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Show OUR PLATFORMS. STATE. Adopted by the Democratic State Convention, in Salt Lake City,.Scptem- , bar 14, 1898. Tho Pomocrats of Utah by tliolr delegates del-egates In convontlon nssomb.'ed, dc-claro dc-claro nnow thnlr nlleglanco to tho ; Democratic party of tho Nation, nnd for tho great osscntlal principles of i liberty which that party, more than a j century ago, was organized to piomoto and establish. J Wo rcaftlrin tho principles declared in tho Democratic platform, adopted in Chicago In 1890. Tho imporatlvo nocosslty of tho uso of both gold and ; silver for tho purposes of money throughout tho world, Is gonorally conceded. con-ceded. Tho uso of both is oesonHal to tho wolfuro nnd happiness of mankind. Tho re-cstabllshmont of such uso Is of Ijsuch vital Importance, that no ordinary ordi-nary dlfllcnlty should bo permitted to stand In tho way of Its attainment. It is generally acknowledged that without with-out both gold and sliver, people must sink In tho scalo of happiness and civilization. civil-ization. Thoy must languish in povorty, They must continuo to strugglo In vain to better their condition. Thoy must toll on without oven tho hopo of ado-quato ado-quato reward. Yot It Is said that for this pervading, flagrant wrong', thoro w, Is and cau bo no remedy, without tho K nld and consent of thoso who aro, and Rwlll roajaln deaf to all appeals for re-B re-B licf. Is St truo that at this tltno thoro H is a right which cannot bo made to HE prevail? A wrong for which thoro Is Hpo rompdy? Have tho maxims of our Bftracc proven false? Thcro Is a remedy, Blt Is declared in tho natlonul platform Hf!pf the Dornocratlo party, to which wc j'pow declaro our steadfast devotion. HvThat romedy Is tho onactmont of a law by the Congress of tho Unitod States, r. providing for tho free and unlimited F colnago of both gold and silver at tho ratio of 10 to 1, without waiting for tho ; nld or consent of other nations, such (consent being notoriously Imppsslblo to obtain, and that such coin boa legal i tender in paymeut of all debts both publlo and private. Tho Dornocratlo party oxtonds a corr dial welcome to all thoso persons who I liavo hcretoforo adhered to other or- ganizatloua, but who havo. soon tho jnsjnccrlty of tho professions of their former political associates, to thp cause of buuotalism. Thoy havo had Ithopgurago and honesty tq surrender Ithclr provlous relations aud Join hands with tho great Democratic party to bring about tho triumph of this all-lm-ffportunt nrinoinlo. ITIio war with Spain was necessary and inevitable it tho nation was to liavo any regard for tho protection of Its citizen?, and the redress of wrpugs and outrages on tho part of Spain, which had becomo Intolerable Every pousldoratlon of Justice aud humanity demanded quick and decisive action. Such was tho domand of tho American ppoplo. Yot after this, condition bo-camo bo-camo known for months a Republican administration hesitated, aud in weakness weak-ness sought to avoid tho responsibility growing out of this most Important prtsls. After resorting to various devices de-vices and docoptlvo representations, it was tit longth compelled through tlio patrlotlo ellorts of Dornocratlo members mem-bers of Congress aud an array of public ntiaiont to favor a declaration of war. Through tho skill, willingness, eacrlflco and heroism of tho army and die navy of tho United States, tho war bqbccn waB01' 10 a triumphant and glorious conclusion. I The Congress of tho Unitod States Knd tho cntlro pcoplo of tho country Mid Tiot wish to sparo tho niouoy or ffforis necessary to provldo our soldiers sol-diers and sailors with everything needed need-ed for their health, comfort and welfare wel-fare Their request for supplies was Sot by the action of. Congress prompt-, m, and to tho fullest limit of tho ro-Kcst. ro-Kcst. Notwithstanding this, It is to Rio chagrin of tho Nation that through Killtleal corruption or Incompetency IShho Republican administration, our Bldlers and sailors liavo not been Rfflclcntly provided for. Seemingly Jm regard has been paid to tho eondl, Sou of their health.. Through tho Kit is f the War department tht'v Bp Veen kept at places which became vorUnblo pest holes, until they wore so Stricken with hunger aud disease, that if thoy wero called upon to rondoi the service for which they wero' enlisted, en-listed, they would bo found physically unablo to respond. The people of tho United States hold to a rigid account thoso persons who may be found responslblo for this condition, con-dition, which discloses that thoy wero worso onemlos to tho country than thoso against whom our bravo aoldlors and 6eauion were ready to go forth to do battle. To tho ofllcers and men who volunteered volun-teered from tho Btnto of Utah aud who havo, wherever an opportunity has been afforded, as in tho battlo of Manila, so bravoly uphold ,ho honor of our country, and gouoral creilit pf our Stato, wo extend all praise, and fully assure thorn that the universal feeling is that tho futuro has no reward too good for thorn. |