Show L LOGAN aa THEATRE W IHNES 11 mall ge aibe ind 1 GETE 1 arall iolli lit tit inn logan ogan dramatic glut club will the great drama of dam on pythias oll mr 0 J by obiter mr 11 1 ki I 1 ramm 0 mr A NV V jolles join prot lel maj r J M lill iton it il on an mr I 1 E J hav mr fr J londrow lon trow mr john aloisa ito a child ur or ilayton lla Ilay inon non M ter ta lr merrill calla nl mi it acs S mant ruic row 1 aern ll 11 it mix anika mi x 1 I li vilon arria Arr la mill ml it II IA Stua tors N K illier I ac 1 25 CENTS ft t i i ailt 54 ceni sli seato inny inay iv ill by ribas rib lS at ormsley A ailers uru drug storo dooni OKI at tt 72 for sale cheap 1 A GOOD HORSE and BUG BUGGY G Y A ari ANI ri daimy HAHN M to 0 0 ORMSBY as 1 tr tf shade trees A fino fine awk aw linnit cheap Clira ii ilar thu larto apply to fl P foffi smithfield molts axtin prank miia 11 orl on JeA fifon llop Mill I 1 irn IM allfie II if rum ruin N ca t N V I 1 IS M T J I 1 IG r I 1 1 I P 27 iw AM MEAT MARKET formerly fono glyz Z L C af I 1 i tf of algan branah THA 9 and wb jay foiw abo cuts cut of arr MUTTON lit L AL ac e C aal A 7 E 1 IN t akal A tj ion N artil HAMI HAAN OIL binl PAWN a t ajio ly M niches T it einam order of beld T D CA DON green grocery store institution 11 kemt TANOY vt of bif clr d ful flowing lowing lilt the urail brove burnetts bul liu anc on bif mey EXY BOOTS AND SHOES cd P amno UTAH ct C t q aft ami furay v carry inga of Iii lit milium moll mid CD provisions AND AM rAsi irY suvillian children phocas in fino calf skin biota ednd shona and z groat variety our line linely 14 ti HARNESS MADE AND REPAIRED X GREEN GROCERIES arid and vt e e to keta oil hand home claths cloths of all landa i doors and anil K arli ih Lurn ber ca CI fand lilli till arc c allic tl lic cd 1 foreich and DOMESTIC FRUITS 11 11 for 4 i anci 1 voli R 11 aboa all maid talili TAll LI A and ill ual in itutti and ml I 1 aggs coq inki if 11 for lav of the nove ba 1 y rl 01 L login loam or 1 HI GOOD FRESH burrer A SPECIALTY mir cadle 0 5 ly z z d ll 11 rd A A A q D RIC RICKS K S BITTER OUR oun MEAT MAHN 41 1 1 z fa 14 Q r 0 ct C t ar 5 ly to P an on liuigi even ft I 0 i IJ orM iii D r bul haply ply of FR FRESH ESH MEAT ipox 0 P n ua D amm V K UG S at OR E GEORGE fl q mirth and ix liick carri lod on tit in hi the lorri lomi 71 cily of tile I 1 ran ogan to nil to too ifo W wooi r nod lw itil 7 lognin q jail city cily utah ut ct 7 will ih lit in alt ak 7 11 I 1 minors enort null and niri op HOMI HOME MAUI FAMILY S AND art ettesv ETTE r Sj biot t baft I 1 ekr 1 k i U 1 I 1 arci bet main wol tt atif eer AND AM alit aiji 4 OP ol st S n it batar gw ls bt 1 leorr 0 irio 1 akes B alin wid IMIO liri itri T if bunni aal buc F fihs TO 0 C L 0 ciby ca 9 Y U H ever ruall ordic aa math re preben tile led bablo aili B iohd ft d boleda a mid d is tn you you will lie ile continio conTin con Tinco ced 13 aita tf C COOPE CO 0 OPE 0 P E arx RATION A T 10 DRUGS MEDICI CHEMICALS LOOK K HERE dyo aluir ir r toil toila t articles land anil nl nit line of gooda I nguu two ion a tip t claa drw rin balue tiu anc InO I 1 the unit and