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Show 13 ,lirQR!Xnr tub Utah county 1)km Br- l,V II lM 1 r I I ocftAT wants iiK''nt.l ulic On ;IS I II W LL solicitors In l'rovo nno tJf nvory city ond town li PJ . Utah county. Llbcrr.l comuihMori allowed on M Jill tmslnens, Wo illiull niso ho iloocd to rc ! f&elyo communications ns to local linpjrnltig ti tor Interest.' A soon as poslbl our mnnnftor 1 .-will vlii; tho illlTorent tircclneti of thocountx 9m' with it view of Hrcurlnc corresnondcntN und SflT" ngentR. Aildrom all communication tn THE UTAH COUNTY DKMOCKAT. ' l'rovo City. UUli H 'nr.rilTC ThefollnwInRnreuulhor vr TliirixJ I Ir.ed by thn inatmBn.iion' V i I U L3l l 1 Ct of tub Utah couktv , I)EMO(;n at tp recoh o or .'l,r dors for subscription arid alt other busluotb O nnrt to collect money on all accounts : IV Amofican Porlt !.,,Kbcriezcr Hiintci fflp HprlnBVlllo . l. E. llouti Alplnu I It. Vanci f 1 '" ' " 1 ,'" ' 1 " , Eggertsoii fa Closing Out ! "The Shoo- Department." Over $cp pairs Ladies', Mioses' and Children's; Chil-dren's; Men's" and Boys' Shoes, Price no Object, .'! 1 Hill" ' " I M.ust bn sold at once. Come today and get your choice. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PROYO. .Gensral Banking BnsinGss Transacted. DIRECTORS: AV. R. Pike Preslnont S, 3. Jones Vice-President J.O. Graham. Geo. Taylor,- Joseph 1'. Smith. E. F. Sheets ' D. A. Swan: ' 1,1 D. A. SWAN, Cashier. Safety deposit boxes for rent from $.1 per anntim and upwards. PROVO COMMERCIAL and Savings Bank, j PROVO CITY, UTAH. Capital, $7j,0Qi) Snrplns, $;o,(00, DIRECTORS: Reed SmooJ President. C. K. Loono ,,.. Vlce-freslflout: John .lone?, James A Bean, Roger Farrer. L. S. Hills, John IL Twelves. 403. T. FARRER, CASHIERi General banking business transadtod.' Safe der,oit boxes for rant. - - p ' V -, " -3 TT IS TIME NOW l0 think aboia pj'jN 5j i wl't kind or cooking ai)Para,Uj . jL1 yu are going to uso the c, JHIal O j vvl,Ucr- .W-yOtbuyanlMPElu (tXy 3 KANGEPItisthecatest, cleanest and 4 JSlWI ' lust ','Ke on tho puirkot. We huvg ' j . rVFI -.J'' 'Lauj them that range trgni 823 to 8'n nA Jl iSS'KiSnll my n 18 ,,,,r,nU,'-J IIst-cl7s q I 3 P "vcryway. Our line ot ffJ 3-Pr 19 con,f),(!tu nml 'ou cnn nn'' lss it by ' tf , ''""F ' us' - '" ' ' Do not full to oqa our HOT BLAST ( IMPERIAL RANGE. GEM before b.tylng a Heater, h , 1 the warmest thing Hint ever happened and will save ONE-HALF your fuel. Wo never leave tho store and rro tilwayj ready to attend your wuiHs for anylhlng in Jumltvoro. PROVO HARDWARE & IRON COMPANY, The lever that -Nm JwL niQYes the coal TvPPW ,nnrlor ,n 11,0 Inturust" of consumers js MMMiS qmUly- Th0 '"""'y ot 0llr Coal 1. pSlti of such a high grado that It will ri.!l9 I ltlnyo.urestlrijallononihollrstbaklri)r I tf ,ll,y' c" ,i,u flrafc co!d 8,mP l,,al 8llr' 1 Sr 1)rlscs you' " hnyo a R0( ""I'l'1 I r. "-"JJwt, yojjr Jblq. Wo 7lll servo you promptly I V'""nv" eo.e...( aodatprlctisaslowastholowest. ' I SMOOT & SPAFFORD AgGni's. I TiSLKnioNK Ifq. 17. City 0llcet Tfovo Comntorcpil & Savings lhnk, I THE MAINE, I M W. Center St., i'rovo. I R. D. SUTTON, Proprietor. I Finest line of Wines, Liquors and Cigars in Central Utah, I Courteous treatment for all. I AbL ' ' ' ' Book-Binding. I MUSs Papor-Ruling. I WHh!-. rrJU'l Tnipmycil maciilnery.. Ski lea; J JSJW'fDfilSs Wfirkoien employed. Anno but H wWjSfeyia llisi class work turned out of our .TSwgflg jj establishment. County. City nn H 4 il lT"1 iit,T')iriUM11 .XVullt, ,'j,,,e''m"y 8IJ H Sg l.awyei'P vlll II nd us capalilw of H S.vff J!8" be done n? tho large concerns 0! I C , ,.!, frJT.L'-.lr IV- - Eu8l unij gujt LuUe H The Skeltoii Pub. & Stationery Cos I PROVO CITY, UTAH. I E. J, WARD & SONS, I . LUMBER YARD ID PUPG MILLS, I All kinds of COAL. I n.-,?-r-;j?..'jr yum H Telephone 32. Provo, Utah. fl Mm A. Lewis'- I Lively Stable, 1 Best Accpipmodations for Traveling Men. H Give me a call when you want a first-class rig. B We want you I to cqme and qee our beautiful stock of Furniture, Car? H petSj Wall-paper, Linoleums, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Pianos, Organs. Guitars,' etc. Crcckcy. H Glassware and Jewqlry; Sleel RangQs,' Stoves and B Stove Ifuiniture.' Tjie largest line of these goods R cabled by any hquse jn tle West, at pricqs that will be sure to please you. H OUR NEW QARPETS ARE BEAUTiEEj. H PRICE8 WAY DOWN. H Our entire stock of Wall Paper will boiold at a sac; H rifice to make rooifl for new stock. Gome any tifnej we never sleer, TAYLOR BROS. CO- Sjncr of ntcr St., VROVO; llrancli IJotwe, .KTJRKKaVUTAj 'B |