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Show GIVE PROMPT ATTENTION AND TREATMENT to all afflictions of the Bowels, such as Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, &c., at this season of the year. By using Dr. Jayne's Carminative Balsam you will obtain immediate relief and soon drive all such complaints from the system. VILLAGE DOCTOR to the grave-digger; who is given to whiskey: "Ah, John, I'm sorry to see you in this pitiable condition again!" Grave-Digger "?? Sir! Can ye no' let ae little fault o' mine gae by? It's many a muckle ane of yours I ?? happit owre, and said nuething about!"-Punch FEES OF DOCTORS. The fee of doctors is an item that very many persons are interested in just at present. We believe the schedule for visits is $3.00, which would cost a man confined to his be for a year, and in need of a daily visit, over $1,000 a year for medical attendance alone! And one single bottle of Hop Bitters taken in time would save the $1,000 and all the year's sickness. Ed. Pallodium. MINING MACHINERY and the expense of furnaces, &c. often absorb all the profit of mines which contain good ore. The Robertson process in many cases enables the owner to carry on his business with from one-fourth to one-tenth of the capital required under the old system and the expense of roasting and extracting gold and silver is saved. John A. Robertson, P. O. box 352, Oakland, Cal. owns the patent and will ?? ??. CHILLS AND FEVER may sometime be relieved by quinine but the liver is ?? and the effects of quinine are only beneficial when a good liver remedy is taken with it. Turner's Regulator is better adapted to the wants of the system than any other in the market. O. J. HAWLEY & CO. This popular and reliable house will not only fill all country orders for every description of groceries, but will fill orders for any and all descriptions of goods needed in the household or the farm. Give particular description of goods needed and remit by Wells Fargo & Co., or by P. O. order to 215 Sutter St., San Francisco. BUY THE BEST. The best photograph is always the cheapest, but at the Imperial Gallery, 724 ½ Market Street, San Francisco, you get not only the best but the lowest priced work in the city. DENTISTRY. Go to Dr. Cochrane, 850 Market street, San Francisco, if you want first-class work at low rates. Cochrane stands at the head of his profession. $45 WILL BUY 1000 FINE cigars at J. W. Shaeffer & Co.'s [company's], 323 Sacramento St. [street], S. F. [San Francisco] (No Drummers employed) THE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY of Wm [William] Shaw has been removed from 115 to 523 Kearny St., San Francisco. All Photographs made at the New York Gallery, No. 25 Third St., S.F. are guaranteed to be first-class. Prices to suit the times. J. H. Peters Proprietor. HALL'S PULMONARY BALSAM price 50 Cts [cents]. An Immediate and Permanent Cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Influenza, Catarrh, Loss of Voice, Incipient Consumption, and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Ask for the California Pulmonary Balsam, and Take no other. Sold by all Druggists. J.W. TUCKER & CO. Jewelers And Silversmiths, 131 Kearny St., San Francisco, Agents for all American Chronograph, Swiss and English watches. PICKLES AND FRUIT. The purest home-made [homemade] Pickles and Preserves of all kinds, put up in the good old Southern style. A liberal discount to the trade. Address Mrs. Abbey Fisher and Husband, 362 Howard Street, San Francisco. CURE FOR CANCER. Red Clover cures Cancer, Salt Rheum, and all other blood diseases. For references and full particulars address W. C. Needham, sole agent for Pacific Coast, P. O. Box 422, San Jose, Cal [California] AGENTS READ THIS. We will pay Agents a salary of $100 per month and ???? We mean what we say. Sample free. Address Sherman & Co. [company], Marshall, Mich. MRS M.P. SAWTELLE, M.D. GYNECOLOGIST. Office -Thurlow Block, corner of Sutter and Kearney Sts. [streets]. San Francisco. Office hours from 11 till 3 when she will diagnose and treat diseases of women. Editor and publisher of Medico Literary Journal, a monthly, devoted to the diffusion of medical knowledge among women. Terms, three dollars a year in advance. IN MAKING ANY PURCHASE or in writing in response to any advertisement in this paper, you will please mention