of nf Iri angan yun ini in i ril i hiim T t I 1 r jj V I 1 HI iutin S J talen cilin in the ac lathat 1 and li binish nish DOORS SASH RUSTIC AND 1 l binl lo 10 cubing we anil cloap tick of TO CO choan enlarging old 11 pictures Pic tur tapered siding aiding and furniture r urn iture keep a and i PM it il 14 chiq Coni lony call efrer oll fr arhl e fit iton n I 1 building Con contracts if lie anro unify y th alic and tuil trade with aaen act cf S ni chilly nicil d T timing dono ait oit i chort the alcove lilies Pta tue e prams fearn 9 meat market PRICES OF investigate our stock anil and prices before Pure basing contently bantly 0 ul hand nt at 15 ati ill aler VT up 1111 rt ft I 1 11 I 1 ct cl per IT ft tongue anil and rile riona drug store will nill remain ol apiu ext nt at all time bight and nd adny THAINE THAIN proprietors grgov v I 1 and beaded lic lloil 7 I 1 ct lr 1 r I 1 H rt ft aluk il Z ier per it anit lit Gal 7 1 r rie street near iscar alir he dorlon ine art gallery lerV no v to rau our cai tonic 11 in our Store on thiril st ht I 1 mock li loil vel ve ue l of Z C NI I 1 mill alays ito found a tir r mith feitli lie hie Nice tand I 1 of complete brofn atoe nil all linvik of mals lt iv steaks cub and meats orall kinds GENERAL merchandise KER CHANDISE VOUCHERS AT 7 it and it a larup lint anil varied tak or of conle anto olla imported will Loi Kr ivious ah oliata aall be in lit at our 1 furniture giorc on main sari t loin cartica balding and we me invite consumers con bitners to GIVE C W M nit maunder A fall RA er birny D I nt lilii RAILROAD U US A CALL coin jinny THE WONDER WOULD WORLD stock vouchers var looi for fi ik ALL toa oiz 1 A LA N C po P o anro july entered on paid com ait oit CM 11 na jana book mil avill lind it to lo orld G UL T I 1 V ME 0 NS inventions INVENTION 9 their inhere 1 l to pre tnt mitchell farm and spring wagons tanie to vermin Ver iain destroyer I 1 afef 11 vi 16 known to 1 10 0 tho llo r pk st alq at and enot ilurA blo J it S CAMPRELL C P 13 E 1 L 19 WITH LITE IW FOR ISSI ian ekert fiort TU yi r eer anade aud is city avih efura I mar nl 31 1891 DI chal clan in price walter A wood a enclosed gear li lowers and self seir binden lognin for killing hata MILE anif on it golnek Ol nek of iry ry ante binim C k allol M step milt or it aliu UCA best acm mn ma illon walli lilt power and engine bior beor I 1 ime on aco willit and insects on plants and ami licia lie ns sk adf if ilaf ga il ile chilled in tho Us n it tny any less lesa Culli billed tirol iro 14 r tal moth lo in I 1 aur ura I 1 let or stalo on oil or fir lff m blows I 1 lov and ami fod ie er lay hay I 1 also on cattle ete etc uon ilk ich apr aar R gift its itam 1 appl ivol with contenio enit tit ninilo le it t CI le ii alio llio mot cont ari I emst stul ce the alti acir ets th lint it tile colfi offe and oulI doubt leits to rile giove artict f i vrr cre till nil l and nil an kindor squally efficacious with illi the ten plants annl ant by me the limo lime pule mold in I 1 incle itlo tm t tt of UG 5 per lier cirlor find nil ore are gun granteed to give 7 BI fj Ivic ket or ii i 1 