Show THE ELECTIONS partial returns aa far as ro colvor from tho bocoat elections indicate the of the democratic national ticla by a small 1 majority further advises advices impatiently awaited by bolh parties tn order to settle the matter T p T NEW cocin N Y B county couil ct gives for republican for Conr CM it t by ka majority lummy democrat wai elected lo 10 icv by n bialt county i about awo and elected ll 11 entire county ticket hosli assembly lUion ciro elect oil hinr N y KU plurality a republican aulito am november a alagy county klics cleveland quedna county kit caf eland STO anond county give clail wr ATnA Nv N y S linker itce li elected to in alio new york r from nil hut out of ill in tills city give lulo plurality november S 1 lie ot bic that of new city and brooklyn alio will bo alio democrate Demo crata alint majority below y 1 november 5 upturn froia IS all one half of tills city give u of alte J alio tuakoi alty in alio county N Y cllveland choul aw 1 to ilio i N Y november 1 alx lx annl forli alvo ll tracts lu ahli of new york city anil show a net democratic edilu ol 01 drw at a 1 tn in tho malli 0 alil alty by larko anuw B alio total vote 0 una city lor iff isles ur akis received at bohu lia november a alic their claim on alio llio bille tant ilio ko plurality ali hlll baci i lu new york ral now claim the 11 benall plurality NEW yum two and cl fAllon in alli state out elac 0 now york city and brooklyn cle cland a plurality ot aw abitt gala otaru alio that will plurality out silio 0 tho iset aro no cicro hat tho cla lui f klony Y november 6 two liun iligir annl fafty precincts an fn city mi ulaine kutler ai w si arom re toa 71 ua it eliut ona have bun to 1 N V november in alila city alvo SAW ll loliK alia krecl aliv and fafty in out alli of this city auml alvn ca S OIO tt llila n net K n ot nan november S bour election of alov ali nel euln ailo 1 VIM november 5 three hundred election out of alio in lull city alyo S county a ot or 11 net ito loa 01 il N Y november B henry G itce 1 elected to in alio district jolin itce IK elected to lu lie nineteenth alli trtat auw yoni novembers att lie tante ninko ilio in liln county 11 al uro now N Y november cabout one city of vote koiv counted count it ives cleveland am it tills ratio la maintained kings conn will be over 20 ow ais allt in isa november 5 sin and election out in this elty ilo and SJ S cleveland ja ai i S MASS november S s abc outlook in tills state lobart lo brt T diali lep ro elected fro conil I 1 lon liep re ejected A A Iliin ney isep ro bourth districts District I A colllns acm rc district henry U acm ro district 11 A spofford Pc iri elected doubtful ninth r H lly llop tenth district W itaco liap ro wd rep ro F W hockwell hock well lap probably ru HOTOS MAM november 5 ono hundred and six out of precincts in boston alvo cleveland ll fuit ilio nrc now 11 one and lorly lour lown ot bloston alvo lil alno hsia IS acm la re to in alo cabot of the state committee by nebout aw MM november 6 percentages from cities and towns in ani all but one precinct 0 boston in lecat B pi 11 rail I 1 y for in lie or 1 1 Is o cd to in tha breit aayne and tho frauda alno li inn tareo lini arvit aln EH hf diio vote 0 elves I 1 balno cleveland 2 at john pa jeonard Jc onard la alc arted Penn tor and connars orann little democrat uc and and illane in alii kintli M november 3 alio voto complete ha ClOTt land bt john iss november S blanno and cleveland balna 9 on the ticket i Clev claud 12 TK ai bt bohu 3 and 1 lund 3 november S athla city complete iwo and am lown in ilio banto elvo hiilis november 4 10 r attlio independents still claim alio mate for binl ind nay alicy leavo nd vices BOSTON SIAS november 5 one hundred mid catle aind lowus and nil but one precinct in lidston indicate a plurality lor lilii loo ilai november 5 ward complete bloesl balno lest ali in it ja c november 5 tho usual of 1000 will from pran indications be reduced to w or let alio independent volo beyond all anticipation conr la november blahn Bl aln and cleveland arc