llo boroto ten ilinca repeated till tho bount billj every alcho around anil till carlice carli ct lovel kiy me tho binl ahn brook the cower tho arco came back aa thui I 1 heard TUB cardinal bird aliro orchards aloft and bushea below where 1 could bulgo for irh a bozo my childhoods days and toot and mood soon found me in iho mino all wool illusions hour but seldom yo much iho very fonn or whore tint I 1 sou slit and biml 1 ho willial will nal bird then came where with wealth on aej like tara itara i of calil and on tho very mandow a ciaffo tho mid boldon cray on 1 alic ewh bult acup apro mccu and small to bo tho ol 01 Anoro ono all just as when I 1 hani h ani alio binl dpn tho any oll lam I 1 iho crab oct and further wats dim I 1 foiw I 1 bo bloom of iny tent of leave W apro oft wn lacht find i abo lilii yol ivy w hilly glnn cil and solomons in piny tho lay anc lauio iw when I 1 tho cardinal bird aal on iho taci rill thal wound tram I 1 heard them nt tho bac riold tant como and without penult froia friend or too in tall lulla ti eci oo rhoad on aboy led and nim low flox that my wt holcy ilaw how alko tho when arat I 1 heard tho cardinal bird how like tho arcu crows wank ah but I 1 alij the anny arow tho ruddy check choro aro bmw tax tarco who then nio alko sunbeams in the bushy wood alakl I 1 aim alone since then trod the weary men ono on the ovo of two in its lush of power annl prida their stavra anro ro alitt we tho bird from tho wynlow hung not jonir mv tincy thus in it nin its wood note wild a tearful eye I 1 the 1 miss so much theio bi three who flowen with I 1 could not dared not but it too hirl brother that would till la old li aunts asala henru the bardln d bird D ga |