aj n ak AA jour for AG A G U R ac I 1 CU U SIT LT n U BAL A 1 I M X 4 vos lolar lol der cr 1 warranted trw free broto all 11 them imd ornell and m hill ill keep in fit tiny anny clini ate it un oil the loth or octola r 1681 1 nm am g going kij all booth ani Ini ranted norte iut strictly iirma 1 cla cia s compall Co Comi anitia in imy ty bu m ny ia without rin ria as ft IA A to lo rn no ce et or of hir depre anted irl lilt still ill lo iu ulle I 1 to 0 C cilia a ur or ays as tiry III give 1111 a cill call 6 aff not no cat it ln I 1 i i to the dutky ticket himer h idt r and nil I 1 for ws UFO on oil each ili invite nil all biating vi biting L fiall alt inke I ekr to LB 13 MATTISON one diar balot of lii fl C office diecy gravel arr tham AV A V ul r 0 raiza aaa t tant ell aini and rc raiv a mike forbse VT c 7 tf bial or of atit mo fito tilty 3 and and fe alling crr S loo hoa halt fe filed for ing or tile I 1 hant tailors of it legall A line 11 ft alvr aria l rl IN at the I 1 deal ili lit in nil all artle leti ia to tile tho lock of mulo made and Imp lnla colonial hion or t N lil irli alto air and I 1 ind gailit r floon and ami itean made clothing trulla 0 and low akes call sole le agents 0 C u druz nr ulli glat lo 10 alibee good googh irkis vacit tt on had inton int ns own 01 it ini M ann driver A skin it city for circular Adf iress tm anade III first l if i 1 lid gm 50 IT ij C J OUST AVERIN lo 10 l vid prices guaran teed bijoc ilo ilag salt 11 lake city store gigand N ll 11 c e pity itar tin the highest price for GS i south st 69 ai oni NG 1001 and tithing orders rs CA j institution ward co fth will 1111 lie taken jakc n guariz tr tf 2 E 5 coop op fatme il of I 1 lie ilo 0 A AT of tho li inov dikou it P 4 ra i tin the l chui t i atil tilt n 0 manufacturing it tile H alalue of it il wn ted to tin tilt 1 Iu aur urh it E a 4 nvard cu o rolive Iiii tile fj 1 akk of gorol lii potently tan i lt nivia to the ill nw n w ton tor on to FURNITURE A CT n miln 1 4 l nv ne bow bloor north of clon t i 54 li iirI 0 ralo ra lo JC 71 at basou ba 8 ih 0 7 tf c li it r it iNal cra in abis pu itt ff taras TAr js PL 0 iia haffa f hi 4 fixings for t bowing bowin ma a cc chinos chanos moto alo ng nicil nt for tile 0 Q nowton newton wagon 0 2 s son barber bocan ioann jollay biltl oa to i geo a r lr ra H J 4 1 P co uj L 0 U IT GOOD ADVICE Q to ile tire tio V pric sit t the mutt exl F 1 1 hi P s S Z n z ro general Cie produce and commission merchants with nion fl lio pru licille and r A N 1 I MY AND AMI bali af LI tiomir TO IF F I 1 lull OTI I 1 na ivica At A 0 PIANO ORGAN C LO FRUIT GRAIN AND vegetables or ir any moil or of ala lel in NEW NEV and hect on oil hand loo aln ft anic old nize M or lit thing in ill tile mait 1 ible r OAT you yea if hlll I 1 fill ft it tot jr filter R P cr raim au AND SEED s vr vi ai bawrs CORN con MEAL eft cot to order from furniture store I 1 MIAL MEAL all rv A noun acol gcorge fa ci careless aless 7 stalls 1 murii 41 no VA IWA itt q K cr FOREIO FOREIGN DOMESTIC FRUITS bc 2 ily i ly butita siret salt lako city 1 0 LINQUIST a i N A OL wo Vor klio handle tile