the name of the paper. SEND 50 CENTS In Postage Stamps, Coin or Postal Order, and get the San Francisco Weekly Chronicle for Three Months. Encouraged by an enormous and increasing subscription list, and with unsurpassed facilities, the Weekly Chronicle has been enlarged from a 64 column paper to a paper of 72 columns, and price reduced to $2.00 per year and in connection with the change the price has been reduced materially, making this the Cheapest, Largest, and Best weekly publication in the United states, if not the world. It is the Great Family Paper for the Farmer, Miner and Merchant of the Pacific Coast. It contains eight large pages, clearly printed with new type and on new presses, with nine long columns to the page. It is a complete mirror of the passing events of the world, as well as a library of literature, amusement and knowledge. An Agricultural Department is one of the its leading features,, which is under the management of a gentleman thoroughly qualified for the position by education, experience and long residence on the coast. As a medium of agricultural information it has no superior. For freshness of news, editorial skills, literary excellence and artistic arrangement, it challenges competition. It supplies the intellectual wants of all - the Farmer, the Laborer, the Artisan, the Merchant, the Miner, the Old and the Young. The price of this unrivaled paper has been reduced to $2 per year, payable in advance, which includes postage. Club Rates. A club of three subscribers one year, $1.75 each, a club of five subscribers, one year $1.60 each; a club of ten subscribers, one year, $1.50 each. This includes postage. Send for a specimen copy. All Postmasters are authorized to receive subscriptions. Send money by postal order, registered letter or by express, addressed to Chas. De Young & Co., San Francisco. TO FARMERS AND GRASS GROWERS. The Green Valley grass will yield from 10 to 12 tons of hay to the acre and from 2,000 to 4,000 bushels of roots, good feed for all stock. For circulars and price list address Arthur Taylor, Watson, Atchison Co. Missouri NEW YORK DENTAL ROOMS. 19 Sixth St., near Market, San Francisco. Gold fillings, $2, large size, $3, extractions 50 cents, with gas, $1, sets of teeth, $10. We agree to please or no charge. U. C. Massik DDS. CHAMPION SAFE of the world. Manufactured by Detroit Safe Company. A sure protection from fire and burglars. Sargent, Greenlief, and Yale Time Locks. Hart's Patent Emery Wheels, Benicia Buck Skin Gloves, &c. SamL. [Samuel] B. Paige & Co. [company], Agents. New Montgomery Street, Palace Hotel, San Francisco. ST. GEORGE HOTEL, Just Opened, On the European Plan. 812 Kearny Street, S.F. (Near Old City Hall). Meals served in first class hotel style, of great variety and good quality, at all hours of the day, for twenty-five cents. Steak and coffee fifteen cents. Coffee and cakes ten cents. Rooms from 25 cts [cents] to $1.00 per night as per size and location. Board, per week, $1, Room and Board, $5.50 to $7.00. Timothy Sargent, Manager. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, 824 and 826 Kearny St. [street], San Francisco, $1.25 and $1.50 per day. H. C. Partridge, Proprietor Two Concord Coaches, with the name to the Hotel on will always be in waiting at the landing to convey passengers to the Hotel free. Be sure you got into the right Coach. If you do not, they will charge you. ORMSBY THE PHOTOGRAPHER. 614 Market St., near the Baldwin, San Fran. Send stamp for samples. Cabinet Photograph free. THE GOLDEN ERA. The Oldest, Ablest, and Best family paper in the Pacific Coast. Only Three Dollars Per Year. J.M. Bassett, Editor and Proprietor, San Francisco. SPECTACLES for the old and young. Send for our Self-measuring Guide, by the aid of which you can select proper reading spectacles with a guarantee to suit. Scot free. Berthling and Wates, Scientific Opticians. 