Show reed FEED AND SAL SALE E STABLE borsis analina ana fine rigs turned out on short notice outfits or li lis liing and ami 1 Is inting panties on oil bhart notice contrite cial men illen taken to ana an pai pint t of tile valley it at ablo rates toombs Hift Hick miu props cash paid FOR EA az ia UTAH D DR R G R MILES atik UTAH i I 1 veterinary alry dentistry a specialty all calls promptly attended day toombs and ar or night I 1 stable MATT manager VT fennemore Feim emore u aj N I 1 carry the largest best nuil and est stock of 0 COFFINS ANI AND JASK 1 TS in tile county comity also burial robes koles GION blocs es crale lippels s flowers anil and AVEST r f C itt 1 I J 1 1 s CONDITION POWDER 11 X on gj II 11 HORSES CATTLE HOGS SHEEP AND POULTRY I 1 i still ill ask my lily friends owning horses cattle or to give it a trial they allbe rettar dud by the possession of healthy and till thi thriving iving animals and will use it in if preference to all others ot heris it is a 1 positive tive fact that thee the e po Milers nil all that is claimed for theme they lie am abol absolutely vegetable containing Gentian I 1 fenugreek ginger ere and ench other valuable valti able ingi aa are to alie most inot skillful as the bea tor for general use in all animal ditlea ilie cas i old to jobbers and dealers only ael buur iner inerrant hant fur it Seetha sec eliat tiny my name and trade mark is on oil evera every package dealers should bend thear orders direct to C J Gueta veron providence cache co utah guatave is crits ancl greeba e khouli bo be ordered from iroil Z C il 11 1 I us as they aro are bole amenta agents for utah patent nose no bage liffee all and hubbies hobbles lie be ordered at alron Iroide wence nce headstones AND D el fi e Y 11 Sl 3 ig 1 s k the finest aik voik oik abild tile best anil and ani l finest indestructible BASES USED yo no decaying Urca ying stone I 1 nill deal dahly aitla etli those favoring me v ith orders corl A els works under the hill south of block cast ul of old foundry works 1 site I no rn riched lic c facilities oabe of the present ilay day for tile the production 0 oc 1 that will ivill conduce condace to the material v meltire elfre and ail comfort of aro are almost abio t it italina ted ZIA when syrup of fis v as aa first produced the forkl was enriched with ih the lie orly only perfect laxative biown u as it is the only rc v aich is tribly pleasing and refreshing to the taste ril mul prompt and to cleanse the system gently in m tile the spring vine time or in fact at onetime ony time airl the utter batter it is known akrc rop pep pe p ular liar it bc coines sun picture to lio aln of cost it at 3 W 0 o 0 do bo not suffer any longer knowin oMin that a coil coughi it ran lie be in in a day and ami the first bengoa t a 9 CS of 0 con coil ii blokell in ill a 1 stcl I i nc 1113 guarantee dr Acler fr cons princely anil and still refund the hie money to all N ito to liny buy take litko it pa per dire lions aud ilu do nobi not annl net oil our r gin taint lit if t correct sold by riter bros IF for sale two oH undred ard and acres of f 1 nik and i N milli ith ioel D ell ng I 1 leinse farm ins ing and all other conven seary for fol tile llie complete man mall dpn pu alion lation of 0 lite entire tanu farm well wa feted all under aultin cultivation aaion lint aind fenced city A apply 11 LAV to orao SMITH loa loaia ii new bakery aud and yeast house slits ilits lias has opened up 11 now flew Bak ervand am yc ast horii con ahti ee t almo almot t one block west wei t of coop co op yeast can call ito had a at 6 5 cents per peronail quai t sirs sinith is prepared it ID oric I 1 aln anything thill in ill tile lie bakery line mj end rs diw ill b be t alith liros bros liao to lona on oil barim in county li Lilio lenna reasonable call at t their uti icu acu o oker oer ker city DI iUiS stil tic e t A k lew few daa las s aw ago v hie lii e sitt inu in 11 aller ler pros drug blene at tingley Ti usley joua joaa clr T L D rr er A ell known anoni rk cit bitven cily ven cn cattle came in anil and it for goi for i severe coll latich lie w lul lead mr lr elder tool took ani blown if a bottle of cough fe amely fennelly rm inelly ely find sl said nl here is ia eom something ething I 1 can re conini end at a large lare sale mil and gives ivas genuine satisfaction it I 1 I 1 i 1 till nn elc fell and cheap I 1 I 1 sir mr D er punt it a buttle bottle and tile alio text eliy v lien atu esaw saw hi hiim lillie lie isaid lie vai as imn li better liitt vr anil and the day folloni if to be entire y ich torel tim is ia a specimen of the el of f this pi erh er H ration veit Jr loi ins clail it anil avid times i Lt lujin jin f ciHir ri a tl ithe tle cure for vat arrit dip lilt theda mil and einair irmith add I 1 I 1 1 bui liros anil and a fred turner dealer lit through bred jer terecy ev cattle ta leu and ami batic new libb cons for or