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Show Bec-llooroy Wedding". Last Wednesday evening tho Booroy-Bee Booroy-Bee wedding took ylurc at the homo ot tho brldu'b parents. Only tho Im-mediate Im-mediate members of the family wero present besides Ho v. Mr. and Mrs. Klrhyo. At 0 o'clock the groom iook his position, nnd the bride was presented pre-sented to lilm by her father. Rev, Mr. Klrbyo then stepped forward nnd performed per-formed thu beautiful ring coiemony of tho Methodist Episcopal church that madu the young cnuplu husband and wife. The bride was attired lu a beautiful beau-tiful silk gown, trimmed with satin, overlaid with lacu mid rhiucstono buckles. Tho groom was dressed In black. Their presents were numerous and costly mid slmw thu esteem in which tliey urc huh!. They tiro among the finest young peoplu of Provo mid the best wishes of till attend them. A most excel luii t dinner was served. |