427 Kearny St., San Francisco. TRADEMARK CALVERT'S CARBOLIC SHEEP WASH $2 per gallon. T. W. Jackson. San Francisco, Sole agent for the Pacific Coast. KELLY BARB WIRE. Cheapest and best fence made. Costs only half as much as board fence. Write for circular giving particulars. Huntington, Hopkins & Co., Agents, San Francisco and Sacramento. PAPER HANGINGS! G. W. Clark, importer of fine French, English and American paper hangings. The newest productions of the leading manufacturers constantly arriving. Window Shades, Dealer in all kinds of shade material and trimmings. Agent for the Self-Adjusting Spring Shade Rollers. The manufacture of the gold band and elegant decorative shades for private residences a specialty. Geo. W. Clark, 615 Market St. San Francisco. GLADDING McBEAN & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF IRON STONE SEWER PIPE. [Text written on an illustration of a pipe]. Chimney Pipes & Tops. Vases, Flower Pots, Fire Bricks, 213-1310, 1312 Market St., S.F. Manufactory at Lincoln, Cal. [California]. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. GILHAM'S Green Hoof And Healing Ointment For Collar Galls, Harness Galls, Saddle Galls, Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Old and Recent Wounds, Brittle Hoofs, Fever in Feet, Founder Sand Cracks, Quarter Cracks, Scratches or Grease. For cuts, burns, and all Flesh wounds in Human Flesh. This Ointment has no equal. It's the Only Ointment in the United States that ever received a medal. For sale and recommended by all Traders, Druggists and Harness Makers Main & Winchester. 214 and 216 Battery St., S.F. Wholesale Agents. MAGIC LANTERNS AND STEREOPTICONS for Sunday School and Home Exhibitions ???? C. T. Milligan 728 Chestnut St., Philada. JOHN ROGERS AND SONS, general stock and sale yard. Cor. Market and Ninth Sts. San Francisco. Dealers in hay and grain at lowest market rates. John Rogers has been well known in S. F. for the last twenty-six years. GARDEN CITY COM'L [commercial] COLLEGE H. B. Worcester Princ'l. San Jose, Cal. Box 400. First class. Centrally located. Well equipped. Full corps of teachers. All branches belonging to modern business college. Send for circular. DO NOT FAIL to send for our new price list. More complete the ever. Contains descriptions of every thing required for personal or family use, with over 1000 illustrations. Send nine cents for it. (Stamps will do.) We sell all goods at wholesale prices in quantities to suit the purchaser. The only institution in America who make this their special business. Address Montgomery Ward and Co. 227 and 229 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. THE PACIFIC, a weekly religious and family paper. The oldest on the Pacific Coast. Established 1851. Subscription $2.50 a year in advance. Remit to The Pacific, P. O. Box 2348, San Francisco, Cal. BOOTS AND SHOES. John Sullivan, N. E. cor [corner] Battery and Jackson Sts. [streets], San Francisco, offers to make to order the best French Calf Leather Boots, at from $5 to $9?, California Leather Boots, and Gaiters and ?? Ties, $3 to $6, French Calf Oxford Ties, ?? California, $3.50. Boys' and Childrens Boots and Shoes made to order. Persons in the country ordering Boots and Shoes to the amount of Twelve Dollars or more will be allowed a reduction of four per cent, so as to make the express charges light. I sell Boots and Shoes of My Own manufacture Only. Boots and Shoes sent C. O. D. Positively one price. PACIFIC WATER CURE and Eclectic Health Institute, Northwest corner of 7th and L Sts. Sacramento, Cal. Being fully prepared to treat all forms of disease on the latest and most scientific principles, together with good rooms and board, we with confidence ask for public patronage. For further particulars address H. F. Clayton, proprietor. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CITY ARGUS published every Saturday It is the brightest, spiciest and liveliest paper published on the coast, and the leading weekly of the metropolis. All the leading sensations, portraits of prominent persons, pictures of eventful occurrences, etc. $3.00 per year postpaid. Extra inducements are offered to postmasters and others to canvass for subscriptions. Sample copies free. Address, The Argus Publishing Co., 406 Kearny Street San Francisco W. DAVIS, MANUFACTURER OF Horse Harness, Collars, Whips, Lashes and Saddles of All Kinds. (Illustration of a saddle]. Wholesale and Retail dealer in Leather, Saddlery, Hardware, Horse Blankets, Robes, Sponges, Horse Brushes, etc. Send for catalogue. 410 Market St., Near First Street, San Francisco. CONCORD CARRIAGES. [illustration of a carriage] Removal. The Concord Carriage Repository has removed to No. 46 New Montgomery street, next to Palace Hotel, San Francisco, where a full stock of "Concord" buggies and wagons, the genuine "Concord Harness" and E. M. Miller & Co.'s (Quincy Ill) buggies and carriages will be constantly kept on hand. T. S. Eastman, Agent. 