Show GOT HALF OF MINISTERS FEE transaction added little to tho the cab mans bank account john hall hail tile tho name of being tho the 1011 est diun antill in town dait it tonight to night which was apparently tile tho worst night intha year even john wore a long face and as lie ho swung ills hla cab door open for tho the minister lster to enter johns doleful expression was so noticeable that tho the minister inquired if ito ho were about tho the work vork of cleaning clean off tile tho mull lit in tile morning no it Is not tho the work that hint im thinking of if I 1 could make as us you ion this evening I 1 i it i it bit well replied the minister r 1 11 I am to mari marry mariy y it a couple this evening and till ill glup you half of my feo fee for driving mo me out and back it Is a doal deal replied john after adfor till an hour of dreary driving through coll cold and rain aln john drow drew up ill lit in front of it small house in ili tho the service was to take place it was v is two long hours or of cold waiting tile tho minister reentered entered re tho the cab mid tho the home drive was made with a spirit of expectancy john once more swung open the tab cab door in front of tho the ministers inh ilsters house tho the mint stell step iCid A out and its as lie ho entered ills his own floor door lie he turned and said five hundred thanks john leaving the bewildered cabman to figure out what ills hla exact mo 60 had bad been san francisco chronicle |