Show SCHOOL MONEY A editor are arc expected to understand lair anil aid liow flow people cat 1111 alic thereof I 1 fl like yon von to lo ansi anaw or cr a lew few ancs eions if it Is not flot aking a king too match AS A I 1 vinder understand tand the school law hool are to par te ii tile hool molle money the tb year vear follow ha ans collean colacc lion that Is means assessed cil lit in ISS liall u in but how call they do it it 1 they 10 lo not act 11 until after tile ilia tax f tor Is IE collected or arc cx li I 1 cacil to live lira lu in LO loam if so they cia call tee see the superintendent every d daiy diy q and ami g set c t their share chate or it in lui IT v he be or li atiq school trustees trust pcs 1 pay ay tethers teai heit hers out tit of their own means Tite aus ur or atit niu t we raise tuition tand anil niilo make ni il o no c calculation on oa an all ur or uin t tees be tr traveling or dewling all the time aud and got the answer anmer live Q 1131 likic c ito money or la Is tile law a we has c to pay our taxes but have not rc ri a cent of lalioo thi this year and sire mill limo to wait avalt until 11 tit alter after it i collected this year 11 aca clotill Y ian W Is V cattle counts lilay ilay I 1 W ill ili tan answer siver to the tie offer the hie following iho school law pro iro that alie tl funds lie be expend ell cil during durina the year y C ar follon tol loning ing the one in ilk which they vi ere arc assessed laid ami col leet leetch cl tile law lam also alo pro provides that tit tin year shell ball on oil llie first of july since tile school year does not agree wi t lt the calendar year it is ia to lo eay just alint flats section means wo infer acner that school monies colle clcil in 1882 lire are to be paid to teachers during inn 1883 ii no necessity 1 ur trustees tru to iii laic c in logan as the public funds tire arc disbursed to those who apply no matter fl ban hey come the county liaa ila nothing whatever ver to do with p aug money the law of 1890 section 13 10 provides that the monies monica accruing afi aca ruing for the benefit of a district schools hall aall be paid to tile tl it usters I 1 ly the county on the orders of 0 tile county superintendent there late i no that it II means simply that the superintend cuts duty daily is clerical he writes nu an ordet for tin tile amount due each district distract and itna that order must be cashed iy ay the county 1 I I 1 casin or is ther they use their cis 0 if 11 menus mcana for pa ing 9 or not tho the must decide vi bether they is nill ill raise tic the price of tuition As loll 1011 long ai there is 19 tie no money miah the sub or county treasurer it il ii probable IT will con c 0 to lie ile tol toli loll I allm c have no lie cy the is certainly not 1101 it 1 humbug and tin the money is ia safe enough ashen ft hen it il colace clarkston Clarki loii h 13 not the ibe only that lias bas hand hail no up money the reason for or this lack of funds is ia explained as follows lollo vr the law us As in ili 1882 made the county collectors Col lecton aub ab of tile territory for dia bursing school funds cuili au ami 1 plo pio vides that the collector dball retain from the fundis bundi collected ly by him an tit ail amount lount equal to tile ali school money forthe for anc county collady the deac aca r when tho the arrit arial i or made a demand for money our county collector sent bini all but 5 ISO this santa was its distributed to school districts as they applied appl icil supposing dup posing that bluit the balance about boo 2 oo would lie be on hand blind when asketh lor for but the territorial treasury is empty and nl will probably contain no funds until they aro are collected this year oar collector lilt liitt done all 1 lt L cain to lo cenec con ret tile mistake lint but it il seems that c mil cin in lie ile done at present A little pa patience trelice nill jill lie ile on oil tlc alc pal anil 1 of 0 tile 0 if the fie ilis dis wets that have arld no ito money moncy alic tile present con ii very lie but there is n no immediate acin city cily |