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Show LEMEN BROS. MONSTROUS SHOWS. Tho World's Greatest Circus of STod-dci'ii STod-dci'ii Times. Call nil tho others what you will; but when all is said and told, and re-told, thoro is but ono groat circus which Is In every particular and detail tho groatost and grandest of tho en tiro world's circuses, nnd that Is the Lemon Brothers' World's Monster Shows, which Is coming to Provo on Woduos-dav, Woduos-dav, October IS In nil its regal magnificence, magni-ficence, Its unrivaled splendor, Its unequalled un-equalled nunibors and vast proportions. propor-tions. Under tho greatest city of snow-white snow-white tents evor orcctod on any grounds will be seen fully one bund-red bund-red count them 1 fully ono hundred exalted stars, who will give ICO superior super-ior and supremo acts, too numerous to clnsstfy, too many to numc, too multifarious multi-farious to describe. Bnrob'ick riding, hurdlng trick, fancy and manege riding, rid-ing, aerial acts, grand gymnastics, tumbling, vaulting leaping, athletic and contortion feats, judgllng, cqiilll-bristle cqiilll-bristle polo balancing, breaking ladder and othor acts, Unlquo, stately, astounding, as-tounding, no rial, stage and arcnlo performances, per-formances, not seen else whore. Many of them by foreign artists, plenty of them by homo artists. Remember tho dato and do not miss tho big show. |