Show FY 1111 E the Pies president ident on the work of fifty first congress Cou gress he thinks did rig right glit the tari tan aa agitation 91 i should cease for a time to give the mckinley McKin loy bill a chance sni UTi march 17 in ill the fourc of an all interview find anul with resident president harrion arrison harri II on by a 1 correspondent lion dent of the new york tribune Tr bune mr harrison arrison II fiill the work of tile the fifty first congress liis has been lone iloilo in tile the face of tremendous criticism and the ies iii lation evolved tin 1111 Z awen tile the outgrowth of force fierce centt ntinos the is is one that will stand ii well ell in hist history orv ind and unc line which the country will approve the principle of majority rule has hai alo il 0 been asserted in a marked degree I 1 and in an adherence to that rule artil is is in iny jold judgment alie theone one principle lifar lei ale which J I 1 will vill lire t erve tin tile institutions of our country it iq p what hat lins has contributed lit the past to our security and it 3 is tile only guarantee in the he future for our safety the minute you vou pass from that you concede minority arity rule you vou goto 0 to clinos and anacon coil funion some of the fiercest fierce contentions tensions tent ions in con congress have been made in a vain attempt upon the part of tit alie minority to control the action of the lie majority the Pr president eident w was a 9 asked if lie ile tho thought light a the republicans would nuke make tile lie issues issue involved in tile the election bill prominent in future campaigns campaign the president said you I 1 will end there hero in ill the ho saine panic principle a guarantee of tile lie rule of the majority it will not do for the people of any ny section to fay that they chev must be itt alone that it is a ocal local question to tn be settled by the lie t states w u nether we ne shall have liono 4 cinc locq or riot not thit ili it iv br said if it were not for the fact that eliat the principle is at is uc in national elections election ind and that tile it in equality upon till house j of representatives it is so great ecat that it cannot be ignored it shall hall become a domhart issue in the immediate campaign or in ill the near future is a question fur fior the public to determine the president was asked ai kod if lie did not dot think the lie tariff issue for the present was ended so far as till in republican baity was concerned and that the baity as a ai party should resist further agitation of 0 the subject for at least a t no lie the president raid faid in ill cieply to till this most decidedly I 1 think there should tie je no more al agitation ai tation upon this subject until the McKi liley bill ila has bocen tried it lias has lioen been charged with numerous faults there is no reason will why itil it workings should lie ile prejudiced by malevolent prediction the bill ila lias liven ai en already long enough ili in operation onar to indicate il alicato that much 1 that was waa charged 0 a it lias w an untrue |