Show THE NEV IN BRIEF lonn baa or england bank of walker co at zurich switzerland 1 reported to liec been robbed of axx franca and all ible and its hookfi burned the bank hn im unpleasant regarding the iff clr arc current THE cotton statistics for tho present how a falling oft in the receipts at every southern port except new orleans from last year abc la tome cases beloff considerable abo of the total crop made by ot abc new york cotton exchange vary from to bales reports would alio f mailer estimate aa the nearer correct A washington special says the bill providing for abc of dakota as a stale liaa been prepared and boroo Sni tor and have pro pe eciM in support of abc admission alic bill will be pushed senator david dails will it which insurer its becoming a law and the adm hion of the territory as tt slate two he senators i THE annual report ol 01 the pension ilu acau hows that tharo were net incao io during alic year mauo 0 all pens loni iho an libal 0 the honc vcr largely exceed abl turn for instance alio llio total paid lor during the car ot certain arrears in prior to january 2 was 10 being accounted or in arrears 0 or accrued penion covering 1 period back to abo in each else ot livine and deaths in the claims 0 aldona or minor children f investigation into abo affairs of alio Nil lonal idank of newark N J s wrecked b cashier liala aln tho that somo two ic il 9 ako I 1 at that time en M clerk ot alie bank col away with SiO sioux iX 0 iti w liis trover been recovered M va is retired eliut the matter was not made it Is suppo cd on account ot the too of alie calr lera oft n and banuch more extensive defalcation hai now been arrested HI h i ninn of sonic property and liko has been as nn and IN an election riot between whites and blocks at Iti irion station five nilles of mis A T harvey and vincent were killed anil acil aloro ond james wounded all were while mm they arc to unarmed and unprepared tor an attack the led by ad a wallo man afar the aliey to bouse and nn attempt to arrest by the sheriffs panso resulted in fur john vanco ft son 0 ed belli killed as was alo V II 11 warren of Meil dlin one of ibo poc the acro to alio wood lull at 11 accounts had not laid down their aring stale held on tuesday ai indicated by the earlier return as in new york the acin to have elected their state with tho exception of secretary of gen carr the c andl daic ahead of llie balance fit hi ticket find Is probably elected the will bo close but the have probably secured a majority en joint ballot win W ator the candidate for congress jn the eleventh dl I 1 beaten by riemer democrat and in alic ninth district hardy do fe tl niomah murphy in tho seem to have hailey alito al khouli the Denno crat ilo not concede in virginia alio Ito adjusters liac diac probably elect for governor and a work in majority in ho lag in alio democrats have enado larse eains owin to the vote but alie state ticket 1 probably elected by an ca limited plurality of oooo in new jersey the le latura remains Kc publican by ft reduced majority and the attoe li true of ait the majority in Is at from iiii i to in and iho republican tickets acro elected by the i on a light vote l and abo bao made tomo gain in alio but not enough to be made LATE irish news despite lon abo land of local branches continue to meet A clr alir hi been to the police ink to report any meeting to bo held for league pur poc though licud lor cr the 1 with a lew lothe participant abo 1 what to do in to the A curious plan has been adopted in arl 0 abc ireland with a lew ol 01 keeping the no rent before the tenant it lacci abc arrn ot ft note alch ha been circulated among the attending alio noto 1 a to pay on tho day tatnell da allt ond other uperta up ecta rc released it it intended the note thill be by the and fent to abo lindl orJi it 8 buted that the land league leaders hive changed their front and directed ten adt farmer to tend in their under the land act with a view 0 tho tenant firmer named doherty wa thol dead recently while bis houta at carragan Carrl gan galway it i belleca belle cd became he had bild bl rent llo hd been for ammo time two acron were arrested up to abo alli ol 01 hid to alio llio land to MX a fair rent Tho military hive inaugurated a of alarm to train abo intha po allon in cae of attack 1 of the practice which prevailed during the repeal movement in 13 |