Show jimr IT TO THO on tile VoIal mine EL karyi 1411 IciK viii I 1 the ilic JOLT IAl lot tile jad NO con ti filat nu an binler tile heading li radin larl ling ing on 1 1 aeta lit ii tie ilic aile opening ill of well it alir edlin rat u kit kiib I 1 I 1 Cde litak il I 1 public inu rals 01 In 1 I valdah it Is ii eel tit hi it il a light ight few client tie i ewer ninea by the pe Ilc fit if hinr air espee tally lally our oun nien men it in ul calir ili I 1 to ill question ilia alio orl ol at tile ilie views there elpi caad b alij the edlow full ani ni aich it lie alone Is iq responsible spon tu to inq im render rut but todo cain 11 ll r deale to lo tile animals of tit alic people lt visit ami 1 if I 1 milo tl it be 10 SOT any afflicted n lilt I 1 C A kness fie or nr ilia feeble knera we I 1 nili ills 0 cello o do our little loi raid iii holding ali eliell thening It litteral teral and thus to jo A niilo gllnn ns a ilm alm othera ollie ii hould to ilo little n in ill all ng fags local lluc axi IC Agell choir A leus of bt I 1 1 lit ill if t A hade nc ic chiding as they th defiled embed to arx x onto or ci for or nell 01 I 1 Mi louly ly int liked or allainer alla ined the character and I 1 would ho bicic 10 put pill tile to tins tile ol of every per bertion tion itlo in ary capacity stands beford the people an a 1 levier 0 cr flow do the pale ml of it liquor li 5 e ran ird 11 1 i 1 hying k yi ra c etc t C affect the tit i I 1 tie copler no ilc in speaking of 0 I 1 like pr frelent elent social end morel condition cunill lion it our actu it acquisitions mb liili IM it tendencies K feeling raid ami chiy r thin antem into wan man 8 9 plate lor for alic ili present or his bis powers tor for attaining to a better state ate in tile it ft 14 f tile tho of all conr distinguishing lit I 1 points by chich we to are arc buoi libonn it in chip settle Is 1 by the nicra most 0 of fall all the pon 4 e IOTIS 1 ilith I a inin can call call cal liis own 1 atil bo alto fil in or 1 ise to one another leath it ra tile the obligation to to do all AIL in our power to inird ini rc tile character 0 of pur air neigh b or I 1 llila ilia is 1 ti abc le bacat 21 sits im of tile hI II 11 t Is thele folis tile be int laity if ili try cry member of ottar the coin community all the teachings millings ol of the ill scripture 1 fi I ll 11 tile works work of 0 the arp are con knaak t IN talk illi lint the bc latest sol eniti are arc uttered against those aho either illi fr are rc ot 01 have ben be n the of ija i jeroboam li is as a a sinner shiner of atrocity atrol ity became aci aie he be mido irsel I to sin in anil jt g aija 1 l hollocker IF eliell brcik the least of these coin island it and shall ich anen so ahall be CAUCCI icart in ILI tile kingdom of heaven tile moril moral precept then Is briefly this we e ate for any came or tinder any aily prete tace or lit in any tt lay il to I 1 the character of another nia 1 nuy may be violated sn in the following ma alfi 1 by aeils ibo moral of men 2 BY iy ay exciting their of ci it il positions paid pasit loin ions 3 by to ilia lio of eli eil in others 4 by iho evil vatura ct hiiri ile I 1 cannot leite leave the again ing to the article of the dinst road and after bibat I 1 lieve ha written would ask ak call any honorable men dien see sec no evil eil lu ill this race anti and ILA ll 11 conditions ll ietto each cich deposit 80 Is II not alii lie chief clement and basin of tatting belling M 1 lien leu ilia race Is over td to tile ii winner tiner find a aethea tor for ills bis c lu tile pages of llola wilt that will remove the lio lie ha iala nude by carrying enother inan i 8 monty money call it a I 1 one and ho Is who ito A fill althny ill be drilled no man can injure lin its own wu hr her acter without i loli ting the pam 1 as ol of goil god mil and ill at creating abo auoe c acs ics irli fell i alt in lo lation of the 1 lana I a of man to di ilici ense iss the points point ads advanced lanced would make inake thin communication too lengthy