neck and neck Tho cutler vote 1 between lm and aw apo t arc aw il november S lelch i ard S spofford flord in elected to con 11 61 1111 brict ri ct by r 1 t IV 0 O kontos ilass november tho vote of 1 very laree and very close booton and county alt a alse alao chy rcy ft incato In tato alyc iila lne m H t 4 a u wi lorley and cirull 1 in arfat doubt alia majority on thal electoral will nor IM either way ip Is probably elected governor conboy contoy llA Xii november sono towns of TS oton alvo cleveland plural iel the fame toyn lat cavo l 1 alm ratio nl train anil loii lielda bood ali fri ate will cotoc into homon ol 01 cleveland giving fatale by CW alas november S alx lx and bowin 0 Jl oton give 2371 cleveland ami st john total 41 2 hii athla hlin n aj of ahi roin ia and n UMI 0 it alil ciul coil IK lilu narl u boino into alno of cleveland aln in over I 1 between id lanm froia then bovo anre that will hao rom renu to awo in alio mato malor ltv wim moct 1 total boio w ial bo and tho bt jolin about alio bamo NEW cosy in livery clo mal democratic alio ticket 1 il rout tu lihi lih 1 1 govonor by cwi iwi bay in probably pro bibly 1111 0 liovvi nor liy alic alic bolcen alon hlll bonnit wo alvo 11 ili oam diw II 11 avi s coss not S twenty to towi n 0 ut of in cw ivo leml coay by sa allty lifts isi kaiton tor congrow liia plurality democratic alio blatto ali tt iiller lias 11 ina lorley and aliat caitlyn alic t leowni shiow a net democratic enan of idars p TO anro cast MO diio of the mii for but aliu was nal to convict ailin HIS an ciup loyo 0 tilli walla wn lla or alio independent ticket and a lini been issued for aliu airn u of alio archer NEW lowks cos alio acin liia given cleveland a of avio llaves CONN november B complete from tills city alvo for second dl brict alien llop ll cp GW Dc iu iam 5 towns in connecticut shiow a met demo kdan 0 oil over aw alila blocs not ln anny 0 alio cities on alio less 11 Mirro iii cux november ro turns shiow anton acro to be derc atol by itpick itce in hie clr 1 dia tract S exly not or plc alc a Doino critic twin 0 hut to alpo out 1 nsf alvos a eliof 77 annl now a maln ot IM MAINU OHE november voto cicro hii libin in hilt alio plurality la alio voto tor and yi john diw iak november S alio voto of augusta ints clavo land plurality S in laai lie MIO stood lia plurality in 11 the hcan aoa W n fallini ou for ot from oble abit 1 own ward VM H lew teisin it ravo kobla afi november B fafty towns in give 1073 cotil smi alio boino analil an aco total WI M K november 5 ono hundred towns in balno alvo WW 2011 1011 the simo s imo towns in isto elvo tart leia ll ancock libonn R in tills city began early and up to noon tho liia rr cater in any election lilalee Is leadens lie ticket avo to one la and bt Jolin lias ft sew compliments at birco tho voto was awo moved alio Is to shiow later in alio day IE I 1 NovLin of the city ot la cleveland S llila id 1213 10 1 I 1 november S nial noa in alila Is tho total voto id aw tho estr iia WHITE it nom 5 elac 2 st john IIA tho eimo cowna atia annl 1117 indications anro eliat ulalio plurals plura lT ty will ho lam than for governor in concors CoN Corp N II 11 november S clula lie stale november 5 allegheny county sh cs to a rain ot knoo to laio over uin adds voto ren M ilauno kapa ire and N J S rax ken and alio llio othar coumos lu western new tersey show ix balna ocean at to vernor ashbolt a lia carried the slauo bv xa Mural Hy OHIO Coi 0 lima aar received that plurality in tm will bo shout eliat tho plurality vy anle w t ar aralas clas caw MI 0 november hundred and thirty in odilo show 11 act biln 0 over ll 11 iraln of liver asso 1 l boyf T 11 t conw n Ifa mllton county shiow a kiln of over till county wallo io publican by ajo majority cans claim alic by 0 november 5 from probable 0 tho ticket and acino i t 0 IA S recoiled lu rainy fit tho CHAW i ditt raise IC november S 10 turns indicate a majority or 0 ta iivo probably elected imbie fart lonal LOn Jl and hadi ibo third and anro in uc 0 1 nth ami antu anro INDIANA in IM Ilc turns