Show THE ASSASSINS TRIAL guitrau las given ample evidence during ills trial that ho is cither a crank of tho worse order or a consummate actor tho general belief is however eliat alio crazy damean or of the fellow is assumed for tho of aiding liis counsel on tho same basis ba sis that at the threshold of alio case he demanded that a communication muni cation ho had prepared should bo published in tho BO a s to influence public opinion and indirectly tho minds of the then prospective juryman jurymen jury men ono of the traits of lunacy is an incoherent or ambiguous method oc conversation tog othor with lack of consecutive ideas made apparent by the patients talk but outside ofgus leans assumed boisterous demeanor tharo lias been no such evidence of insanity the man was a digap pointed politician and having committed alio great arinio of assassinating the executive of the nation now in lis desperate efforts to avoid alio ait penally for his of fence strives to impress a belief upon those pies cut in court eliat he is a monomaniac luckily his efforts have thus far had little effect ho opinion being widespread that in committing tho act alio llio prisoner fully understood alio consequences both to his victim and himself and lie therefore osto pc naty |