salo ia 1 0 box 1 is lelice t notice the c will lie be a meeting of the landholders in ill the irrigation Irria lion dis 1 ir I ct liel held i on oil tuesday march ard 3rd rl A P D ib H at it 11 I 1 p in at tile hall on oil the tib tab smithfield Sinith neld city County ol 01 it bahe territory of utah for afie tl ie purpose pose ie of hearin hc li caring arin the report for tile the ye year kir A ak 1 I I 1 ning the rate ol ai tax for the ensuing year 3 ear and elc clini ollie cis for the ensuing two years with buch cli other business ns as may bo b before the nie meeting etin WILI ani is LF chairman il men rit accy lost asio inc lel id line lack safer three years u il if stal stag horns brand S on oil ME left hip alo rounder under bits lint of right care ear slit in elt eit any pel fil liling ii the sinie and alg iii to 1 I allies Nul loann will bo be an willard Willa nl utah NOU NOTICE the Q elect of the aisan irvele ark and canal company after in the usual manner 11 lut it at tile office of james X Z St strait calt ait A ao ol 01 on I 1 1 iati saturday afternoon altti noon 2801 insl otlien 1 hicl tic ole new boand boat it was or trini zed for the cu cushing suing two jears f ira as colloms foll fol Ns mr ir W Al aughan of loann Los iii pit pie ident ir nicholas IV IV Clook crookston ston of losan logan vice mr james 7 stewart of logan ioan clr laisch pearson of aide paik anil and clr fr george ioanu of being the alie other three directors R T PIL aaron rox acci detary all and tj bacu till bev iko FO 11 II THAYER of 0 Poin bon ciul 1 III anys a 1 1 im cli und awill it on our klirs to 10 i CUKE suld b kiln aros tt unit artall drug isab tod T about abon tonii one in cintli algo a pair of glue dille nith itla lilar frames rallies eclet N ill confer a i favor by bv leavin leaving at mr vogel s blew cry i the first symptoms of death tired feeling lull dull pains in ill oi the body at the pit of the stomach losi oi of appetite fe ve liell pimples and soles ai lie all positive evi evidence delce of poisoned blood no matter liow how it became poisoned it IH lie 10 liti ifield to avoid death dr ackers ill J ili blood dimir anis acer failed to remove i or poisons sold abl under miller positive e guarantee by lliter liter hi I 1 os T dr cough and lung syrup th is sy ru p I 1 ia s composed of wild cherry tar all and halsam balsam of tolu which every one kno knows s aie tho ino nicil it ionic and lical ing 1113 ici nedies known lor for alie throat and lun to this wr it adi add just j enough ipecac and aad blood root to loosen will and ahr ow oil kair tile the offending matter by c expectoration x fecto ration ask your ductor doctor it there could possibly plausibly bi be ii al moi e happy coull com birer tion for the cure of coutlis co uylis colds colda and bronchitis or to buildup build ap a weak and ema emaciated dated patient than this croup and cough there is nothing better and every mother who values tile lica of 0 lier her little children should always keep keel it in ill tile the house holice it is ia harmless and the babies like it sula sold by bv niter bros brog logan zori boass oes N ALL OF BOOKS JUST RECEIVED science ciance art literature agriculture 1 9 me M e ell c li atil a n i cs 38 all arks on etiquette works of fiction by stan standard aara authors books ca recitations plays tricks games ac tho the great monthlies salt lake dailies ac also for nil all kind of azri fancy y needle choice line of i reading I 1 c ning T matter 31 suitable for or luciea ladias LuJ iea mary cecil mays hays works mitis miss ont cs works I 1 and ot liere r halton is ia now flow to c lest ons in painting art materials ol of every IOB tage to fur sa sale I 1 C arz ista i ibi V alley asa ty V sa UA tea cantwell Cant Can weSS A sons milleville millville Mill ville fruit shade and ornamental T R P S on or about march we will vall be found with a heavy stock of all varieties arie ties of the above trees at the vacant ground brouna west of THE bui building laing second street logan wo we are always prepared spared pre pr parea to fill orders braer at the nurseries at W I 1 T 77 U J sl alar aL Lr jb J TT b ati U Q ii cras CS w no M THOMAS atsy old oid hall corner comer logan Tl mense imis in iii winter goods to close out ont Provi krovious Pro to building cr 10 per cent off doot 25 lier iier cent of air overcoats overcoat 25 per cent 0 off ff leather coats 23 lier ent cut of off ff rubber coats 23 25 per lier rent cent ofil off i wool ool 15 1 i i per cent oil off fascinator 15 per cent off f cardi an jackets 15 13 per cent oli off wool shawl i 15 per rent cent off ladies Laili cs kirts 15 per cent off astrakhan capes each cach 1150 0 r 13 1350 5 0 a and n d rI 15 yi isse coats at t actual cost children s coats at actual cost ladies newmarket at actual cost a I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 at ost al b R I 1 I 1 I 1 s |