nrc coming in slowly and claim alio fatato IM alio arc very incomplete but eccli n been received a handsome democratic mal orlly november Novem her at leour only precincts leavo been aicard irom in the n net of M on tho as when iho carried alio state by lwi anro lorty avo on alio llio ticket and it will bo to act re to liow alio state lias bonc alio urn tho ro luge to it to alio llio at all WISCONSIN t MILWAUKEE november from cowna liow n gain 0 coca roela acil tu Con jercA over van by alvn the interior ot alio bluto uro in varv slowly ant a by a ro lucca majority r p m the in jt 1 I i 9 y i thy city showed ht paint tor cleveland walli low hi john and nay that voters iivo not aft come to the bollt at ninny precincts atio crowd 0 Is 0 o law it Is if all will be able to voto before the poll close midi midnight alio ann cnn central committed clile that has alio suite by plurality tho follow congressmen aro all in ilio second alati lct in alic first for vernor runs behind ali ticket midi november S A tor governor behind lili ticket twenty four cf 2 cleveland I 1 W fusion for govern or asa ILLINOIS CHICAGO ILL november carter liar rl alio democratic candidate lor governor of his ticket in cook county it 1 charged that lo 10 traded with votes on alic dec ticket alio claim aih 3 holni V finer ty lap u probably elected to congreso in atio mccond district over bom november E fragment nry from c of and elbow libava acm mi junr ST dorir ai november cpr govch llop ll cp ai sai acm aih abo city is j la HYI AND MP november atho total vote polled in alili city yiA tord ny 0 bt john 1279 over s 1701 novt nil 1111 in lau wasumi wa sOMI mil BL B L I 1 tc comas ij elected to irom alio biseli over demo arnt i ln november 5 alio perno brals elected from live ot alio IT in alic state liolion wn ini alio by compton alic lel cAtlon from in the I 1 city will bo ill lo lloa fligl cli w II 11 Sl bion democrat mccond district hr frnnk baw demo ariit dr bvm ir cole democrat ettli I 1 K a geln 0 oner lor alio I 1 november 5 majority in thild city over TIli lne la va majority in lao ca loxa wl caliolo iem la elected to congress from alio byset hem la reelect re elect cd to irom itie 1 purtle VA november C midnight from lator received hero it 1 bo libed eliat alic ticket in anlo la elected by anoro inn lorley VI C alila city fi ot A demo loss or rio vat november 5 I 1 lie ha hai i been n quiet one alo ilio returns up to n late for ind and by lo 10 ellit out of lie ten itro ably in alip norfolk and lie airo tho only elected jair virgiaia virGi yiA W YA 5 in tills city brannon for congress lin ft n loss 0 IM irom alio october election V in coslit precinct in ahli city goff for conget rs lin of a euln otiel election LOUIsr AXA diw november G returns arom tho einmo us in when the luid n majority of men uro elected from alio farat ami in the third abc contest li celoso kallor and arty in alio fath acm if raf elected in alio iron acm la ro alt no acro reported in any ecklon 0 t tho state CAitO LiyA C november Nov omber 5 all the counties far heard from show li elected and majority will bo nebout N C november S come in slowly counties liow 0 rain of lcm acm tho la il cicro by tho by majority sourn S 0 november S WM ft nil democratic vote throughout athla state and not n disturbance gov ainor Is rot ro t aind clifta u plurality ot about MA ALV 6 alio election throughout WM quiet the full while voto was polled litimo minority mijo rity to tin election ot all alio democratic men 0 midia novembers tho no plurality in will bo bet rt acu ecu wj and aou GA november 5 tho voto in alili state 1 very kloht majority will bo i FLA november t tho elect national and cobio ticket in florida AN s hindlea point to majori but t 10 ii in the fatato Is in aind lio beltins favors alio democracy in alio fourtly district probably defeats morrow lep lor ion Krca in alio feitli acm Is probably do llop november 6 A licary democrat lo 10 voto liau beon be on polled in this t Clev elands plurality will bo and democratic uro elected in all tho n |