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Show JUDQE RASKIN OR JUDGE ZANE? By special reiuest wo reproduce tho following editorial from the Salt Lake Herald. Tho olcctlon of Supremo Judges Is a most Important mutter and wo bellevo tho edltprtnl is entitled to careful reading: Elsewhcro lu this tssuo will be found expressions of opinion by members of tho bar upon tho fitness of Jjglgo Raskin Ras-kin for tho otllce of Justice of the Supremo Su-premo Cour.t. Toihosn who nro acquainted with Judge Buskin, and nro familiar with Ms long career at the bar, no endowment endow-ment of this kind Is necessary. For many yours bo has stood In the front rank of his profession In Utah, and the records bf tho courts lu varied ami Important litigation attest his ability as a lawyer. No ono of tho Justices of tho court, It Is boliuved, has over directed di-rected so many nnd weighty cases as has Judge Raskin. A gradpato of the celebrated law school of Harvuid University, Uni-versity, ull his Ufa ha has beon u student stu-dent of books, of men nnd affairs, until now, In tho maturity of his years, ho offers In support of his candidacy a cultured mind stored with learning, aud withal on educated sense of Justice so sensltlvo os lo preclude ull suspicion of Influence through extraneous cli-cumitahces. cli-cumitahces. Ho has no relationships at tho bur which can cast a shadow upon h)s administration of justice, and existing pouiiiilons jtuporutlyoly dot muwj:bls ejection. WeiWi)d npt have deemed Jt neces sarv .to say so much In behalf of lha Democratic nominee, but for the fat t that eertiiln sittaltRmtbllefi oratois thro-ughouUhe.jState ijlra preeumlng to " ... qti s Ion Ids capacity for judletul sin-l,uu. sin-l,uu. We do not think thai this sort of talk wlluld tho Repub'.lcau candl. Judge Z inn ought not to bn elected. For lb roe years, against the generally gener-ally underxtood, but Inelfeetuiil pnicsl of lawyers mid clients, ho liM,piesI(h (I in the Supreme Court of tho Stule, auu pronounced Judgment ill ensn. afliu cao In which his son was viisiujod us counsel. It has not been tintismil for lltliauts to iet:iln iho son to niguo appuuls before be-fore his father lu the Supreme Court after trials In lhJ lower courts, ami this very elniumitancn has given rlnu to pronounced and Imrsli et'ileism of tlio bench. Wo do not shy the Judge was, or would be, knowingly Inlliieiiced by the fuel iliai atlvantiRti would u-cesitrily u-cesitrily resuit to the sou b . a practice so fo? I urcd. but such impreloti U abroad among the people and Its tendency ten-dency Is to hi lug tho bench Into disrepute, dis-repute, Amid tho clash and clangor of war-ring war-ring political factions, the people should not lose sight of tho Supreme Conn, nor the necessity luipeinling In preserve the bench from reproach or oven suspicion. Jillgo Buskin should bo elected. |