Show sudden death on oil monday night nit fin old named charles Cli irles Clies soll died lie had not been anen ailing in ili any ay ay iy hall enten eaten heartily and ii liina 11 id debit to u ing indof of tin the latter itter da ajay saints of the first ward returning to to tile logan aoi in house chere horo lie lisia bas been doing chores cli orca lie ile fell fall oil in the aide alk ana before rea linia there about 10 1 0 oc lork ile ho I 1 as pi clied till ni mill carried into inlo tile hotel and died in ii si it few ile ho us nemia eighty years years of if age binl nit hall no relation rel dlinn 4 in otis country lil MI tio ans in and u t daughter in liverpool I I 1 ro thile lie ilas has lichu evil kept ly R I 1 14 S waton wat on esq asri being baisi too aci to for him himself delf ma death was vias vi as cau cadei eI by bv beart failure fai luie and there avre arc no inquest Ct as bichl the funeral N mill ill lake from the huwe ill it 2 pm tj lo day |