46 New Montgomery St. S. F. [San Francisco] N. CURRY & BRO. 113 Sansome Street, San Francisco. Sole Agents for the Sharps Rifle Co., of Bridgeport Conn., For California, Oregon, Arizona, Nevada, Washington Territory, and Idaho. Also, agent for W. W. Greener's Celebrated Wedgefast, Chokebore, Breech-loading Double Guns; and all kinds of Guns, Rifles, and Pistols made by the Loading Manufacturers of England and America. Ammunition of all kinds in quantities to suit. [Illustration of crossed rifles] DR. SPINNEY & CO. [company] 11 Kearney St. [street], San Francisco. There are many men from thirty to sixty years of age suffering from general prostration and a weakening of the system which they can not [cannot] account for. Dr. Spinney will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases and a complete restoration of the physical and nervous powers. Call or address as above. Send for Dr. Spinney & Co.'s [company's] new pamphlet. PHOSPHATE SOAP. [illustration of a tin of Phosphate Soap with words "trade mark" written across a buckled belt] Phosphate Trade Mark Soap. The Best soap for toilet use over manufactured. Best because it contains all the excellences of the most expensive foreign or American soaps without their defects. Best because it combines strength with delicacy in such a way that its strong detersive qualities do not injure the skin. Best because it is the result of years of study and experiment in the soap manufacturing business, assisted by modern chemical discoveries. Best because it contains ingredients beneficial to the skin, which unite chemically with the soap in such a manner as to increase its suponaceous qualities. Every chemist familiar with soap manufacture knows that some ingredients which are in themselves beneficial to the skin cannot be saponified; some are partially neutralized, while others injure the quality of the soap. There are soaps in the market which are to some extent beneficial to the skin but they are inferior articles for toilet use. Phosphate Soap is the Only article offered to the public which combines all the best elements of toilet soap with medical ingredients beneficial to the skin. A superb article for the toilet, beneficial to the skin, giving it a soft, velvety appearance, and leaving a soothing, pleasant sensation after use, imparting a healthy, natural and lasting beauty to the complexion. It eradicates the poisonous effects of cosmetics; preventing skin diseases by acting as a constant purifier and disinfectant; if used constantly will cure skin diseases of long standing; is superior to any other article for bathing infants; cleansing and healing for all eruptions on the scalp or face of children; good for the teeth; produces a soft, creamy lather, nicely adapted to shaving or shampooing, removes dandruff, and gives health to the scalp without injuring the hair. It is an old proverb that an ounce of preventive is better than a pound of cure. Twenty-five cents invested in a cake of Phosphate Soap will save hundreds of dollars in doctors' bills. It acts as a constant disinfectant, preventing Salt Rheum and other skin diseases. No salve or ointment can heal a wound or sore of any kind. Every educated physician will tell you that nature alone can do this. Phosphate Soap, by its cleansing, soothing and purifying qualities, gives nature a chance to act freely. Thousands of articles are palmed off on the public which have no genuine merit, but Phosphate Soap is the result of modern discoveries of celebrated chemists. If you wish to make your hands soft buy a cake of Phosphate Soap, and when that is gone you will buy a dozen and recommend your friends to do the same. Sensible girls avoid cosmetics but use Phosphate Soap for the toilet because it is fragrant, pure and pleasant. Testimonials: San Jose, September 24, 1879, To the Standard Soap Co - Gentlemen: It affords me pleasure to say to the public that I have used and prescribed your Phosphate Soap as a remedy in various forms of cutaneous diseases with the happiest results. I am of the opinion that it is the mildest and most perfect detergent that can be used, either for cleansing the skin and leaving it soft and healthy, or for removing the fetor