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Show Utah Sugar Company Dividend. Tho board of directors of tho Utah Suirar company mot yesterday and received re-ceived tho reports of General Manager Cutlor. Tlioy wero in session oyer an hour. President Gcorgo Q. Cannon presiding, and among other transactions transac-tions of Importance was the declaration of a 5 per cent dividend on the capital stock, payablo on tho 30th; this was stated to bo for tho two quarter yearly year-ly periods ending that dato. It was also decided to pay regular quarterly dividends of 2 per cent horeaftcr, a stop which will doubtless still further stlffon tho rapidly advancing stook. Tho factory turned out half a mlllon pounds of sugur in tho first five days' rqn, all of it being sold to tho Utah jobbors at tho prevailing high prices. Salt Lako Herald, Friday. |