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Show LOCAL LINES.<br><br> LEAP-FROG is now the popular pastime. THE missionary ball on Friday last was a success. THE U. & N. pay car paid Logan its monthly visit yesterday.<br><br> SLEIGHING from Clarkston nearly to Logan is as good as it ever was.<br><br> THE Tabernacle choir give a social party in Logan Hall this evening.<br><br> STOCK owners say that this has been the most severe season they ever experienced in Utah.<br><br> MESSRS. Crawford and Fisher, the well know [known] firm of Oxford, were in Logan yesterday.<br><br> PRESCOTT ORGANS - best and cheapest in the West. Installment plan. D. B. Lamoreaux, agent, Logan.<br><br> J. W. HITCHCOCK, Dentist, extracts teeth without pain, by the use of Nitrous Oxide or Laughing Gas. mar26-tf <br><br> ON MONDAY last a man was fined $8.50 in the police court for disturbing the peace, and threatening to whip his wife.<br><br> HAY is worth $20 a ton in Logan; and it would readily sell at that price if there were any to be found in this locality.<br><br> BISHOP TUTTLE of Salt Lake will be in Ogden on Friday next, April 2nd, 1880, and will deliver a sermon in St. John's school-house, commencing at 7 o'clock p. m. <br><br> THE SCANDINAVIENS ?? can be found on file at the Leader office, and any of our Scandinavian friends can have the privilege of perusing it if they choose to call and do so.<br><br> MR. J. H. ??, General Master Mechanic of the U. P. Rwy. Co., has organized a branch of his business in Logan with our citizen Robt. Croft as Division Master Mechanic.<br><br> THREE new engines lately arrived for the U. & N. Ry., and three more are soon expected; this addition is to provide for the anticipated increase in traffic the extension of the track, &c.<br><br> THE Home Missionaries and Sunday School Superintendents of this Stake of Zion are requested to meet in the Logan Tabernacle on Saturday, the 27th inst., at 11 o'clock a. m. A full attendance is earnestly desired.<br><br> A TELEPHONE system is now in successful operation between the office of the U. & N. Ry. and the residence of Superintendent Geo. W. Thatcher, also connecting with the residence of Train Despatcher D. A. Swan.<br><br> ON ACCOUNT of having been called on a mission to Europe, I offer my harness business, together with all harness made up, at a very low figure. Call immediately. H. J. Christiansen, Logan. mar19-2t <br><br> WE HAVE received from Elder Francis Sharp a report of the Sunday School Union meeting in Smithfield last Sunday night. The report ???? one, and would have been published but that a press of other matter crowded it from our columns.<br><br> AN OLD lady residing in the Fourth Ward of Logan named Gansmand, aged 8? years is peculiarly blest. She is just "cutting" a new set of teeth, three having already made their appearance in her mouth, while several others are plainly visible just beneath the surface of her gums.<br><br> A REORGANIZATION of the Benson Sunday School was recently effected by the Superintendency of the Stake. Following are the names of the new officers W. D. Williams, Superintendent; S. Beddis and W. G. Reese, Assistants; H. T. Rogers, Secretary; Thomas Rogers, Treasurer.<br><br> AS A RECIPE for inducing cattle to eat straw after they have been used to eating hay, the following is good. Place the straw where it is difficult for the animals to get at it, and then whip them away several times when found eating the feed. They will return carefully on every possible occasion and make a hearty meal.<br><br> MR. HITCHCOCK, the dentist, has been very successful in his practice here. He is pronounced by those who have been under his care to be unusually skillful and kind in his manner. In this issue of the Leader he announce that he is now prepared, by the use of laughing gas, to extract teeth without pain to the patient.<br><br> D. B. LAMOREAUX advertises the Prescott organ as being the best and cheapest in the market. He will sell this really fine instrument to people in Logan and surrounding settlements on the most favorable terms. Call at his place of business on Third Street; and if you cannot pay at once the entire amount for an organ, secure one on the installment plan.<br><br> DOCTOR ORMSBY, of the Pioneer Drug Store, gives notice to all of those who are indebted to him, that he wishes accounts closed immediately. A settlement is requested by the first day of April, and all people interested should govern themselves accordingly. The matter is urgent and much annoyance will be saved by a compliance herewith. mar19-td <br><br> CHIEF JUSTICE John T. Morgan of Idaho was in Logan yesterday. The judge is well pleased with Logan, her enterprises and surroundings. He is a ?? pleasant gentleman; and has the reputation of being a profound lawyer and an eminent jurist. We congratulate the people of our sister Territory on their good fortune in having such officials as Judge Moran seems to be.<br><br> A REPORT, well authenticated, comes to us to the effect that during the last cold spell a man and his wife named Crane attempted to cross the mountains in the vicinity of Cariboo, on snow shoes and that the woman was frozen to death. Crane was found by the mail carrier. Afterward a party went out to find the body of Mrs. Crane, but it had been buried in the snow and cannot now be discovered.<br><br> MR. GEO. F. Stevens, general master car builder of the U. P. Railway Company, has lately been in Logan and organized a branch of the business for this division of the road with Mr. Shoemaker as Division Master Car Builder, and Mr. Frost as his assistant. The shops for the car works are soon to be put up in Logan. This is another step in the right direction, towards keeping the headquarters of the U. & N. in this city. |