and corroding influences of sores and ulcerations. I should be sorry to be without it in shaving my face or making my toilet, to say nothing of my good opinion of its remedial qualities. A. J. Spencer, M.D. San Francisco, July 19, 1879. Standard Soap Co. - Gentlemen: The ladies of my household, four in number, unite with me in pronouncing your Phosphate soap the best ever tried for toilet use. It is noticeable that while it readily removes impurities from the skin, it also leaves undisturbed the natural oil so essential to the health. It is not too strong language to say that we are delighted with it. C. M. Sawtelle, M.D., 120 Capp street. San Francisco, July 19, 1879. Standard Soap Co. - Gents.: I have tried your Phosphate Soap, and have no hesitation in saying that it is the best toilet soap I ever used. My wife has used it and is of the same opinion. I have paid as high as fifty cents per cake for an article in every respect inferior to what you sell for twenty-five cents. Henry H. Lynch, 516 Haight Street. The genuine merits of Phosphate Soap and persistent advertising will force every druggist, groceryman and general dealer to order it by the gross sooner or later. Ask for it in every store. The retail price is 25 cents per cake. We wish to sell it only at wholesale, but in case you cannot find it we will send a nice box of three cakes by mail, postage paid, on receipt of 85 cents in stamps. Standard Soap Co., 204 Sacramento St., S. F. Jewelers And Silversmiths, 131 Kearny St., San Francisco, Agents for all American Chronograph, Swiss and English watches. PICKLES AND FRUIT. The purest home-made [homemade] Pickles and Preserves of all kinds, put up in the good old Southern style. A liberal discount to the trade. Address Mrs. Abbey Fisher and Husband, 362 Howard Street, San Francisco. <br><br> CURE FOR CANCER. Red Clover cures Cancer, Salt Rheum, and all other blood diseases. For references and full particulars address W. C. Needham, sole agent for Pacific Coast, P. O. Box 422, San Jose, Cal [California] <br><br>AGENTS READ THIS. We will pay Agents a salary of $100 per month and ???? We mean what we say. Sample free. Address Sherman & Co. [company], Marshall, Mich. <br><br>MRS M.P. SAWTELLE, M.D. GYNECOLOGIST. Office -Thurlow Block, corner of Sutter and Kearney Sts. [streets]. San Francisco. Office hours from 11 till 3 when she will diagnose and treat diseases of women. Editor and publisher of Medico Literary Journal, a monthly, devoted to the diffusion of medical knowledge among women. Terms, three dollars a year in advance. <br><br> IN MAKING ANY PURCHASE or in writing in response to any advertisement in this paper, you will please mention the name of the paper. <br><br> SEND 50 CENTS In Postage Stamps, Coin or Postal Order, and get the San Francisco Weekly Chronicle for Three Months. Encouraged by an enormous and increasing subscription list, and with unsurpassed facilities, the Weekly Chronicle has been enlarged from a 64 column paper to a paper of 72 columns, and price reduced to $2.00 per year and in connection with the change the price has been reduced materially, making this the Cheapest, Largest, and Best weekly publication in the United states, if not the world. It is the Great Family Paper for the Farmer, Miner and Merchant of the Pacific Coast. It contains eight large pages, clearly printed with new type and on new presses, with nine long columns to the page. It is a complete mirror of the passing events of the world, as well as a library of literature, amusement and knowledge. An Agricultural Department is one of the its leading features,, which is under the management of a gentleman thoroughly qualified for the position by education, experience and long residence on the coast. As a medium of agricultural information it has no superior. For freshness of news, editorial skills, literary excellence and artistic arrangement, it challenges competition. It supplies the intellectual wants of all B the Farmer, the Laborer, the Artisan, the Merchant, the Miner, the Old and the Young. The price of this unrivaled paper has been reduced to $2 per year, payable in advance, which includes postage. Club Rates. A club of three subscribers one year, $1.75 each, a club of five subscribers, one year $1.60 each; a club of ten subscribers, one year, $1.50 each. This includes postage. Send for a specimen copy. All Postmasters are authorized to receive subscriptions. Send money by postal order, registered letter or by express, addressed to Chas. De Young & Co., San Francisco. <br><br> TO FARMERS AND GRASS GROWERS. The Green Valley grass will yield from 10 to 12 tons of hay to the acre and from 2,000 to 4,000 bushels of roots, good feed for all stock. For circulars and price list address Arthur Taylor, Watson, Atchison Co. Missouri <br><br> NEW YORK DENTAL ROOMS. 