Show A hanging between two mall windows nd catching tho light from a larger ono opposite in one of the 0 adams express company at 60 new york aho office occupied by sir V IL biall bead of the delivery department Is a plainly finished but deally chromo about 2 by 3 feet la which Is looked upon by hundreds of people dally on many of whom it has a nud salutary effect it represents a flight of halt n dozen rough itono steps leading from awarded bank of a placid lake to a rustic temple set la tho rugged aldo of tho mountain which rises in stupendous proportions in abo background all covered with a rank luxuriant growth of foliage in brush and tree in the open door of thle little a halt concealed with an arm and baud extended holding forth a emall dimly package while on tho eward at the foot of the steps an aged barefooted lame bears a atah in one hand and in the other holds before his dim eyes a email bottle whose label he eagerly this label bears abo words st jacobs oil the great simple as this liello chromo appears in its unostentatious position it has an influence which it would be to cell mate it 1 to that and the of mr hall ald lr ednard J douglass a gentleman connected with mr bialla that I 1 owe my present ability to perform my work some weeks 30 I 1 wa violently attacked with rheumatism nod hour by hour I 1 grew and nothing my family or the doctor could do ate me any relict I 1 began to think in a few days that mj case was hopeless and that I 1 was doomed to bo an invalid and helpless cripple for life but at last I 1 thought ot that picture which I 1 had so often looked at with but interest and then mr aall came to my bedside and telling me bow st jocobi oil biad cured him of a worse and longer blanden bLand ln CASO than mine urged me to aae the same remedy I 1 did so that very night directing rny wife not to aparo it but to apply it thoroughly according to the this the did with a largo picc of flannel cloth with the oil and then bound tho cloth to the affected parts the next biorn log I 1 was free from pain and although a gore in the hip was able to dress myself and tto licit day resumed my duties in tho as bound a a dollar hero I 1 am COB in full health and strength hatling had no touch of or orther patu since whenever I 1 tec one of our drivers or any other person aho vho chows any symptoms of lameness or oteff nass I 1 point him to tho picture la ur nails and then direct him to go for st jacobs oil at onca y Y |