celt next door to LEADER office etith lilt a lias has opened a leore on phird street logan I UNITED ORDER or of WAGON OK SPRING coons I 1 CITY tyl cacila ct co 0 UTAI UTAH an lock of spring 05 goods in home ho me made imported furniture arl ard will ill keap on liani hand a good cupply of llan on hand and for pate ale cl itAi fe Ir and fancy bry loth WV find 1 ac itc ac will bo fiend Th timber ilber iron iholts acy ac cc C c WHITE and RED PI PINE NE ill ij alit four larke i arf stores of including nit nil art ali i to a complete wanon 11 tuoi 21 ty ly native lumber 5 P ab tild 7 0 re PE orT HyED IX IN COUNTY COUNT 11 rian iiii of cir ewery I 1 avry dul tt ili etli mib lako CRY proprietor of tho the ISSO 1880 dl aali tilo 10 am SAM BALI SMITH salomon saleman ISSO 1880 known know a as ait tho ihu OU LDINa AND AN KIND RIND t i 01 THE NEW N TU 11 NJ INU eagle F agle house Addre malf nil to in tho vAr liis of wlliet wl lilt aill 1 machine ON l always be found coull lete lanck of ZIONS Z 10 NS BOA P 1 D OF 01 TRADE hol howe T e sewing n 18 ly business si 1 Afa l ini nager cr denef al uly lowill he co ut WI THE DAHI macginn OF TODAY TO DAY 0 L L ELIASON aurnt fult FUK tin till r iv b alic tl c itra informed pierle tho wold woid wo ld id over chilt nil 1 14 tt the one n today to day JAKE HEUSSER ba ilant I 1 al in 1110 ec u vt the put ILL to 11 tile Ilki Wolo to por practical in to P 7 J GOOD SEWING MACHINE importer and denier lu ia watches ca glocka licks and jewelry te V c ie Q 4 7 i 4 afa 0 e S t AMU cooil 1 0 main st sith salt lalo 1110 city 0 wr we invite me tac to the lirra l rt itcaina it I 1 ill IK the to demanding arid and are ro all kinds of rifles pen rook take in it as the lh given to impairs It pairs 5 look at a thi the NEAV ilvie E ami vio 0 o pleasure with every cidern at AI L 1 M WARR na flo d b b ka M I 1 ar B E S T J 14 UGHIE 0 OF F THE aff E DJ DAY Y lilar li 1 lir ANU anal SHOT isly IS ly 1 GUNS riz load cultivators Cultivator i south ik ih nd ml chilled plows IT IS THE I ST E MARICE 71 ONLY 0 ily OSE il PISTOLS and PRESCOTT ORGANS ft F t alm ilm 1113 and wil funt A V hay jalcs also alo leadem in iron TU tuii IN till scia stel liolu Q ali kinds of anil and Is go lin tocol to tiny ciny two other mat inal the pie company Coni piny botilda no lure or haelle ly on build and for pale cilc by 11 D I 1 MOD A aej YD WAGON I 1 I 1 G OX faz I 1 Z dor to no thoroughly grades lit l not wid each one la Is so rally etli and lite arc ro beatt told fold no cure care r cala cal lit 1 a arct alitt thy th Y dole arto ro A or of till tuffs variety rouil oud tUr eforo thoy jarge in bt howa factory nt at every cro cross hill arting ii loyco tors no 0 k 1 cutlery liili iii iril will gual Il ilmari leirl miri jr locius cwm inar glus aro kr liberal dl asti ast I wh vei other oilier kroer Kro til ti nat gons at annot tion rules of lite LZ latil do B laa UX mcie YOUNG agents top for utah on oil balad s riu iti 11 MT J 15 ifa aun st bt silt lake lain C city tty VRED TURNER R L PINGLE logan agnet for ut cacho cache cownty my n tip k 3 ay 1 iy y V 1 0 attly kg ZI 11 aka 11 |