for or our om render but they have ln been stilted stated in the lope hope lart oil hiir city filth erg land and others who he Alne lincci ciely cly des de re r the be t f good goodof ol 01 tile the people a 1 lid ild williec blay in allily 1 our I 1 young nice IMS by the removal ol of cl it fron thein AN hlll tit gi gac c then their flail con coil may their decision casion lo be lor for toil oil and j iid the fight thit the iho earth inay imy bo be prepared fot for the coin ili ng of ita ILI I 1 jorj ord and kiil alou tor for its in LOD king and c bouic on to what there may to stand in fit the vay ay I 1 llie lie day shall act tt appear daru LOGAN I julie wi 1883 JOURNAL VC would like to a few cw am liichi 0 o think deeply coi iLcin both tile aint inela irold crinnin acty wo cwi at ibi Milto it to bo be lindel stood hat the only thing alk aliat t jr Irdi duces ires in ili to plit tile the licitis ii a desire TAY lo eradicate 1 ito believe to lc be a glow ako ing it lilt C li rin it ill any ay liipa ablo orin 0 or fashion conducive to the met of our community engage lit in nud foster hoise rating ru ing ant ain does it not tend tena to LOT milt I 1 the iho rao rials ol of our iain ard 3rd 1 it il not gc N far better to furbos ot of cco thin to t set cheul tile kit fill example of 0 tin on if borse roa I 1 wo IVO ohan hear a peat bite A and A d e cay I 1 y m ar C Ild mente polls poker tillee pi lie lights cock lights etc 7 lint bill MO ile fill to 10 see ECO any any diff difference erets it between bettin oil alaa of f a annii ce d Zet beltins till on oil ali tit if hors giorsos cs ono one is 1 lem cited tile the other is not lot here is the ca only 31 1 I if our bo LT 8 think it 18 no ito brin to bet on a ito so face 1 licit they grow older they is all be beahl lit to hink it ills is no ito baim let As to bet nt at cards carda oils nods holy woid hotd sale aa to pa cuts tenta kraii Tra ii till ill a child in tile die 1 havlic I IV lie should go and N when lien lie bo la 14 old lie be mil not to de pait arout it that vital vhal warning be pai ts ibay should il o the ithe I inrid and tor soft it lilt care loi lillies and copies aliat liat it beaus and I 1 sees and thiel I 1 gli lafkas boidi boble ft ait the elite cluck I 1 ib it tion rae gase it il Nh ghelber elber false fake or true oil taj eliy I 1 akril aked it lanng 3 otanm inan flail 1 ulio I ito lud had lost and it hoie family I 1 knew late was wag imil tring for or the nc lie 1 if life how bow lie lie ile raa replied 1 lie 1 0 O 11 I 1 out only lol sl 11 i IX 00 A 1 little anchill lif if ten tell spars u liis atin 11 ling by bv ald ld abbt im cleat ara is 1 alli tl lt n im nat tn 11 1 I ment don dil i alth zio sputa and mine bakk suit Anoll ici boy kaill er exel killies iiii killi pl eJ my ina ilia gaill gaic file mo has to c go in III but I 1 kitin t ill lilt lir nol liin all mill bet it il and lost it 1 I no now I 1 no idel idea lint but ahu abat other in a pas took tt of it llila its anino I 1 bit know lilt an ining any of 0 conr air aliat liat iotte horse lacing acing I 1 but does that intake it light massy many ol of our good me men 1 still I ill not i inoko or chow tobacco wore our lose bo t of if the die hall bid example bit bill Is it not pal as i to their morals to set then alic ot gambling battin netting fotja on a how rare race js is much gambling ns belting belling on cal cid d 9 it be admitted by till all caudill raid deflecting mindi that thil ga gambling nibling under tinder 1 whatever bate vcr unnie it goes goca Is ilous to inon lity nud and it does CB semi seem to no me that of 0 A nil 11 people on oil carth carlli we us should bo be live free irma fuch mill anti follies I 1 tell aca ion o mr abing 0 fi wo we are arc the great law gier alio liia said ail through tile ol of ills blaun alic cit mil lo 10 Ilo I 1 viii kill hop oll corb ore could bo be said aid on oil this subject halt I 1 bialt bour reply I 1 test oma jaae 5 I 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