19 Sixth St., near Market, San Francisco. Gold fillings, $2, large size, $3, extractions 50 cents, with gas, $1, sets of teeth, $10. We agree to please or no charge. U. C. Massik DDS. <br><br> CHAMPION SAFE of the world. Manufactured by Detroit Safe Company. A sure protection from fire and burglars. Sargent, Greenlief, and Yale Time Locks. Hart=s Patent Emery Wheels, Benicia Buck Skin Gloves, &c. SamL. [Samuel] B. Paige & Co. [company], Agents. New Montgomery Street, Palace Hotel, San Francisco. <br><br> ST. GEORGE HOTEL, Just Opened, On the European Plan. 812 Kearny Street, S.F. (Near Old City Hall). Meals served in first class hotel style, of great variety and good quality, at all hours of the day, for twenty-five cents. Steak and coffee fifteen cents. Coffee and cakes ten cents. Rooms from 25 cts [cents] to $1.00 per night as per size and location. Board, per week, $1, Room and Board, $5.50 to $7.00. Timothy Sargent, Manager. <br><br> INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, 824 and 826 Kearny St. [street], San Francisco, $1.25 and $1.50 per day. H. C. Partridge, Proprietor Two Concord Coaches, with the name to the Hotel on will always be in waiting at the landing to convey passengers to the Hotel free. Be sure you got into the right Coach. If you do not, they will charge you. <br><br> ORMSBY THE PHOTOGRAPHER. 614 Market St., near the Baldwin, San Fran. Send stamp for samples. Cabinet Photograph free. <br><br> THE GOLDEN ERA. The Oldest, Ablest, and Best family paper in the Pacific Coast. Only Three Dollars Per Year. J.M. Bassett, Editor and Proprietor, San Francisco. <br><br> SPECTACLES for the old and young. Send for our Self-measuring Guide, by the aid of which you can select proper reading spectacles with a guarantee to suit. Scot free. Berthling and Wates, Scientific Opticians. 427 Kearny St., San Francisco. <br><br> TRADEMARK CALVERT=S CARBOLIC SHEEP WASH $2 per gallon. T. W. Jackson. San Francisco, Sole agent for the Pacific Coast. KELLY BARB WIRE. Cheapest and best fence made. Costs only half as much as board fence. Write for circular giving particulars. Huntington, Hopkins & Co., Agents, San Francisco and Sacramento. <br><br> PAPER HANGINGS! G. W. Clark, importer of fine French, English and American paper hangings. The newest productions of the leading manufacturers constantly arriving. Window Shades, Dealer in all kinds of shade material and trimmings. Agent for the Self-Adjusting Spring Shade Rollers. The manufacture of the gold band and elegant decorative shades for private residences a specialty. Geo. W. Clark, 615 Market St. San Francisco. <br><br> GLADDING McBEAN & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF IRON STONE SEWER PIPE. [Text written on an illustration of a pipe]. Chimney Pipes & Tops. Vases, Flower Pots, Fire Bricks, 213-1310, 1312 Market St., S.F. Manufactory at Lincoln, Cal. [California]. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. GILHAM=S Green Hoof And Healing Ointment For Collar Galls, Harness Galls, Saddle Galls, Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Old and Recent Wounds, Brittle Hoofs, Fever in Feet, Founder Sand Cracks, Quarter Cracks, Scratches or Grease. For cuts, burns, and all Flesh wounds in Human Flesh. This Ointment has no equal. It=s the Only Ointment in the United States that ever received a medal. For sale and recommended by all Traders, Druggists and Harness Makers Main & Winchester. 