Show CORK ms RON nr nov ath 1881 1 tho health of the people iu at this kiino s option illy g oil some or tho disaffected here bang luicir haada in over alio results of the election with a look that biad hobt through tle n aff ita of V L H datsou lio his got our well under way there buiu 4 or G oud crib i LU place and alio laid acad forleo alanl alio crealo mining company at will resume buik boxt tho last ten feet mu in tho hai coat the com ian v a huud sum f all no harder rock was ever in utah the cave Com piny leavo olt their ore hauling aaen but very liello tu bs doing there at li L croffe fino is budor way ami a inc ap aud when will lo 10 au t tho tawn tho aro in good spirits and full of hoax for a good fuimo yours ac lumix luu ix an editor thus to a lady tho a bonk and publishing bouc for her if I 1 should a beautiful young ladys cLe ekil would aug but it I 1 acro to tell tho world about it that would n 11 |