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Show DEMOCRACY'S SUCCESS ASSURED. As tho day of olectlou draws near It becomes mote and more nppiroiil Holt Hie eueee.-s of Iho Democratic ticket Is us-urcd. The vicious attacks made upon Mr. Roberts have iad tu op-poslto op-poslto oITect t th;it Intended by.tliu Republican press anil from all over ihu State come reports of sweeping gams In.1 Is making wlih tho people. Judge Hak)u Is well known as nil able jurist ijiid will carry iho Slate with Roberis. Even his enemies liavj) failed lu tho nerve 16 attack tho honor or ability of J 11 ige Raskin. Reports of Democratic meetings from all ptrts of the Slate Bjliow crowded houses and eiilhiii.liisjlo audiences. In our own county Dorn'o-Ci'ittlc Dorn'o-Ci'ittlc smcis was never In doubt, but Its Coiiiilnty Is being daily rendered doubly sure. Even the most raind Rt utib leans hold out only 1 tut prediction that they may eh ei p 1 rt. of llielr'tlpkct. 'o hiiyo no ieiton to believe out that evert' Democratic candidate In Utah county will he elected, and If ability and personal rcords, coupled' wui ihu party record, count for anything, every ono (if them Is certain of success. Don't, hcritch jour ticket. ''inarU your X up by thu rooster und let It go at that." 1 |