Show b A Wail from the Methodist Home The following extract was taken from n Utah Dovil Fish pamphlet sent last week to the Independent by the Woman's Hoard of Homo Missions of the TUB AS A of the obedience of power of the Mormon Church is entirely disproportionate to its order is issued by the authorities that a certain district shall furnish so many hundred emigrants for a given state or The families are m many from n inch ward or district equips Its own with seed the lika are selected where the two great political parties are of nearly equal and just enough Mormon families are planted there to hold the balance of Thus the Mormon authorities can mass their voters here or there with almost as much ease as a general moves his census of showed Mormons in in in in in in in in Arizona and in Their numbers- in these States have no doubt increased since The recent growth of the Church is At the beginning of the Mormons were about one-half as numerous as the During that year last for which we have Mormon the Congregational churches gained about the Presbyterian about the Methodist Episcopal about the With a membership only one-fifteenth part as large denominations s Z ns these Mormon three Church gained all oi than more ome them put This remarkable fa to be accounted for largely by the fact that the Mormons have missionaries scattered over the country who are going from house to house to make When the Mormon Church of six members was organized in if any one had prophesied that within three-score years and ten the membership of that Church would virtually control three of the great States of the and one hold the balance of power in several and own most of the land fit for agriculture from the Rocky Mountains to the Sierra Nevada an area equal to that of Great and Ireland lie would have been called foolish as followers of pretended Such a prophecy would have seemed far more improbable of fulfilment than the declaration of the the late late President President Wood that men of today would r to see every state west of Mississippi under Mormon If the foregoing statement is something must be with the Christian mission ies in T. C. stated that the Christian had spent over in and had made handful of pears to be a sloughing-oj place for cheap skates as Methodist Bishop Fowler calls them from If the Mormons are ever converted to orthodox they mil have to be reached by intelligent mio can offer them something bettor than they now Sending out Devil Fish throwing mud and circulating falsehoods will never converts Mormon or anybody Mormons will never evolve to better than until something better than Mormonism is shown |