214 and 216 Battery St., S.F. Wholesale Agents. MAGIC LANTERNS AND STEREOPTICONS for Sunday School and Home Exhibitions ???? C. T. Milligan 728 Chestnut St., Philada. <br><br> JOHN ROGERS AND SONS, general stock and sale yard. Cor. Market and Ninth Sts. San Francisco. Dealers in hay and grain at lowest market rates. John Rogers has been well known in S. F. for the last twenty-six years. <br><br> GARDEN CITY COM=L [commercial] COLLEGE H. B. Worcester Princ=l. San Jose, Cal. Box 400. First class. Centrally located. Well equipped. Full corps of teachers. All branches belonging to modern business college. Send for circular. DO NOT FAIL to send for our new price list. More complete the ever. Contains descriptions of every thing required for personal or family use, with over 1000 illustrations. Send nine cents for it. (Stamps will do.) We sell all goods at wholesale prices in quantities to suit the purchaser. The only institution in America who make this their special business. Address Montgomery Ward and Co. 227 and 229 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. <br><br> THE PACIFIC, a weekly religious and family paper. The oldest on the Pacific Coast. Established 1851. Subscription $2.50 a year in advance. Remit to The Pacific, P. O. Box 2348, San Francisco, Cal. <br><br> BOOTS AND SHOES. John Sullivan, N. E. cor [corner] Battery and Jackson Sts. [streets], San Francisco, offers to make to order the best French Calf Leather Boots, at from $5 to $9?, California Leather Boots, and Gaiters and ?? Ties, $3 to $6, French Calf Oxford Ties, ?? California, $3.50. Boys= and Childrens Boots and Shoes made to order. Persons in the country ordering Boots and Shoes to the amount of Twelve Dollars or more will be allowed a reduction of four per cent, so as to make the express charges light. I sell Boots and Shoes of My Own manufacture Only. Boots and Shoes sent C. O. D. Positively one price. <br><br> PACIFIC WATER CURE and Eclectic Health Institute, Northwest corner of 7th and L Sts. Sacramento, Cal. Being fully prepared to treat all forms of disease on the latest and most scientific principles, together with good rooms and board, we with confidence ask for public patronage. For further particulars address H. F. Clayton, proprietor. <br><br> SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CITY ARGUS published every Saturday It is the brightest, spiciest and liveliest paper published on the coast, and the leading weekly of the metropolis. All the leading sensations, portraits of prominent persons, pictures of eventful occurrences, etc. $3.00 per year postpaid. Extra inducements are offered to postmasters and others to canvass for subscriptions. Sample copies free. Address, The Argus Publishing Co., 406 Kearny Street San Francisco <br><br> W. DAVIS, MANUFACTURER OF Horse Harness, Collars, Whips, Lashes and Saddles of All Kinds. (Illustration of a saddle]. Wholesale and Retail dealer in Leather, Saddlery, Hardware, Horse Blankets, Robes, Sponges, Horse Brushes, etc. Send for catalogue. 410 Market St., Near First Street, San Francisco. <br><br> CONCORD CARRIAGES. [illustration of a carriage] Removal. The Concord Carriage Repository has removed to No. 46 New Montgomery street, next to Palace Hotel, San Francisco, where a full stock of AConcord@ buggies and wagons, the genuine AConcord Harness@ and E. M. Miller & Co.=s (Quincy Ill) buggies and carriages will be constantly kept on hand. T. S. Eastman, Agent. 46 New Montgomery St. S. F. [San Francisco] <br><br> N. CURRY & BRO. 113 Sansome Street, San Francisco. Sole Agents for the Sharps Rifle Co., of Bridgeport Conn., For California, Oregon, Arizona, Nevada, Washington Territory, and Idaho. Also, agent for W. W. Greener=s Celebrated Wedgefast, Chokebore, Breech-loading Double Guns; and all kinds of Guns, Rifles, and Pistols made by the Loading Manufacturers of England and America. Ammunition of all kinds in quantities to suit. [Illustration of crossed rifles] DR. SPINNEY & CO. [company] 11 Kearney St. [street], San Francisco. There are many men from thirty to sixty years of age suffering from general prostration and a weakening of the system which they can not [cannot] account for. Dr. Spinney will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases and a complete restoration of the physical and nervous powers. Call or address as above. Send for Dr. Spinney & Co.=s [company=s] new pamphlet. <br><br> PHOSPHATE SOAP. [illustration of a tin of Phosphate Soap with words Atrade mark@ written across a buckled belt] Phosphate Trade Mark Soap. The Best soap for toilet use over manufactured. Best because it contains all the excellences of the most expensive foreign or American soaps without their defects. Best because it combines strength with delicacy in such a way that its strong detersive qualities do not injure the skin. Best because it is the result of years of study and experiment in the soap manufacturing business, assisted by modern chemical discoveries. Best because it contains ingredients beneficial to the skin, which unite chemically with the soap in such a manner as to increase its suponaceous qualities. Every chemist familiar with soap manufacture knows that some ingredients which are in themselves beneficial to the skin cannot be saponified; some are partially neutralized, while others injure the quality of the soap. There are soaps in the market which are to some extent beneficial to the skin but they are inferior articles for toilet use. Phosphate Soap is the Only article offered to the public which combines all the best elements of toilet soap with medical ingredients beneficial to the skin. A superb article for the toilet, beneficial to the skin, giving it a soft, velvety appearance, and leaving a soothing, pleasant sensation after use, imparting a healthy, natural and lasting beauty to the complexion. It eradicates the poisonous effects of cosmetics; preventing skin diseases by acting as a constant purifier and disinfectant; if used constantly will cure skin diseases of long standing; is superior to any other article for bathing infants; cleansing and healing for all eruptions on the scalp or face of children; good for the teeth; produces a soft, creamy lather, nicely adapted to shaving or shampooing, removes dandruff, and gives health to the scalp without injuring the hair. It is an old proverb that an ounce of preventive is better than a pound of cure. Twenty-five cents invested in a cake of Phosphate Soap will save hundreds of dollars in doctors' bills. It acts as a constant disinfectant, preventing Salt Rheum and other skin diseases. No salve or ointment can heal a wound or sore of any kind. Every educated physician will tell you that nature alone can do this. Phosphate Soap, by its cleansing, soothing and purifying qualities, gives nature a chance to act freely. Thousands of articles are palmed off on the public which have no genuine merit, but Phosphate Soap is the result of modern discoveries of celebrated chemists. If you wish to make your hands soft buy a cake of Phosphate Soap, and when that is gone you will buy a dozen and recommend your friends to do the same. Sensible girls avoid cosmetics but use Phosphate Soap for the toilet because it is fragrant, pure and pleasant. Testimonials: San Jose, September 24, 1879, To the Standard Soap Co B Gentlemen: It affords me pleasure to say to the public that I have used and prescribed your Phosphate Soap as a remedy in various forms of cutaneous diseases with the happiest results. I am of the opinion that it is the mildest and most perfect detergent that can be used, either for cleansing the skin and leaving it soft and healthy, or for removing the fetor and corroding influences of sores and ulcerations. I should be sorry to be without it in shaving my face or making my toilet, to say nothing of my good opinion of its remedial qualities. A. J. Spencer, M.D. San Francisco, July 19, 1879. Standard Soap Co. B Gentlemen: The ladies of my household, four in number, unite with me in pronouncing your Phosphate soap the best ever tried for toilet use. It is noticeable that while it readily removes impurities from the skin, it also leaves undisturbed the natural oil so essential to the health. It is not too strong language to say that we are delighted with it. C. M. Sawtelle, M.D., 120 Capp street. San Francisco, July 19, 1879. Standard Soap Co. B Gents.: I have tried your Phosphate Soap, and have no hesitation in saying that it is the best toilet soap I ever used. My wife has used it and is of the same opinion. I have paid as high as fifty cents per cake for an article in every respect inferior to what you sell for twenty-five cents. Henry H. Lynch, 516 Haight Street. The genuine merits of Phosphate Soap and persistent advertising will force every druggist, groceryman and general dealer to order it by the gross sooner or later. Ask for it in every store. The retail price is 25 cents per cake. We wish to sell it only at wholesale, but in case you cannot find it we will send a nice box of three cakes by mail, postage paid, on receipt of 85 cents in stamps. Standard Soap Co., 204 Sacramento St., S. F. |